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作者:韩铁等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY 季刊第22卷2008年第1期3月5日出版 美国陪审团废止权的历史演变韩铁 (7) ——民主与现代化的矛盾 试析全球化背景下美国外交史研究的国际化与文化转向王立新 (26) 美国对华经贸摩擦“政治化”问题研究王勇 (47) 美欧“跨大西洋对话”及其对中国的影响刘得手 (58) 摩根索意识形态学说解读史文涛 (68) 从《国际刑事法院规约》看美国霸权维系的困境李枏 (79) 美国对亚洲不结盟国家态度与政策的变化,1953~1963刘青 (98) 沉痛悼念李道揆先生本刊编辑部(112) 〇美国人论美国 布什主义影响下的美国外交政策弗朗西斯·福山(113) 〇文献与研究 美国民权运动研究述评于展(122) 〇书评·文评 还司法神殿以平常任东来(133) ——《风暴眼:美国政治中的最高法院》评介 美国妇女、妇女组织与洁净化政治张勇安(144) ——读《洁净食品、饮品与药品的改革斗士,1879~1914》 〇学术动态 “中国民主政治与中美关系”研讨会综述马方方(153) “非政府组织与美国文化外交”研讨会综述黄成(155) 著述巡礼(157) 编后(160) AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Spring 2008Vol. 22, No. 1 ARTICLES An Inquiry into the Historical Evolution of Jury Nullification in the United States: The Contradiction between Democracy and Modernization (Han Tie) Trial by jury and representative government are usually seen as twin pillars of democracy in the United States. The right of jury nullification is the key to ensuring that the common people may play a role in the judicial process to prevent injustice. In the early years of the Republic and the Antebellum era, jury nullification was accepted in most cases even though it began to be challenged more and more by judges as a result of the modernization of the American society. The U. S. Supreme Court finally denied this right in 1895. Jury nullification, however, is still exercised de facto by juries in both federal and state courts. Apparently, this tradition has survived the challenges from the process of modernization and will continue to endure. Thus we see in recent years the repeated appeal for reaffirming the right of jury nullification in the United States. How to keep the judicial system as a democratic institution is still an issue for Americans to think through in the 21st century. The International Perspective and Cultural Interpretation in American Diplomatic History Studies in the Context of lobalization (Wang Lixin) Since the 1980s, there have emerged two trends in American diplomatic history studies: the international perspective and cultural interpretations. The international perspective propels the study of American diplomatic history towards greater emphasis on multinational analyses using archival materials from different countries and on the role of NGOs. Cultural interpretations, however, mark a shift from previously materialistic interpretations based on power and interest to cultural illustrations, thus changing the historical concepts of diplomatic historians and their views on cultural factors in international relations and opening broader prospects for the use of new historical materials. These two trends have facilitated American Diplomatic History studies to move out of crisis and prepared it to regain respect in the family of historical research. The “Politicization” of US Economic and Trade Frictions with China (Wang Yong) The article discusses the “politicization” of US economic and trade frictions with China as reflected in balance of trade, exchange rate, investment, and the deeperlayer political and economic factors inside both nations and beyond. The article holds that the rise of “politicization” is the result of “politicization” of partisan trade policy, rather than the strategic conflict between the United States and China. The change in domestic politics and social interest structure of the two countries will help strengthen the basis of bilateral relations. It will be more convincing to view this issue from domestic political and economic angles. The article suggests that the adoption of a “headon” approach of China towards the United States when Chinas core interest is at stake will help mobilize the interest groups in the US who support trade liberalization to take more vigorous actions to balance off the negative impact of trade protectionist forces on China policy. An “institutionalization” of solving economic and trade problems between the two countries will be in line with the common interests of the two countries. US-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue on China and Its Implications for China (Liu Deshou) The article analyzes the transatlantic dialogue on China, which addresses the rise of China, and pinpoints the uniformity and divergence of the United States and Europe in their China relations. The article holds that USEurope transatlantic dialogue on China is a thermometer of the trilateral relations between China, the United States and Europe. Within this trilateral relationship, USEuropean ties are the closest, and there exist differences and suspicions in Chinas relations with both the US and Europe. To a certain extent, SinoUS relations complicate SinoEuropean relations. The article proposes that in order to make the transatlantic dialogue play a more positive role, China should strengthen its relations with Europe so as to further promote SinoUS relations. Interpretation of Morgenthaus Theory of Ideology (Shi Wentao) Ideology is one of the core concepts in Hans Morgenthaus philosophy on international relations. Morgenthau adopts the use of “special ideology” and “general ideology” to analyze the disguise function, the independent motive function and the coordination function of ideology and reveals the damage caused by foreign policy based on rationalist abstract ideology. He criticizes the crusade of democratic ideology promoted by liberalism and points out that the universality of American democracy lies in its guiding concept and should not be applied mechanically in other countries. To export democracy by force will not only bring disastrous consequence but is immoral. The conflict of ideology can only be solved by the allure of the country itself. The Difficulty of Maintaining American Hegemony in View of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Li Nan) To present American refusal to join the International Criminal Court as a case study, the article attempts to analyze the structural contradiction in the United States efforts to maintain its hegemonic position in an era of globalization and with the growth of international organizations. The article maintains that the embodiment of the nonstate nature and liberalism on the International Criminal Court reflects the Western concept of human rights as well as the values projected globally by the United States in maintaining its global hegemony. However, when these values clash with Americas maintenance of power in reality, America falls into a dilemma in the logic of its “unilateral system.” As a result, Americas outward projection of value is weakened, its split with the European allies is intensified, and the legitimacy and continuity of the “unilateral system” is endangered. The Change of American Attitude and Policy towards the NonAligned Countries in Asia, 1953~1963 (Liu Qing) The article surveys changes in American policy towards the “nonaligned” Asian countries under the Eisenhower and Kennedy Administrations. The author argues that in the first term of the Eisenhower administration Washington failed to recognize the importance of the NonAligned Movement. With the successful convening of the Bandung Conference and the changes in the international situation, the American government began to reassess the NonAligned Movement followed by an adjustment of policy. After John F. Kennedy came into power, the American government viewed the nonaligned countries under the prism of the development of the Third World, and then provided these Asian countries with largescale economic aid. Profound Condolences on the Death of Professor Li DaokuiThe Editorial Board(112) AMERICANS ON AMERICA American Foreign Policy in the Wake of the Bush DoctrineFrancis Fukuyama(113) DOCUMENTARY STUDIES A Review of Research in the United States on the American Civil Rights MovementYu Zhan(122) REVIEWS A Review of Storm Center: the Supreme Court in American Politics by David M. OBrienRen Donglai(133) Comments on The Pure Food, Drink and Drug Crusaders, 1879~1914 by Lorine Swainston GoodwinZhang Yongan(144) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES A Summary of the Symposium on “Chinese Democratic Politics and SinoUS Relations”Ma Fangfang(153) A Summary of the Symposium on “NGOs and American Cultural Diplomacy”Huang Cheng(155) New Books(157) Editor's Note(160)

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