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作者:陈宝森等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美 国 研 究 季 刊 1994年第1期 AMERICAN STUDIES 第8卷 3月5日出版 发展中美经贸关系的正确所向 陈宝森() 美国人眼中的“大中华” 王缉思 朱文莉() 反英雄与亚文化 朱世达() ——美国战后避世朝代作家与王朔比较研究 朝鲜战争初期的英美关系(1950.6-1951.6) 赵学功() ○争鸣 国际政治的又一种透视 王逸舟() ——亨廷顿《文明的冲突》一文述评 塞缪尔·P·亨廷顿及其“文明冲突”论 徐国琦() ○论点摘编 罗斯福“新政”在世界史上的地位 刘绪贻() 第二次世界大战与罗斯福“新政” 李存训() 中美贸易中双方的利得分析 韦 伟() 克林顿需要什么样的经济学 陈克容() ○书评 为美国开药方 张蕴岭() ——介绍莱斯特·瑟罗新著《21世纪的角逐》 一个美国史研究者的足迹 杨玉圣() ——评邓蜀生著《美国历史与美国人》 ○信息 美中经济关系国际研讨会综述 胡国成() ○新书架 () 告读者 () 本期责任编辑: 赵 梅 编辑出版 中华美国学 中国社会科学院美国研究所 照排 中国社会科学院美国研究所 印刷装钉 北京仰山印刷厂 发行、订阅处 中国社会科学院美国研究所 北京建国门内大街5号 刊号 ISSN1002-8986/CN11-1170/C@ 国外代号 Q1122 国外发行 中国国际图书贸易总公司 北京399信箱 定价: 国内版3.00元 国际版3.00美元(邮费在外) AMERICAN STUDIES Sprint 1994 Vol. 8, No. 1 ESSAYS THE CORRECT WAY FOR DEVELOPING SINO-U.S. ECONOMIC TIES Chen Baosen () In the post-Cold War period, both America and China are facing the historical task of invigorating their respective economies. Better Sino-U.S. economic and trade relationship will bring substantial benefits to the economies of both countries and contribute to their revitalization. Now that China’s open policy is all-round without any obstacle to a closer economic tie with the United States, it is up to the Clinton Administration to surmount ideological divergence, adopt correct policies towards the mainland of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and lead Sino-U.S. economic and trade relations to a healthy and steady development. “GREATER CHINA” IN THE AMERICAN EYE Wang Jisi and Zhu Wenli () In recent years America’s China watchers have attached great importance to the emerging economic integration of the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong, which they often refer to as “greater China.” The article analyzes American interests in this area and the implications for U.S. policy toward China. ANTI-HEROES AND SUB-CULTURE: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE WRITERS OF THE BEAT DECADE AND WANG SHUO Zhu Shida () In a comparative perspective, the author analyzes the socio-economic and ideological scenarios of American society in the 50s and Chinese society in the 80s and 90s that give birth to the writers of the Beat Decade and Wang Shuo of China. The author comes to understand that there are similarities as well as differences between them: the leading characters of their fiction are all anti-heroes, sharing the same free-for-all outlook on life and a lack of belief in anything but easy pleasure though Kerouac’s anti-heroes are other-worldly and Wang Shuo’s are worldly. The author concludes that they are all sub-cultural phenomena with but secondary literary and aesthetic importance. U.S.-BRITISH RELATIONS IN THE EARLY DAYS OF THE KOREAN WAR Zhao Xuegong () The United Kingdon was one of the major countries engaged in the Korean War as well as the most important military ally of the United States. In the early days of the war its divergences with the United States on such issues as the Taiwan policy, the petroleum embargo on China and the ultimate goal of the war and so on, and British efforts all had impacts on U.S. policy toward Korea. Thus any development of the British-U.S. relationship would doubtlessly play a decisive role in the course of war. ESSAY REVIEWS A NEW KIND OF PERSPECTIVE ON INTERNATIONAL POLITICS Wang Yizhou () The author examines a recent article by Samuel P. Huntington (“The Clash of Civilization”), criticizing the view on confrontations between the West and the East and discussing the roles of Nationalism and Nation0tates in contemporary world. The approach of “Grand-culture” embodied in the article is reviewed. Huntington’s response to the criticism published in FOREIGN AFFAIRS is also appraised on some key points. SAMUEL P. HUNTINGTON AND “THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATION” Xu Guoqi () The merits in Huntington’s essay “The Clash of Civilization” include his emphasis on the difference between civilization of nations and his interpretation of international conflicts from a cultural viewpoint. However, his theory does not help in understanding these conflicts, because he sees the term “civilization” as immutable and oversimplifies it. Besides, he uses double standards in interpreting facts; his depicting of the Western and other civilizations has not got out of the rut of the Cold War; and he ignores the influence of market economy on international relations. Mankind have to cooperate if they are to survive. His argument on antagonism of mankind may lead the world astray. ACADEMIC DIGEST PLACE OF ROOSEVELT’S NEW DEAL IN WORLD HISTORY Liu Xuyi () WORLD WAR II AND F.D. ROOSEVELT’S NEW DEAL Li Cunsun () ANALYZING GAINS OF BOTH PARTIES IN SINO-U.S. TRADE Wei Wei () THE ECONOMICS BILL CLINTON NEEDS Chen Kerong () BOOK REVIWES A PRESCRIPTION FOR THE UNITED STATES: COMMENTS ON HEAD TO HEAD BY LESTER THUROW Zhang Yunling () TRACKS OF A RESEARCH OF AMERICAN HISTORY: COMMENTS ON THE AMERICAN HISTORY AND AMERICANS BY DENG SHUSHENG Yang Yusheng () ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC RELATIONS Hu Guocheng () NEW BOOKS () THE EDITOR’S NOTE () AMERICAN STUDIES, a quarterly, is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies, and the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views either of the Association or the Institute.

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