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1997 年第2期
作者:时殷弘等 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
AMERICAN STUDIES Summer 1997,Vol. 11, No. 2 ARTICLES U.S. EASTASIA SECURITY POLICY IN COLD WARShi Yinhong(7) The Cold War in East Asia, in contrast with that in Europe, was much more complicated and much deeper influenced by the diversified and changeable motive forces in the region, but U.S. security policy toward East Asia was oversimplified during the Cold War and remained nearly unchanged over a long time. This article analyzes and criticizes the policy on several fundamental issues (targets of containment, geographical limits, means, goals and mechanism of threats envisaged) throughout the history of US containment in East Asia, and brings to light three major reasons why it was oversimplified. AMERICAN MISSIONARIES AND THE TREND OF “OPENING THE EYES TO OBSERVE THE WORLD” IN CHINA AFTER THE OPIUM WARWang Lixin (27) In the decade after the Opium War, a group of Chinese scholars began to pay clos e attention to the external world and compiled a number of books on foreign hist ories and geography. This effort, known as “opening the eyes to observe the wor l d,” exposed to their compatriots a civilization widely different from theirs. I t was American protestant missionaries in China who provided the literature for Chinese scholars who wrote the books that served as a window for the Chinese to understand the world. This process had a profound influence on Chinas modern ization in the late Qing Dynasty. THE HARDTOCHANGE FEDERAL INCOME TAXWang Zeke (55) That the U.S. taxation system has serious flaws has been the common understandin g of most economists, politicians and people in America. Early in the 1980s, Ame rican economists offered an alternative, the flat tax, as a reform plan, proposi ng to adopt a unified lowrate federal taxation system. Being simple and practi cal, the plan was widely supported among government circles. However, the flawed taxa tion system in force was never significantly transformed. This failure was caus ed by theoretical problems and actual interests involved. As regards the actual interests, people like tax lawyers and tax accountants benefit from the existing system and thus have become direct opponents of the reform. THE “THAWING” OF AMERICAN CHINA POLICY IN THE LATE 1960SSu Ge (69) The “thawing” of SinoAmerican relations did not come in one day, but through a lengthy historical process. Through multiple level analysis, this essay tackles American policy toward China in the late 60s and comes to useful findings. By then, positive changes had been taking place in American public opinions toward China. Even in Kennedys time, signs for possible Ameraican policy change could be discerned. During the Johnson Administration, American China policy underwent visible adjustments. A multitude of circumstances prevented the bilateral relationship from being normalized. However, the process of “thawing” helped to pave the way for Nixons vision and eventual decision. CLINTONS POLICY TOWARD FAMILY WELFARE REFORMHuang Annian (87) Bill Clinton, after taking his office in the White House, has been in a dilemma of expanding or shrinking social security which faced all the administrations since the New Deal. He sought compromises and innovations while trading off among alternatives and signed the Family Welfare Reform Bill with a view to ensuring his success in the 1996 presidential election campaign. This implies that the U.S. social security system, which has concentrated on relief in the past 60 years, will undergo significant changes. This article analyzes the background, formulation and profound impact of the policy. COLIN POWELL AND AMERICAN POLITICSLi Zhidong(105) When General Colin Powell, very popular again after the Gulf War, declared that he would not run for presidency in 1996, some Americans were deeply disappointed at his decision. However, through the analysis and observation of public opinion and political situation it can be seen that his choice was due to internal factors and that American political facts shown in the “Powell phenomenon” afford us much food for reflection. His successful career has a dual significance: the realization of the “American dream” on the one hand and the proof of the blacks capability and dignity on the other. Powells neutral political view, overcautiousness, lack of enthusiasm, the negative attitude of his family, and repellence by his political opponents were major reasons why he declined to be a candidate in the election. ESSAYS COMMEMORATING THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SHANGHAI COMMUNIQUE SINOU.S. RELATIONSHIP IN RETROSPECT AND PROSPECTLi Shenzhi(125) AMERICAS CHINA SCHOLARS AND THE THAWING OF THE SINOU.S. RELATIONSHIPZi Zhongyun(131) SINOU.S. RELATIONS AT THE TURN OF THE CENTURYWang Jisi(134) DRAWING ON EXPERIENCE IN SINOU.S. RECONCILIATIONTao Wenzhao and Niu Jun(137) SEEKING COMMON GROUND WHILE RESERVING DIFFERENCES IN CULTURAL EXCHANGESFeng Chengbo(141) SINOU.S. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL EXCHANGES AND COOPERATION IN RETROSPECTLi Mingde(144) THE SHANGHAI COMMUNIQUE AND DEVELOPING SINOU.S. TRADE AND ECONOMIC RELATIONSHuang Renwei(147) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES MEETING TO COMMEMORATE THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SHANGHAI COMMUNIQUE HELD IN BEIJINGTao Wenzhao(151) WORKSHOP ON QUESTIONS IN THE THEORY OF POSTCOLD WAR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSSI PING(153) NEW BOOKS(157) EDITORS NOTE(160)

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