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作者:徐彤武等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY 季刊第24卷2010年第1期3月5日出版 奥巴马政府的医疗改革及其前景(徐彤武) 美国个人消费的趋势探讨(卢林) 奥巴马执政以来的美俄关系(徐洪峰) 美国专利法改革述评(张怀印) 美国私人养老金担保项目的政治经济分析(黄念) 〇美国研究论坛 东方主义与西方主义对跨国性美国研究的影响(简•德斯蒙德) 〇文献与研究 美国学界对美国政治的研究(赵可金) 美国气候变化研究述评(马建英) 〇书评 “他者”的崛起与后美国时代下的权力转移(王金强) ——评法里德•扎卡利亚的《后美国世界》 对美国国会外交权力的探究(沈鹏) ——评周琪主编的《国会与美国外交政策》 〇学术动态 “中美关系30年:回顾与展望”研讨会综述(魏雪梅) “中美长期对话”研讨会在京举行(魏红霞、刘得手) 美国军控与防扩散政策研讨会综述(樊吉社) 美国研究联络会第六次年会综述(闫循华、孙有中) 著述巡礼 编后 AMERCIAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Volume 24, Number 1, Spring 2010 AERMICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute. MANUSCRIPTS SHOULD BE SENT TO: American Studies Quarterly at the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Addr. Dong Yuan, No. 3 Zhang Zizhong Rd., Beijing 100007, China). SUBSCRIPTIONS: Call (8610) 6400-0071 Fax: (8610) 6400-0021 Email: mgyjjk@gmail.com http://www.mgyj.com ISSN1002-8986 Copyright 1987-2010 American Studies Quarterly Printed in Beijing, China AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Spring 2010, Vol. 24, No. 1 ARTICLES The Health Care Reform by the Obama Administration and Its Prospect(Xu Tongwu) The Health Care Reform proposed by President Obama after he came into office is a significant social reform bringing nearuniversal coverage to Americans. The intensely debated and bitterly fought reform aims at containing the rapidly soaring health care cost and the resulting huge budget deficit, extending health care coverage, enhancing the quality of health care and adapting the health care system to the demand of the United States in strengthening its national competitiveness in the 21st century. So far, the House and the Senate have adopted their respective versions of the reform bills and the amendment. The final resolution of the two bills is only a step away. However, since there are serious flaws in the reform project and process, and the change in the situation of the Senate, the future of the reform is full of uncertainty and challenge. However, the Obama administration have made history and realized the centurylong dream of health care reform in the United States. This will also become the most important political legacy of Obama. American Personal Consumption: Wealth Effect, Credit Leverage and Demographic Impact(Lu Lin) Wealth and leverage were the most important drives of the post World War II growth of American personal consumption. The economic, social and political foundations of the high level of wealth and leverage have witnessed significant erosion especially since the financial and economic crisis triggered by the subprime mortgage meltdown during 2007~2008, due to risk aversion of the financial industry and intensified regulation of the government. This erosion, together with the aging of the baby boomers and the projected growing of the Hispanic minority, suggests an upcoming lower level of desire and ability for personal consumption. Thus, any growth strategy staking on American consumers will face serious challenges, run high risks, and need a thorough reality check. The “Resetting” of USRussia Relations and Its Outlook: A Review on USRussian Relations since Obama Assume Office(Xu Hongfeng) The “resetting” of USRussia relations has been one of the key issues on the foreign policy agenda of Obama Administration. The main driving force for the “resetting” arises from difficult situations America is facing. The characteristics of USRussia bilateral relations in 2009 were “pragmatic” and “institutionalized”. The change in the relative strengths of the two nations makes it possible to develop bilateral relations on the basis of mutual respect and equality in the “ObamaMedvedev Era”. Serious disputes between the two countries may create diplomatic problems and increase uncertainty in their development of bilateral relations. A Review of the Reform of Patent Act in the United States(Zhang Huaiyin) Calls for patent reform in the United States have grown stronger recently as a result of the increase of the number of patents and patent litigation. Members of Congress from both parties have submitted the Patent Reform Act to Congress three times since 2005. The content for revision includes the principle of first to apply, the way of calculating damages, the creation of postgrant procedures and the establishment of patent trial and appeal board. The submission of the reform act has caused widespread concern and heated debate among business circles, the states and various interest groups. It will lead the public to a deeper consideration on the American patent system. The Political and Economic Analysis on the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation(Huang Nian) The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) is the most controversial part of The Employee Retirement Income Security Act. It was initiated by the United Auto Workers and other industrial unions, but due to the opposition of employers and some AFLCIO unions, its enactment went through long and tortuous struggle. Under the strong pressure of lobbying by the United Auto Workers(UAW) and United Steel Workers (USW), the Congressional committee in charge of finance and taxation made total concession to the committee overlooking labor issues and the PBGC thus reflected, to a great extent, the demands of industrial union for high level pension security. The PBGC allows the interference of federal government in private sectors, build up a compulsory redistribution system, thus guaranteeing a privileged position for industrial union members. AMERICAN STUDIES FORUM The Legacies of Orientalism and Occidentalism Transnational Studies of the United States(Jane C. Desmond) DOCUMENTS AND RESEARCH The Study of American Politics in American Academic Circles(Zhao Kejin) “The American School” in the Study of Climate Change: A Literature Review(Ma Jianying) REVIEWS The Rise of “the Other” and the Power Shift in the PostAmerican World: A Review of The PostAmerican World by Fareed Zakaria(Wang Jinqiang) A Probe into the Congressional Power in Foreign Policy Making: On Congress and American Foreign Policy(Shen Peng) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES A Summary of the Symposium on “30 Years of SinoUS Relations: Looking Forward”(Wei Xuemei) “USChina Sustained Dialogue” Held in Beijing(Wei Hongxia and Liu Deshou) A Summary of the Symposium on “American Policy in Arms Control and Nonproliferation”(Fan Jishe) The 6th American Studies Network Annual Conference Held in Beijing(Yan Xunhua and Sun Youzhong) New Books Editor’s Note

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