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作者:刘建飞等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY 季刊第24卷2010年第3期9月5日出版 美国“民主联盟”战略的困境(刘建飞) 当代美国“民主援助”解析(刘国柱) 美国气候变化立法进展及启示(高翔、牛晨) 美国最高法院关于外国法的大辩论(杜涛) 公共美德的失却与美国向现代工商社会的迈进(王晓德) 试析美国女性社会改良先锋简•亚当斯的宗教观(王红欣) 〇文献与研究 美国的新思想库(魏红霞) 美国印第安人研究的现状(王建平) 〇书评 推进美国城市史研究的新尝试(曹升生) ——评《美国新城市化时期的地方政府》 〇学术动态 中华美国学会第六届理事会议在京召开 “改革开放以来中国的美国研究”研讨会综述(卢宁) 著述巡礼 编后 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Volume 24, Number 3, Fall 2010 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute. MANUSCRIPTS SHOULD BE SENT TO: American Studies Quarterly at the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Addr. Dong Yuan, No. 3 Zhang Zizhong Rd., Beijing 100007, China). SUBSCRIPTIONS: Call (8610) 6400-0071 Fax: (8610) 6400-0021 Email: mgyjjk@gmail.com http://www.mgyj.com ISSN1002-8986Copyright 1987-2010 American Studies Quarterly Printed in Beijing, China AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Fall 2010, Vol. 24, No. 3 ARTICLES Predicament of the “Concert of Democracies” Strategy(Liu Jianfei) Although the concept of “Concert of Democracies” proposed by the Princeton Project was once a hot issue among strategic research circles, the Obama Administration has not clearly adopted its strategy. The strategy seems to suffer a setback. However, this is not a strategic choice for the Obama’s policy but a tactical one. From a longterm point of view, promoting democracy in the world is in accordance with US global strategic interest. Besides, there still exists a favorable international situation for the continued promotion of democracy. So, as an important means for promoting democracy, the strategy of “Concert of Democracies” still has vitality and will be likely to be re-considered and practiced by future American governments. An Analysis of Contemporary American Democracy Assistance(Liu Guozhu) Since the Carter administration implemented the human rights diplomacy, democracy assistance has become an integral part of foreign aid of the United States. When the Reagan administration established the National Endowment for Democracy, democracy assistance tended to be institutionalised. After 9/11, promoting democratisation in the world was high priority of US foreign aid. The US governments democracy assistance not only directly provides the recipient countries with funds, materials and human resources, but also links its economic aid with political reform and democratisation of the recipient countries. While democracy assistance reflects American politicians commitment to American political ideologies and cultural values, it is an important means in the “soft power” for the American government to realise its national interest in the current new international situation. The Progress of US Climate Change Legislation(Gao Xiang and Niu Chen) Climate change legislation is one of the most focused issues for the US Congress in recent years. This article analyses the progress of US climate change legislation, with emphasis on the American Power Act of 2010 proposed by Senators Kerry and Lieberman and the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 approved by the House of Representatives. There are significant differences between the two bills, concerning attitudes towards nuclear power development, offshore oil and gas production, allocation of carbon emission allowance and the stability of carbon market. Compared with the terms of the climate change bills of the previous Congress, the current bills attach more importance to energy independence and security, incentives for domestic development of clean energy technology, emission reduction and job creation. These differences manifest the impact of changes in international and domestic situations as well as the struggle among the different political forces. However, the ultimate purpose of climate change legislation, in general, is to promote Americas sustainable development and to strengthen the global leading role of the United States, more than addressing climate change and coping with international pressure. A Study of Debates on the Invocation of Foreign Legal Provisions by the US Supreme Court(Du Tao) In recent years, the US Supreme Court invoked foreign legal provisions and international treaties as persuasive authority in the interpretation of the American Constitution. This has caused heated debates between conservative and liberal justices represented by Scalia and Breyer respectively. The conservatives adhere to the fundamentalist approach, insisting that such invocation violates the original intent of the constitution and cannot properly explain its genuine meaning. The liberals advocate a comparative approach towards the interpretation of the constitution, holding that in the era of globalization, absorbing positive elements in the laws of other countries will keep the American constitution move with the moving society. The debate is a reflection of the conflict between two traditional political forces, the conservatives and the liberals, in American society. The Lost Public Virtues and America’s March toward a Modern Commercial and Industrial Society(Wang Xiaode) Many of the founding fathers were greatly influenced by the classical republicanism. They advocated ethical norms based on the public virtues of the Renaissance, constantly watched out the corruption from power and strove to avoid excessive expansion of wealth which might bring about the disintegration of social cohesion. Therefore, they laid emphasis on the importance of public virtues in the development of this newly independent country. However, their classical republican minds went more or less incompatible with the modern industrial civilization, and with the trend of American development after the Independence of the United States. As policy-makers for development of the nation, it was impossible for them not to adjust to the change. Thus, many of them experienced a course of gradual identification with modern industrial civilization. As a result, this identification promoted the United States to march toward a society of commerce and industry in great strides. The Religious Outlook of the American Woman Social Reformer Jane Addams(Wang Hongxin) As the most distinguished woman in the Progressive Era in America, the transformation of Jane Addams religious outlook embodied the complex and subtle relationship between religion and middle-class white women in the era. Jane Addams ambivalent attitude toward religion is derived both from her personal experience and the social environment of the time. In her view, it was in the interest of their families for women to participate in social reform. Furthermore, it is imperative to break through limitations of religious institutions and dogmas if the religious spirit is to be preserved in the new historical conditions. Jane Addams relationship to religion illustrates a religious outlook based on pragmatism. DOCUMENTS AND RESERACH American Newly-founded Think Tanks(Wei Hongxia) American Indian Studies: Canon Formation, Discipline Construction and Institutionalization(Wang Jianping) REVIEWS A Review of Local Governments and Regional Governing in Metropolitan America(Cao Shengsheng) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES The Annual Conference of the Chinese Association for American Studies held in Beijing Summary of the Symposium on “American Studies in China since the Beginning of the Reform”(Lu Ning) New Books Editor’s Note

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