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2004 年第4期
作者:胡国成等 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Winter 2004, Vol. 18, No. 4 ARTICLES Errors That Should Not Happen: the Description of America in A High School History Textbook Hu Guocheng (7) USTaiwan Military Relations in Bushs First Term: Seen from the Implementation of Bushs Decision of Arms Sale to Taiwan Zhang Qingmin(15) This paper traces some new features of USTaiwan military relations during Bushs first term, including increased arms sales to Taiwan, sharing of intelligence between the two sides, visits of high ranking Taiwan military officials to the U.S., etc. But Taiwans incapacity to purchase the large package of weapons President Bush decided to sell in 2001 manifests that it is becoming more and more difficult for Taiwan to buy what the U.S. is willing to sell due to the changes taking place in Taiwan in recent years. The political implications of these changes are especially noteworthy. The Election of the Local Leaders in Taiwan in 2004 and US Policy towards TaiwanTao Wenzhao(39) Since President Bush took office in 2001, he has made adjustments in U.S. Taiwan policy. He announced that he would take whatever it took to help Taiwan to defend itself if the mainland attacked Taiwan, and strengthened relations, especially military relations with Taiwan. This, in essence, encouraged the proindependence forces in Taiwan. After Chen Shuibian put forward his timetable for Taiwan independence in September 2003, Bushs Taiwan policy underwent a new adjustment, emphasizing the maintenance of the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. And this will remain his policy in his second term.The Taiwan issue involves great danger, but it is still possible to deter de jure independence and prevent major developments towards that end. China and the United States should be vigilant so as not to let a handful of diehards to undermine SinoAmerican relations. Interchanges of Unilateralism and Multilateralism Ye Jiang(59) Isolationism is one of Americas foreign policy traditions as well as a foundation for unilateral foreign policy. Although in the second half of the 20th century multilateralism dominated American foreign policy, unilateralism, on the basis of isolationism, did not fade away. Currently, the Bush Administration takes a negative attitude towards multilateralism and promotes unilateral foreign policy. This is closely related to the influence of traditional isolationism, the theory of neoimperialism as advanced by neoconservatism and power politics. However, the Bush Administrations unilateral foreign policy has suffered frustration and defeat in actual implementation and has been questioned at home and abroad. Considering this and the globalization of international political and economic systems and the development of digitalization, it is possible that multilateralism may again be adopted in the foreign policy of the new administration. The U.S.British Special Relationship and the International Order Zhao Huaipu(73) The close association and long cooperation between the United States and Britain show that the USUK special relationship is not only a historical fact but also a reality. Britains proAmerican policy and the two countries strategic unanimity over the international order are the key factors contributing to the continuing existence of the special relationship. As the main beneficiaries and defenders of the existing international order, both the US and the UK have since 1945 made the control of international economy and domination of the world order the basis of their foreign policies, and adopted roughly similar policies. The aim of controlling international order, however, faces new challenges in the post ColdWar period. Apart from the objection of the developing world, some of the key allies of the United States also refuse to accept a unipolar world dominated by the US, although Britain continues to stand firmly on the side of the United States. Security Assessment and Policy Choice of the United States towards Missile Proliferation in South Asia Li Xiaojun(86) India and Pakistan are de facto nuclear powers. To acquire overwhelming advantage in nuclear striking power, the two countries have been competing in the development of sophisticated missiles and carrying vehicles, which has aroused grave concerns of the United States. Since 9/11, the United States has been deeply worried about the possible acquisition of missiles and other advance carrying vehicles of WMD by terrorists in South Asia. The article describes the American assessment of missile proliferation in South Asia and analyses ,on the basis of such assessment, US policy and measures for the containment of missile proliferation. The writer holds that the United States thinks that by setting up missile control mechanisms and mutual deterrence between India and Pakistan, South Asia missile proliferation can be effectively checked. However, if there is no breakthrough on some of the key security issues related to missile proliferation, the prospect will not be encouraging. A Survey of the Academic Thinking of Robert O. KeohaneMen Honghua(103) Robert O. Keohane is a master in explaining and developing world political theory. Throughout his academic life, he has been at the center of the debate of international theories. This article evaluates Keohanes achievements in terms of his academic career, his academic thinking and academic enlightenment. The article points out that the theoretical system of international institution advanced by Keohane is not only an academic bridge between realism and liberalism, but also adopts an open attitude, absorbing the latest results of other schools of international theory, especially the latest result of constructivism, thus maintaining a leading position in the academic field. REVIEWS Brushing Away the Dust of History: the Discovery and Publication of The Bondwomans Narative by Hannah CraftsJin Li(119) The Policy Thinking of Deng Xiaoping towards the United States and Chinas Grand Strategy: A Review of Deng Xiaoping and the United StatesLiu Jianfei(130) The Trouble of Hostility: A Review of Philippe Rogers The American Enemy: The History of French AntiAmericanismLiu Deshou(137) A Multidimensional Interpretation of the History of US Drug Policy in the 20th Century: Review of David F. Mustos The American Disease: Origins of Narcotics ControlZhang Yongan(142) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Summary of the Symposium on “Development and Change of US Arms Control Policy in the Bush Administration”Fan Jishe(152) The Microfilms of American Government Archive Open to Chinese Public Free(151) Corrections(151) New Books(154) 2004 American Studies Quarterly Index(157) Editors Note(160)

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