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作者:汪晓风等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16

   美国研究 (季刊)
American Studies Quarterly

学术顾问 陈宝森 王缉思 资中筠 (按姓氏音序排序)
主    编 黄 平
副主编 胡国成
执行主编 赵 梅

本期责任编辑 杨会军 张 超
编    辑 魏红霞 卢 宁 罗伟清
英文摘要译审 梅仁毅 傅国英
技术编辑 李 晖
责任校对 秦 秦

编    委 楚树龙 丁幸豪 韩 铁 何顺果 胡国成
       黄 平 姬 虹 金灿荣 李稻葵 李剑鸣
       梁茂信 陆建德 梅仁毅 倪 峰 倪世雄
       秦亚青 任东来 阮宗泽 陶文钊 王荣军
       王 希 王孜弘 吴白乙 徐 辉 徐彤武
       杨洁勉 袁 明 袁 征 张宇燕 赵 梅
       周 琪


·版权所有 《美国研究》季刊·



2013年第3期(第27卷 总第107期)




汪晓风 (9)


沈 逸 (30)


岳小颖 (51)

专  论


张业亮 (62)


姬 虹 (89)





王栋 李侃(110)





王 玮(150)





Volume 27 Number 3 Fall 2013

Huang Ping

Hu Guocheng

Zhao Mei

Yang Huijun, Zhang Chao

Wei Hongxia, Lu Ning, Luo Weiqing

Mei Renyi, Fu Guoying

Li Hui

Qin Qin

Associate Editor
Managing Editor
Editorial Assistants
Editorial Assistants
English Polishers
Editorial Technician

Senior Advisers
Chen Baosen, Wang Jisi, Zi Zhongyun
Editorial Board
Chu Shulong, Ding Xinghao, Han Tie, He Shunguo,
Ji Hong, Jin Canrong, Li Daokui, Li Jianming, Liang Maoxin, Lu Jiande,
Mei Renyi, Ni Feng, Ni Shixiong, Qin Yaqing, Ruan Zongze, Tao Wenzhao,
Wang Rongjun, Wang Xi, Wang Zihong, Wu Baiyi, Xu Hui, Xu Tongwu,
Yang Jiemian, Yuan Ming, Yuan Zheng, Zhang Yuyan, Zhou Qi

AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute.
American Studies Quarterly at the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Addr. Unit A, No.158, Gulouxidajie, Xicheng District, Beijing 100720, China).

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Call (8610) 8408-3531, 8408-3528
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Email: zhaomei@cass.org.cn
ISSN1002-8986 Copyright 1987-2013 American Studies Quarterly
Printed in Beijing, China


  Fall 2013

Vol. 27, No. 3

Focal Topic: Cybersecurity and International Relations

On Cybersecurity in Sino-U.S. Relations

Wang Xiaofeng  (9)

  The cybersecurity issue arises from the increasing value of cyberspace for economic, diplomatic and military purposes. In China-U.S. relations, cybersecurity issue has extended to the fields of economy and trade, politics and diplomacy, military and security,etc. Internationally, the competition between China and the U.S. on the principles, norms and dominance in cybersecurity governance indicates a tendency toward multi-level contests and division of camps. Cybersecurity gradually changes the U.S. overall judgment on the threats to national security, and may cause the transformation of the strategy for U.S. national security. This paper argues that cybersecurity heats up the competitive and opposing aspects in Sino-U.S. relations; such aspects may undermine the strategic foundation of the cooperation between China and the U.S. since 9/11, and may hinder the development of the new type of great-power relationship. China should recognize and position cybersecurity with a strategic consideration, and develop the capability in cyberspace for the international competitiveness, so as to expand the mutual interests and to reach extensive consensus in cybersecurity between the two cyber powers.

  The Evolution and Practice of U.S. National Cybersecurity


Shen Yi (30)

  IT Revolution, represented by the vivid development of Internet in the world, has produced a global cyberspace since the late 1970s. As the initiator of Internet, while occupying an overwhelming advantage in the development of the IT-related technologies, hardware, and software, the United States has already made a complete and comprehensive national cybersecurity strategy. The core goals of the strategy evolve from protection of the key infrastructure, to surveillance of the information flow in the cyberspace, to active defense including cross border action to mitigate the potential threats, and finally to the shaping of the context of global cyberspace. Since the end of the Cold War, especially since the beginning of the Obama Administration, with the United States suffering from a relative decline of power in the real world, the U.S. has paid special attention toward the cybersecurity issues. Since the U.S. now still enjoys asymmetric advantages in the cyberspace, technological innovations and cybersecurity play more important part to ensure American national security. In the foreseeable future, the cybersecurity issue will gain a more important position within the framework of U.S. national security strategy.

  Cyber Security and U.S.-Australia Alliance

Yue Xiaoying (51)

  With the rapid development of information technology, cyberspace is now serving a crucial function in national security, military and intelligence cooperation. However, the internet leaves the alliance vulnerable to network attack. To address threats and fight prospective rivals, Australia and the United States have announced that their alliance will extend into cyberspace. They put forward the strategy of deterrence through punishment and through denial. Their adoption of strategy of cyber deterrence could enhance the deterrent strength, but faces challenges. In this paper, three aspects of their joint cooperation in cyberspace will be discussed: motivation of cyber security cooperation between the two countries, strategy to respond to cyber threats, and, current and future challenges they will meet. Intrinsic characteristics of cyberspace lead to ineffective implementation of cyber deterrence strategy. Implementation of cyber deterrence strategy could trigger arms race, which is not conducive to maintaining cyber security. Through effective mechanisms of communication and consultation, through establishing harmonious and secure cyberspace, achieving common security by cooperation, rather than cyber security alliance under the guidance of the cold war mentality in view of the third party, is the ultimate way of cybersecurity.


Moral and Political Controversies over Embryonic Stem Cell Research

  in the U.S.

Zhang Yeliang (62)

  Based on a historical survey of the American federal government's policies on embryonic stem cell research, this article analyzes moral, legislative, and legal disputes over stem cell research and the factors that cause those disputes. It finds that embryonic stem cell research has aroused one of the most highly ethical and moral controversies in the United States, although those disputes are worldwide. Since the Congress passed the law regarding stem cell research in 1995, especially after the issuing of an executive order by George W. Bush administration, policies and laws that regulate embryonic stem cell research have been one of the toughest public policy-making problems for the federal government, and one of the highly controversial issues of cultural and moral values that divided American society. Unlike the situations in other western countries, legislative, legal, and policy disputes over embryonic stem cell research in the U.S. are fighting mainly in such areas as whether the federal government should finance the research, as well as whether the research should be limited to the already existing stem-cell lines. The major causes for the disputes include the oppositions from religious and social conservatives, electoral considerations, lobby activities of interest groups, and the influence of federalism on public policy-making. The moral, legal, and policy controversies over the research have become an important part of the “cultural war” now going on in the U.S., and will have deep impacts on American society and politics.

  American Policy on Talents Introduction

Ji Hong (89)

  As the top country of “brain gain” in the world, the United States has paved the road for talents introduction with related immigration laws and policies. The enforcement of laws and implementation of policies have attracted many high-quality science and technology talents who help U.S. stay competitive in science and technology. Meanwhile, many developing countries have witnessed unprecedented “brain drain”. However, things has been changed in recent years, the U.S. started to experience a“brain drain”, which has caused a nationwide reflection.


Study of China's Foreign Policy in the U.S.: Methodologies,

  Topics and Trends

Wang Dong and Li Kan (110)

  The study of the foreign policy of the People's Republic of China is an important subfield in the fields of political science and international relations (IR) in the U.S.. Historically, U.S. studies of China's foreign policy can be divided into three phases and four generations of scholars. In the course of generational shift, U.S. studies of China's foreign policy has undergone fundamental changes, such as from the use of historical methods to social sciences methods, from the application of realist theories to broader IR theories and other frontier theories, as well as from being defined as Sinology and area studies to a subfield of IR. The development of U.S. studies of China's foreign policy has also generated far-reaching impact on the trajectory of China-U.S. relations. A review of the process, characteristics, as well as future trends will not only be of great value to academic history, but also will have important implications for the development of IR theories and foreign policy analysis in China.

The Fundraising Policies of the Federal Government during

  the American Civil War

Yu Liuzhen (136)

  During the American Civil War, fundraising was one of the most critical factors that determined the outcome of the war. For this purpose the federal government mainly adopted the measures of selling war bonds, collecting tariff, raising national revenue, and issuing national currency. With the efforts of Jay Cooke and the enthusiastic support of the northern people, the federal government obtained most of its war funds by selling war bonds. In addition, the federal government also collected much money by taxation and tariff due to its control of the trade ports and the northern powerful economic basis. Finally, the federal government raised the rest of the funds by issuing national currency, at the same time stabilized the national financial system by establishing national banks. With people's support and the relatively peaceful wartime international environment, the above measures had assured the success of the federal government fundraising and the support of the war.


  Summary of the Symposium of “The Syrian Situation and

  Great Powers' Contention”

Wang Wei (150)

  Summary of the Symposium of “The Issue of Cybersecurity

  in Sino-U.S. Relations”

He Weibao (154)

  New Books and Articles



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