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作者:袁征等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16

   美国研究 (季刊)
American Studies Quarterly

学术顾问 陈宝森 王缉思 资中筠 (按姓氏音序排序)
主    编 黄 平
副主编 胡国成
执行主编 赵 梅

本期责任编辑 魏红霞 罗伟清
编    辑 卢 宁 杨会军 张 超
英文摘要译审 梅仁毅 傅国英
技术编辑 李 晖
责任校对 秦 秦

编    委 楚树龙 丁幸豪 韩 铁 何顺果 胡国成
       黄 平 姬 虹 金灿荣 李稻葵 李剑鸣
       梁茂信 陆建德 梅仁毅 倪 峰 倪世雄
       秦亚青 阮宗泽 陶文钊 王荣军 王 希
       王孜弘 吴白乙 徐 辉 徐彤武 杨洁勉
       袁 明 袁 征 张宇燕 赵 梅 周 琪


·版权所有 《美国研究》季刊·



2013年第4期(第27卷 总第108期)


专  论


袁 征 (9)


王 玮 (34)


王伟光 (52)


马建英 (72)


魏南枝 (97)





郑 达(127)




书  评




张 勇(144)




刘 骞(154)






Volume 27 Number 4 Winter 2013

Huang Ping

Hu Guocheng

Zhao Mei

Wei Hongxia, Luo Weiqing

Lu Ning, Yang Huijun, Zhang Chao

Mei Renyi, Fu Guoying

Li Hui

Qin Qin

Associate Editor
Managing Editor
Editorial Assistants
Editorial Assistants
English Polishers
Editorial Technician

Senior Advisers
Chen Baosen, Wang Jisi, Zi Zhongyun
Editorial Board
Chu Shulong, Ding Xinghao, Han Tie, He Shunguo,
Ji Hong, Jin Canrong, Li Daokui, Li Jianming, Liang Maoxin, Lu Jiande,
Mei Renyi, Ni Feng, Ni Shixiong, Qin Yaqing, Ruan Zongze, Tao Wenzhao,
Wang Rongjun, Wang Xi, Wang Zihong, Wu Baiyi, Xu Hui, Xu Tongwu,
Yang Jiemian, Yuan Ming, Yuan Zheng, Zhang Yuyan, Zhou Qi

AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute.
American Studies Quarterly at the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Addr. Unit A, No.158, Gulouxidajie, Xicheng District, Beijing, China 100720).

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Call (8610) 8408-3531, 8408-3528
Fax: (8610) 8408-3506
Email: zhaomei@cass.org.cn
ISSN1002-8986 Copyright 1987-2013 American Studies Quarterly
Printed in Beijing, China


  Winter 2013

Vol. 27, No. 4


The American Public Perception of the Rise

  of China

Yuan Zheng  (9)

  Based on vertical and horizontal comparisons and analysis of the results of various public opinion polls by different American organizations, this article examines the American public perception on the rise of China and the factors influencing the perception. The results of these opinion polls indicate that there is a growing awareness of the rise of China in American society since the beginning of the 21st century. Although the general impression of the Americans on China doesn't change much, American people increasingly hold or approve the view of so called “China threat”. Meanwhile, American public view divides on how to deal with U.S.-China relations. Despite long existence of the tough stance toward China in the United States, most Americans believe that it is essential to maintain strong U.S.-China relations and hope that the two countries can seek more cooperations in key policy areas. Because American views on China are formed by interactions of various complicated factors, China will go through a lengthy and comprehensive process to enhance its soft power and improve its image in American society.

  An Analysis of the U.S. Alliance System

Wang Wei (34)

  The United States has established a broad alliance system, under which each ally plays a role and enjoys alliance benefit in return. The United States is prone to obscure treaty obligation and avoid overcommitment, but it seeks to balance commitment among its allies. Such alliance behavior has a solid institutional basis. With a comparative analysis of the contents of various alliance agreements involving the United States, this article tries to define the limits of U.S. security commitment. It contends that alliances, built up in different strategic needs and with different levels of social identification, assume different responsibilities and, accordingly, carry out different U.S. security commitments. The U.S. alliances, forged with common interests, strong role identification and therefore powerful institutional linkage, can endure hard times and survive the changing circumstances. In contrast, alliances based on mere interest but without solid social identification cannot strengthen substantive institutional link that can stand against changes of political environment.

  The Structural Factors and the Evolution of

  Sino-US Relations

Wang Weiguang (52)

  Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Sino-US relations have experienced significant changes. The evolution can be explained by the transformation of the key factors in the relations and their interactions. The factors include the international power configuration as well as the power relationship between China and the US, the fundamental differences between the two sides and contradictions in regard to value system and Taiwan issue, the two sides' connections in the bilateral and multilateral fields, and the two sides' global strategies. Many fluctuations in Sino-US relations since 1972 seem to be similar, however, the nature of the relationship in different periods is fundamentally different and is affected by the different features of the key factors.

  The U.S. Climate Governance Policy and

  Its Dilemma

Ma Jianying (72)

  Currently, global climate governance has increasingly become a mainstream discourse on the global agenda. As one of the world's biggest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter, the U.S. plays a critical part in global climate governance. Although confronting the “climate fragility” in the dimensions of ecological environment, social economy, and national security, the U.S. still takes a relatively negative attitude toward climate governance, and refuses to join the key international climate regimes. The cost of GHG reduction, domestic structure and GHG reduction dilemma are the three major elements in shaping U.S. climate governance policy. In the decades ahead, the amount of its GHG emissions will be maintained at a comparatively high level. Consequently, the U.S. will not only have to face criticisms from the developing world, but also the pressure from other developed countries (group) for their carbon reduction. Meanwhile, its inaction in climate governance will also put itself under the international moral pressure.

  Inequality, Full Employment and Political Legitimacy: U.S.

  Domestic Challenges from a Social


Wei Nanzhi (97)

  American political tradition highly values equal opportunity. Nonetheless, neo-liberalism and economic globalization jointly promote the integration of U.S. political and economic interests. Such integration not only weakens the capacity of mass society to cope with the hegemony of market force, but also limits America’s state capacity, and hence poses challenges to the legitimacy of the U.S. Government. The current American crisis, strictly speaking, is not only an economic crisis of capitalism, but also a domestic challenge, caused by the dynamics of two processes the state capacity's being restricted by the capital power, and the capital hegemony's being resisted by social power.

  On the Formation and Characteristics of Indian Diaspora

  in the United States

Teng Hai-qu (113)

  Indian Diaspora is a newly-rising ethnical group in America. The development of this group has gone through a long and difficult historic process before its final formation and has been mainly connected with the “push” and “pull” factors of India and America. However, it was the long-term slow development of India, the significant modification of America's immigration policies, and the strong cultural identification and immigrants' attachment to their motherland that helped the Indian group obtain some special characteristics, such as the obvious elite nature of its internal composition, the rapid growth of its ethnical population, the holistic ethnic unity and the perfect preservation and transmission of its traditional culture. Such characteristics not only greatly distinguish the group from other American ethnical groups, but also lay a solid foundation for its fast development in America and its smooth assimilation into the mainstream society, and as a result, directly help it get stronger and more influential.


  The First Chinese Theatrical Director in Broadway

  -Xiong Seyi's Directing “Wang Baochuan”

  in the U.S.

Zheng Da (127)


  Dollar Hegemony under Gold Restriction in the Cold War Period:

  A Review of Gold, Dollars, and Power: the Politics of

  International Monetary Relations

  1958~1971by Francis J. Gavin

Jin Weixing (133)

  Strategic Advice for the Maintenance of American Hegemony:

  On Foreign Policy Begins at Home: The Case

  for Putting America's House in Order

  by Richard N. Haas

Zhang Yong (144)


  Whereto Great Power Relationship: Summary of Symposium of

  “Connotation and Trend of New Type of Major Power


Liu Qian (154)

  Editor's Note


  General Catalog of American Studies Quarterly of 2013



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