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作者:倪世雄等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国政治的逻辑:一项研究议程(倪世雄、赵可金) 联邦政府与美国志愿服务的兴盛(徐彤武) 美国金融监管哲学的转向及影响(刘宇飞) 奥巴马无核武器世界战略评析(刘子奎) 美国常规武器转让政策的形成与演变(1947~1992)(张清敏) 美国天主教新保守主义的兴衰(彭琦) 美国个人主义的清教源流(张孟媛) 〇文献与研究 欧美学界美欧关系研究述评(赵怀普) 〇学人追思 越战推手:麦克纳马拉迟来的忏悔(李本京) 〇书评 对美国平民主义的重新解读(贾敏) ——读查理斯·波斯特《平民主义者的远见》 著述巡礼 编后 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Fall 2009, Vol. 23, No. 3 ARTICLES The Logic of American Politics: A Research Agenda (Ni Shixiong and Zhao Kejin) America is a nation with both ideal and passion. The political ideals of liberty, equality and selfgovernment have become the founding spirit forming the pillars for political identity, which makes America what it is. However, the various elements of the American founding spirit do not constitute a harmonious organism. These elements have deeprooted tensions and contradictions, which have existed in American politics ever since the founding period. With the development of productivity and the change of social formation, the inherent contradictions among the various core elements of the American founding spirit have also unfolded, exerting great pressure on American political structure in specific periods. To meet external economic, political, social and cultural challenges, the American political formation has evolved accordingly. Along this line, a research agenda on American politics can be established. The Federal Government and the Thriving of American Voluntary Service (Xu Tongwu) The thriving of American voluntary service is inseparable from the key role played by the federal government. It was in the 1960s that the federal government began to get involved in voluntary service, which originally came under nongovernmental sectors in the capacity of “fund provider” and “host.” After the development and reform of scores of years, on the basis of a series of laws there has emerged a federal voluntary service system embracing two categories of national voluntary service programs. The soul of the federal voluntary service program is the ideal of serving the nation, which has been vigorously spread and intensified by successive American presidents. The combination of moral inspiration and benefit mechanism, the establishment of commemorative and honorary systems, the coordination and cooperation of various agencies, the contribution of civic organizations, and the wide application of web information technology all go to promote the sustained development of voluntary service business. The “Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act” promoted by the Obama administration has opened a new chapter in the federal voluntary service system. It will involve and attract more American people into voluntary service and will, as a result, improve the American ability in handling various crises. The Change of Course of Americas Financial Regulatory Philosophy and Its Impact (Liu Yufei) An evident change of course has taken place in Americas financial regulatory philosophy since the outbreak of the subprime crisis. The switch to the strengthening of financial regulation is only a change in concept. The goal of the reform plan is still the search for a balance between the formal power of government regulatory agencies and the spontaneous role of market restraint. The basic factor that causes such a switch is the widespread crisis of conception that emerged under the deepening of financial crisis. Meanwhile, an initial consensus on the reform plan reached by all sides concerned is also essential. However, how the change of course of American regulatory philosophy affect the reform of the financial regulatory system will depend on further consensus to be reached through political process by all sides concerned. Obamas Global Strategy of A World without Nuclear Weapons (Liu Zikui) On April 5, 2009, U.S. President Obama put forward a proposal to build a world without nuclear weapons at Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. This is a fundamental adjustment to the nuclear strategy under the Bush administration. The proposal originates from the consideration of Americas own security interest. Objectively, it may be conducive to the safeguarding of the nonproliferation regime as well as world security and stability. However, it also has serious limitations, which will become the main obstacle to the realization of the goal of a world without nuclear weapons. The Formation and Evolution of American Policy on Transfer of Conventional Weapons (1947~1992) (Zhang Qingmin) The transference of conventional weapons is a most often used tool in American foreign policy during the Cold War. It evolved from Americas foreign aid policy in early postwar years and its complete decisionmaking process and guiding principle were finalized in the 1970s. Subsequent American administrations adopted different policies: the Carter administration exercised selfrestraint and effectively constrained American arms transfer to other countries; the Reagan administration engaged in arms expansion and increased foreign arms sales; the George Bush administration promoted a policy of both restraint and encouragement that seemed paradoxical in the course of the transformation of the international situation. The evolution of Americas policy on arms transfer reflects its strategic and political support. The changes of the target country for foreign military aid or arms sales indicate the shift and change of the focus in Americas foreign strategy. The Rise and Fall of Catholic New Conservatism in America (Peng Qi) American Catholic new conservatism is an unique group in postwar American conservative movement. This group originated in the reflection on the radical trend caused by Catholic reform and American social reform of the 1960s. They formulated the theoretical system of democratic capitalism in 1970s and 1980s, hoping that in this way they could reestablish the moral authority of the church and American cultural identity. They injected traditional Catholic concept of “just war” and “public welfare” into public debate on American domestic and foreign policies. However, they deviated from the original humble heart and moderate principle, thus getting themselves into a dilemma. The Puritan Origin of American Individualism (Zhang Mengyuan) Through the examination of the religious concepts of the establishment and operation of New England Puritan political structure and the legislation and application, the author comes to the conclusion that although New England puritan theory involved strong individualistic elements, it also required all Puritans to “unite as one.” In addition, during the time of the founding of New England colonies, the survival of puritan community was the “first priority” so the puritan colonial authorities, through a series of laws, restrained personal freedom and carried out the principle of “the supremacy of collective interest. ”This is totally different from and even entirely opposite to the current concept of American individualism. In spite of that, with the passage of time and the evolution of actual life in New England colonies, Puritanism could not avoid becoming more worldly and finally became one of the sources of current American individualism. DOCUMENT AND RESEARCH A Review of the European and American Scholarship on USEurope Relations (Zhao Huaipu) REMINISCENCE OF A SCHOLAR Robert McNamara's Belated Remorse (Thomas B. Lee) REVIEWS A Reinterpretation of American Populism: A Review of Charles Postels The Populist Vision (Jia Min) New Books Editor's Note

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