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作者: 来源:美国政治室 时间:2007-03-14
9.11后的美国:变化与延续 国际会议通知 北京外国语大学美国研究中心、中国社科院美国研究所和美国中美教育交流基金会(USCET),定于2007年10月20-21日在北京联合举办“9.11后的美国:变与不变”国际会议。兹诚挚邀请海内外致力于美国研究的专家学者,金秋时节聚首北京,就此主题深入探讨,交流成果,将美国研究推向新的高度。 主题与专题 2001年9月11日美国遭受恐怖主义袭击以来,人们对于9.11给美国所造成的影响有不同解读。最初不少人认为,9.11改变了美国的方方面面,无论是国内政治、经济文化,还是对外政策都发生了根本性的变化;9.11是美国历史上具有划时代意义的事件。但随着时间的推移,越来越多的人开始进一步在反思9.11的影响,又多倾向认为9.11给美国所带来的变化非常有限,并没有起先预期的变化大。对这一问题的反思与辩论仍在持续之中。 本次国际会旨在系统评价9.11对美国政治经济、文化、传媒以及对外关系与海外形象等诸多方面的影响,解读9.11以来美国社会与对内对外政策的变与不变,进一步思考美国未来的走向,从而推动美国研究向前发展。 为此,会议热烈欢迎国内外专家学者紧密围绕会议主题以及下列专题,提交学术论文: • (1) 国家安全与对外政策 (National Security Strategy and Foreign Policy) • (2) 反美主义与美国国际形象 (Anti-Americanism and US International Images) • (3) 美国国内政治 (American Politics) • (4) 传媒与政府互动 (Media and Government Interactions) • (5) 经济与贸易 (Economy and Trade) • (6) 社会与文化 (The Social and Cultural Landscape) • (7) 电影与文化 (Films and Literature on War) • (8) 历史长河中的9.11:比较与对照 (9/11 and History: Analogies and Comparisons) 征文安排 有意向参加本国际会议的专家学者,请于2007年4月15日前,通过电子邮箱或者邮寄方式,将回执寄回会议的组委会,并提供论文题目,及300字左右的论文提要。组委会将根据论文提要,决定是否接受论文,并于2007年5月20日前给予通知。接到参会通知的专家学者,请于2007年9月15日前将论文的详细英文摘要(请不少于800单词),以电子邮件的方式发给组委会(会议接受的文件格式有:word格式、rtf格式和html格式),以备最终编排会议分组以及印制相关材料。最终完稿的论文,请自备60份,提交给组委会。 兹将重要的时间节点总结如下: • 2007年4月15日:寄回回执,提交论文题目及提要 • 2007年5月20日:通知接受论文 • 2007年9月15日:提交详细的英文摘要 • 2007年10月20-21日:国际会议召开 会议语言 会议的工作语言为英语。会议论文可以使用中文或英文撰写。会议不提供即时翻译服务。 论文体例 本次会议的所有论文均使用脚注,并在文末附上参考文献。论文凡用中文的撰写的,脚注体例与参考文献均按照《美国研究》学术季刊的投稿要求。具体方法,可以参看该刊网站上的相关说明:www.mgyj.com/about_notes.pdf。论文凡用英文的撰写的,脚注体例与参考文献均按照美国的“芝加哥体例”,具体方法可以参见其官方网站:www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/。 与会人员 参与本次国际会议的人员,将由两部分组成。一部分包括自愿提交论文的海内外从事与美国相关研究的专家学者。同时,会议也欢迎正在攻读博士学位的研究生积极提交论文。 另外,由于中美教育基金会的“美国研究网络”(American Studies Network)年会将在本次国际会议之后进行,与会人员还将包括该协会成员单位代表(简称“网络成员代表”)。但是作为代表出席的,每单位只限一人,且原则上须提交论文。会议热情欢迎“美国研究网络”成员单位的其他专家学者提交论文参与会议,但将与同前述第一类与会人员等同对待。 会务费与餐饮 除了会议特邀主旨发言人及提交正式论文的“网络成员代表”外,与会人员须交纳会务费。本次国际会的会务费为300元人民币(或50美元)。此会务费包括报到费、开会期间的每日用餐,以及会议的各茶歇。 交通 除了会议特邀主旨发言人及提交正式论文的“网络成员代表”外,与会人员均须自理往来北京的交通费用。与会人员可以自行到达会议现场(北京市大兴区外研社国际会议中心),或者先到北京外国语大学,然后由组委会提供本地交通。但是,组委会的义务仅限于提供北京外国语大学与外研社国际会议中心之间的本地交通,且只在会议报到日和会议结束日的特定时间段提供此项服务。 住宿 会议组委会将为所有提交正式论文的与会代表提供住宿。住宿的标准为,外研社国际会议中心公寓的标准套房,每套房间可以住两人。套房内有两个单独的卧室和公共的卫生间及小客厅。除了特邀主旨发言人及“网络成员代表”之外,其他不能提交论文的与会者,需自理住宿费用,但组委会可以负责联系安排房间;不便之处,敬请见谅。 会议日程(暂定) 2007年10月19日 全天安排会议报到 2007年10月20日 上午:会议开幕式、大会主旨发言 下午:分组会议 晚上:欢迎宴会 2007年10月21日 上午:分组会议、大会闭幕式 下午:美国研究网络会议 会议相关地点 北京外国语大学(西院) 地址:北京市海淀区西三环北路19号。 乘车路线:(1)若从北京火车站抵京,则可先乘坐地铁到公主坟站下车。然后从“公主坟南站”乘坐323、374、394、968、运通103、运通108;或从“公主坟北站”乘坐374、394、811、836、968、运通103,都在“魏公村西口站”下车。(2)若从北京西客站抵京,则可直接乘坐374到“魏公村西口站”下车。(3)若从首都国际机场抵京,则可乘坐四线机场巴士(至公主坟),在“北京电视台”下车,前行200米。 外研社国际会议中心 地址:北京市大兴区黄村镇芦城工业开发区。 电话:(010)6120-7777(总机) 乘车路线:乘坐937支线可直达外研社国际会议中心(统一润滑油站下)。可以先从北京火车站乘坐地铁到南礼士路,然后换乘937支线;或直接从北京西站北广场马路北侧乘937。从北京站打的约需70元以上,从西客站打的约需50余元。 会议联系方式 来函垂询,提交回执、论文提要、论文英文摘要及全文,请联系闫循华。 邮寄地址:100089 北京外国语大学英语学院 闫循华 (收) 电子邮箱:yanxh@bfsu.edu.cn 和yanxh@263.net。(为安全起见,请同时发至这两个邮箱。) 传真号码:(010) 8881-6282 如电话垂询本次会议相关事宜,请在办公时间致电(010) 8881-6071,找鞠丹咨询。 更多信息 有关本次国际会议的更多信息,可以查询各主办单位的网站。具体网址如下: 北京外国语大学美国研究中心:http://seis.bfsu.edu.cn 中国社科院美国研究所:http://ias.cass.gov.cn 美国中美教育交流基金会:http://www.uscet.net Call For Papers The United States after September 11: Changes and Continuities October 20-21, 2007 FLTRP International Convention Center Beijing, China The Institute of American Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IAS,CASS), American Studies Center at Beijing Foreign Studies University (ASC), the US-China Education Trust (USCET), and cordially invite scholars from all disciplines to participate in the international conference “The United States after September 11: Continuities and Changes,” to be held on October 20-21, 2007 at the FLTRP International Convention Center (ICC), Beijing, China. Conference Theme and Topics Ever since the September 11’s terrorist attack on the United States, scholarly as well as popular interpretation of its consequences has been inconsistent and somewhat contradictory. In the wake of the attack, there was some general agreement that 9/11 marked a watershed for the United States because it changed almost every aspect of American life ranging from national security to personal lives to the workplace. More recently, however, there emerged a very different set of arguments suggesting that 9/11 did not change everything as initially imagined, and that the changes are far less dramatic than once envisioned. Politics goes on as usual, and much of the American domestic politics still revolves around issues not different from those of the pre-9/11 world. This conference, therefore, aims to clear up the confusion surrounding the impact of 9/11. More than five years on, we are now given the vantage point of relative historical distance and greater intellectual sobriety to better comprehend 9/11’s consequences. It is now time to systematically assess the ramifications the attack has had on US social, political, economic and cultural landscapes and on foreign relations. This conference will no doubt provide a timely opportunity for the close examination of the continuities and changes that 9/11 has engendered for the United States, both domestically and internationally. The conference invites original, unpublished papers (not considered for publication elsewhere) on the following topics related to the post-9/11 United States: • National Security Strategy and Foreign Policy; • Anti-Americanism and US International Images; • American Domestic Politics; • Media and Government Interactions; • Economy and Trade; • The Social and Cultural Landscape; • Films and Literature on War; • 9/11 and History: Analogies and Comparisons. Guidelines for Submission and Presentation The prospective participant will have to submit a proposal by April 30, 2007, which should contain author contact information, title, keywords, and an abstract of around 300 words. The organizing committee will evaluate the proposal on the basis of relevance to the conference theme and notify the submitter of its acceptance by May 20, 2007. If your submission is accepted, please send an extended summary (about 800-1,000 words) to the organizer by September 15, 2007 and bring 60 printed copies of your full paper to the conference. All papers are preferably around 8,000 words in length, complete with footnotes and a bibliography. Since the selected papers of the conference will be considered for publication, the submitter is advised to follow the Chicago Manual of Style. Each panelist will be given 15 minutes to present the paper and another 15 minutes for questions and answers. The conference will provide the necessary multimedia for presentation. When you submit your extended summary, please also indicate whether you will need to use multimedia; and if so, specify your exact requirements. Important Dates • April 30, 2007: Proposal due • May 20, 2007: Notification of acceptance • September 20, 2007: Extended summary due • October 20-21: Date of the Conference Conference Fees and Logistics Participants are expected to pay a conference fee of USD 200, including USD 50 for board and refreshments, and USD 150 for three nights’ accommodation at the FLTRP ICC, where they will each have a standard hotel room. (For those who stay at the hotel for two nights, the conference fee is USD 150.) The organizing committee of the conference will be responsible for the reservation of hotel rooms. Each participant will have to be responsible for his or her own travel to and from Beijing. Once at the Beijing Capital Airport, there are two ways to get to the FLTRP ICC. First, you can take Line 4 of the Airport Shuttle Bus, get off at the terminus Gongzhufen (“the Princess’ Tomb”), and then take a taxi for about 50–60 yuan. Alternatively, you can take Shuttle Bus Line 4 and get off at Beijing Television Station, which is just next to Beijing Foreign Studies University. The conference provides local transportation from the University to the FLTRP ICC. Contact Information All proposals, summaries and other correspondence should be directed to conference coordinator Yan Xunhua of the American Studies Center, Beijing Foreign Studies University at yanxh@bfsu.edu.cn and yanxh@263.net (please use both addresses). He is also reachable by fax at (86-10) 8881-6282 or by mail at: School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China. Useful Links For further information about the conference please visit the websites of the organizers: The Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences http://ias.cass.cn/en/About_IAS.asp The US-China Education Trust http://www.uscet.net The American Studies Center, Beijing Foreign Studies University http://seis.bfsu.edu.cn/

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