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2005 年第4期
作者:郝雨凡 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Winter 2005,Vol. 19, No. 4 ARTICLES The “Bush Doctrine” and USChina Relations(Hao Yufan) This article explores the possible trend of American foreign policy by examining the origin, features and nature of the Bush Doctrine that has overshadowed U.S. foreign policy since 2001. It argues that the intrinsic contradiction, external restraints (both international and domestic), and the limitation of resources have all made the Doctrine hard to succeed. It also studies the implications of Bush Doctrine on future USChina relations, pointing out that the neoconservatives have accepted the inevitability of the rise of China and that are learning to adjust and even encouraging China to be a “stakeholder” in the new world order designed by Washington. American Perception of China's Military Power(Zhu Liqun) The article explores American perceptions of China's military power today by analyzing the reports from some important think tanks and governmental departments. Four points of consensus have been reached among these institutions concerning Chinas military power, but there are still divergent views with regard to China's intention in its military modernization. This divergence provides room for productive strategic dialogues between China and the United States. Efforts on both sides should be made to properly handle the future trend of SinoAmerican relations, the most important statetostate relationship in the world in the 21st century. Tracing the Causes of Corruption: A Theoretical Approach(Zhou Qi) Systematic research on corruption in the US began in the 1970s, when the “revisionist” approach to studying corruption emerged. After about twenty five years of debate, Joseph Nyes definition, which is well known as one related to public duty, became more broadly accepted . Theories on corruption in the U.S. refer to such important themes as the causal relationship between corruption and culture, democracy and modernization, and the “function of corruption.” The most serious damage brought about by corruption in politics is the weakening of public trust in the government, the reduction of legitimacy of the government, and the hampering of political institutionalization. Edwin O. Reischauer and American Ideological Diplomacy toward Japan(Gui Yongtao) This article studies Edwin O. Reischauers diplomatic activities during his tenure as American Ambassador to Japan from 1961 to 1966. Reischauers diplomatic practice was characterized by his dialogue with the Japanese, especially with people from the press, opposition parties, labor unions, intellectuals and college students. The article argues that Reischauers dialogue with Japan reflected American ideological policies toward Japan during the Cold War era and contributed to the management of U.S.Japan alliance by using soft power. The Depoliticization of SinoU.S. Trade Issues: American Industrial and Commercial Interest Groups and PNTR(Li Xiaogang) Serious conflict existed in American Congress, especially in the House of Representatives in 1999 and 2000 in relation to the issue of China's PNTR status. Groups like labor unions tried to politicize the trade issue and prevent the Congress from giving China PNTR status, while industrial and commercial interest groups, in order to safeguard their business interests in China, exerted great efforts to promote the depoliticization of the trade issue. Their efforts finally overcame the opposition of labor unions and other groups and, as a result, the Congress approved giving China PNTR status. The lobbying of industrial and commercial interest groups was in essence a national educational campaign about U.S.China relations. It made an important and longterm impact on the promotion of understanding of the importance of bilateral trade relations as well as bilateral relations in general. It also brought about closer economic contact between the two countries and pushed forward the depoliticization of trade issues. AsianPacific Multilateral Security Cooperation and USChina Relations: An Institutional Perspective(Sun Ru) In recent years, a positive trend has emerged in the development of multilateral security cooperation in the Asian Pacific region. Against the background of the growth of China and the United States and China becoming chief players in Asianpacific security, the role of multilateral security cooperation in mitigating competition and conflict between China and the United States has become the focus of attention. This article attempts to use the institutional theory to study the impact of AsianPacific multilateral security cooperation on USChina relations. The article holds that such multilateral security cooperation is conducive to promoting mutual trust between the two countries but such cooperation has not produced optimal effect. However, since the AsianPacific security structure is in the process of transformation, multilateral cooperation is still the best policy option for China and the United States in mitigating confrontation, reducing suspicion, and realizing a winwin result. The Restructuring of American Defense Industry after the End of the Cold War(He Qisong) After the end of the Cold War, American defense industry underwent restructuring. Huge defense contractors emerged, dual use of military and civilian production was integrated, and international cooperation in weaponry was introduced. The reason for such restructuring is multifaceted. It is due to the overproduction in the defense industry, a legacy of the Cold War. It is also out of the wish of maintaining superiority in military technology. The change in the perception of national security and the need of military transformation also play a role. The restructuring of the defense industry also has made a great impact on the United States and the rest of the world. It provides conditions for the United States to maintain its superpower status in the foreseeable future and expands the influence of big defenseoriented corporations on national policies. But, at the same time, it also brings a new security dilemma. DIALOGUE AND EXCHANGE The Peaceful Growth of China in the Eyes of American Strategists(Liu Jianfei) REVIEWS Activism or Restraint: An Openended Judicial Debate in the United States: Review of Judicial Activism(Liu Huiying and Ren Donglai) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES A Summary of “CASS International Forum: ChinaU.S. Relations in Asia”(Liu Weidong and Wei Hongxia) A Summary of “ChinaU.S. Sustained Dialogue”(Lu Ning) New Books 2005 American Studies Quarterly Index Editor's Note Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life.

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