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作者:张业亮等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY 季刊第24卷2010年第2期6月5日出版 奥巴马政府的核政策(张业亮) 奥巴马的国际战略变革(韩志立) ——美国智库国际战略报告文本解读 布什政府对台政策浅析(许安结) 美国住宅租赁法律制度研究(包振宇) ——以承租人住宅权保障为例 对美国第四点计划的历史考察与分析(谢华) 基督教青年会的起源与北美协会的“世界服务”(赵怀英) 〇学术札记 为求真知而研究(王缉思) 〇学人追思 沉痛悼念杨生茂教授(本刊编辑部) 一个时代的背影(李剑鸣) ——杨生茂教授的学术贡献与地位 创建学术,守望学术(王希) ——缅怀杨生茂先生 〇书评 一种国际政治经济学的知识谱系(钟飞腾、杨毅) ——读《国际政治经济学:学科思想史》 〇学术动态 《美国研究》编委会会议纪要(卢宁) 中国美国史研究会第十三届年会综述(曹升生) “美国军控与防扩散政策研讨会”综述(樊吉社) 著述巡礼 编后 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Volume 24, Number 2, Summer 2010 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute. MANUSCRIPTS SHOULD BE SENT TO: American Studies Quarterly at the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Addr. Dong Yuan, No. 3 Zhang Zizhong Rd., Beijing 100007, China). SUBSCRIPTIONS: Call (8610) 6400-0071 Fax: (8610) 6400-0021 Email: mgyjjk@gmail.com http://www.mgyj.com ISSN1002-8986Copyright 1987-2010 American Studies Quarterly Printed in Beijing, China AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Summer 2010, Vol. 24, No. 2 ARTICLES Obama Administrations Nuclear Policy and Its Effect on International Security and Nuclear NonProliferation Regime(Zhang Yeliang) Since Barack Obama assumed the presidency, he has made major changes to U.S. nuclear policy with a new approach. By initiating a nuclearfree world and signing a new strategic nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia while maintaining a safe, reliable and effective U.S. strategic deterrent, Obama administration’ intends to achieve the goals of enhancing U.S. moral position in nuclear related issues, restoring U.S. global influence and leadership in the field of nuclear arms reduction and nonproliferation, resuming international efforts to promote nuclear non-proliferation, and strengthening U.S. security. The shift in Obama’s nuclear policy will profoundly affect U.S.-Russian strategic relations, global nuclear arms control and reduction, and international non-proliferation regime, but will also encounter great challenges. Obama’s Change in Global Strategy: Text Analysis of Think Tanks’s Global Strategy Reports(Han Zhili) Taking into consideration of the new features in American international security environment and American traditional ideal of international order, American think tanks produced, in recent years, three major strategic studies: the Princeton Project, Managing Global Insecurity and Phoenix Initiatives. These studies proposed to forge a U.S. strategic leadership with a new vision of international order based on wider dialogues, responsible sovereignties, and multilateral cooperation to tackle transnational security threats. However, the international policy of the Obama Administration is not a repetition of these three strategic studies. Elements of realism and American traditional values can still be detected in its global strategy. A Study on the Bush Administration’s Policy towards Taiwan(Xu Anjie) In the early years of the administration, Gorge W. Bush adopted a pro-Taiwan policy on the issues of strategy on the defense of Taiwan, arms sale, military exchanges, ambiguity on “One China” Policy, improvement in receiving leaders of the Taiwan authority and a reluctant attitude toward pushing forward cross-Strait dialogue. However, with the improvement of Sino-US relationship after the September 11th, 2001, and the secessionists movement inside Taiwan, the Bush administration had to alter its Taiwan policy, with a focus on opposition to the so-called “Taiwan independence” upheld by Chen Shui-bian, besides other policy changes before Bush leaving office. Although Taiwan’s strategic value to the U.S. still exists, a relatively balanced Taiwan policy is likely to be maintained by American administrations for American national interest. A Study on America’s Residential Landlord and Tenant Law:The Protection of the Tenants’Housing Right(Bao Zhenyu) American residential landlord and tenant legal system comprises common law, statutes of the states and federal statutes. By analyzing the statutes and cases since the 1960s and 1970s, this paper finds that in American law the tenants’ housing needs other than the property or contract rights have drawn increasing attention. Laws provide that landlords are obliged to take on the implied warranty of habitability and more corresponding liabilities. Some statutes grant tenants the right to continue in possession unless the landlords have just causes to evict them. And many cities have adopted policies to regulate the rent as well as the conversion from rental housing to condominiums. These measures ensure that tenants can get healthy, sanitary, secure and affordable housing. The protection of the tenants housing right is not only necessary, but also economically practical and goes in conformity with constitutional protection. A Historical Review of America’s Point Four Program(Xie Hua) The Point Four Program is an essential part of American strategy of containment during the Cold War. The Program substantially reflects the basic change of postwar American foreign policy toward the Third World and the important role of economic diplomacy in the U.S. Cold War strategy during the Cold War. The direct historical origin of the program is the technical assistance program of the Institute of InterAmerican Affairs (IIAA). But, to some extent, it can also be regarded as the extension and deepening of the Marshall Plan. Based on this kind of economic diplomacy, the United States advanced its new frontiers among the Third World countries in its struggle with the Soviet Union in the Cold War. With the changes of the executive agencies, the Point Four Program was gradually ignored by the American Government and declined in the middle of 1953. The Origin of the Young Men’s Christian Association and the World Service of Its North American Branch(Zhao Huaiying) The Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA ), originating in England, was most developed in the United States. As an outgrowth of the overseas missionary movement in the late 19th century, the YMCAs of the United States began its Overseas Work, later World Service, and became an important force in promoting the American Way of Life overseas. In China, the YMCA was involved deeply in the social work and social life at that time and played an important role in pushing forward modernization in China. But with the indigenization of the YMCA in China, the American secretaries- aspiration for the evangelization of China diminished in the Chinese Christianity. ACADEMIC NOTES To Do Research for the Sake of Seeking Truth(Wang Jisi) MEMORIES OF SCHOLARS Deep Mourning for Professor Yang Shengmao(The Editorial Board) A Reminiscence of the Age of Discipline-Building: the Late Professor Yang Shengmao’s Scholarly Contributions and Academic Position(Li Jianming) The Pioneer and Guardian of the American History Scholarship in China: Remembering Professor Yang Shengmao(Wang Xi) REVIEWS An Intellectual Pedigree of International Political Economy -- Review of International Political Economy: An Intellectual History by Benjiamin J. Cohen(Zhong Feiteng and Yang Yi) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Summary of the Editorial Board Meeting of American Studies Quarterly(Lu Ning) The 13th Annual Conference of American History Research Association of China(Cao Shengsheng) Symposium on American Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Policy(Fan Jishe) New Books Editor’s Note

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