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2004 年第2期
作者:黄卫平等 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Summer 2004 Vol. 18, No. 2 ARTICLES Wintelism: Americas New Economy and the Micro Basis for World Industrial Restructuring Huang Weiping and Zhu Wenhui (7) From the 1970s to the early 1990s, the general academic focus was on the relative decline of American economic strength. But in the second half of the 1990s, American economy witnessed continuous high growth while Japanese economy became stagnant. The authors hold that it is Wintelism that changed the competitive disadvantage of American enterprises toward Japan and finally brought about the miraculous 130 months of U.S. economic booming in the 1990s. Wintelism, combined with outstanding creativeness, strong talent reserve, flexibility of the financial market and consumers appetite for new products and other advantages in the United States, have brought into being a large group of newly emerging enterprises on the basis of high and new technology, thus giving American enterprises a cutting edge in world competitiveness. Wintelism is the result of economic globalization and it has made America the leader in economic globalization. The Impact of US MilitaryIndustrial Complex on American Arms Control PolicyZhang Jiegen and Shen Dingli(25) The militaryindustrial complex is one of the most powerful interest groups in the United States and American arms control policy is its main target for influence. On the one hand, driven by immense commercial interests, it actively participates in influencing American arms control policy; on the other, its strong economic power and political influence provide it with the capability to influence American arms control policy. Since 9/11, such influence has become more evident and the trend will continue for a comparatively long period. The Cultural Paradoxes the United States Faces after 9/11Zhu Shida(40) The paper discusses in a histropositivistic approach the stress and strain the United States faces after September 11 in issues related to the relations between its neoimperialist status and its basic democratic values. The United States has reexamined the pros and cons of open society and has tightened its immigration policy. This poses a threat to its very feature — a society of immigrants from different cultures. The president has expanded its power, and the balance between the administration and the Congress is well challenged. To limit civil liberties under the name of the war on terrorism is to limit the core of American value. The religious claims by international terrorists, coupled with the religious impulse within American culture, has thrown the United States into a cultural fix. However, the author argues, they should be attributed more to its Weberian “acquisitive morality,” its sense of manifest destiny and the universalistic Americanism. Americas Public View of China and American Policy toward China (1990-2002)Yu Jianjun(58) The article analyses Americas public views of China in the 1990s and since and the causes for such views. It discusses how these views influence American policy toward China. Survey data show that since the end of the Cold War American public recognition of the importance of China and SinoUS relations has increased, but the feeling toward China and trust in China remain low, regarding a developing and stronger China as a “serious threat” to the United States. The article holds that the views and attitude of American public constitute a “public opinion environment,” which, in turn, influences U.S. China policy. However, the influence varies in terms of different decisionmaking backgrounds, issue areas and policy processes. To a large degree, such influence depends on the attitude toward public opinion held by American decisionmakers, especially the President. A.Doak Barnett and the Normalization of SinoUS RelationsLi Zengtian(79) A. Doak Barnett was a famous China expert in the United States and an active promoter of better USChina relations. He devoted his whole life to the improvement and development of USChina relations. This article concentrates on examining his contribution in the crucial process to the normalization of USChina relations. The article first discusses his new thinking of USChina relations in the early 1960s that proposed relaxation of tensions and thawing of relations. Then it goes on to discuss his unremitting effort in two areas: bringing about a change in domestic opinion toward China and providing concrete policy proposals for American decisionmakers on critical moments in the process of normalizing USChina relations. Nuclear Weapons and American Policy toward the First Taiwan Strait CrisisZhao Xuegong(100) The first Taiwan Strait Crisis in 1954-1955 was an important event in SinoUS relations in the 1950s and another direct test of strength between the two countries after the Korean War. The crisis once again pushed the two sides to the brink of war. During the crisis, the Eisenhower Administration constantly brandished the nuclear weapons, attempting to force China to make concessions with nuclear deterrence. But Americas tough policy did not bring any result. On the contrary, it landed America in a dilemma. Meanwhile, the crisis also revealed the limit to USChina confrontation and brought out the nature of Americas “brinkmanship” policy and “nuclear deterrence” strategy. On Bush Administrations Drug Control PolicyZhang Yongan(116) Before 9/11, the differences over drug control policy within the Bush Administration made it maintain a low profile in seeking a solution to the drug problem. After 9/11, the Bush Administration quickly reached a consensus on drug control and produced the report on National Drug Control Strategy, which serves as a guideline for future drug control policy. The reason why the adjustment on drug control strategy could come so quickly is that after 9/11 drug terrorism becomes evident and that there comes the resurgence of drug addiction. No new strategy for continuing the “drug war” is available, and a comprehensivelybalanced drug control policy can better coordinate the interests of all sides. REVIEWS Another Form of Returning to Rome — On Kupchans The End of the American EraPan Zhongqi(127) A Pathbreaking Contribution of Hard Work — Review of 20th Century American Civil Service System and Bureaucratic PoliticsSun Qunlang(144) ACADEMIC NOTES The Tragedy of Dr. Gregory MankiwYe Jiang(149) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES “Chinese Image of the United States” Symposium held in ShanghaiLei Ke(153) Symposium on SinoUS Development Issues held in BeijingJiang Yuncang(153) New Books(155) Editors Note(160)

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