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作者:陶文钊等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY 季刊第22卷2008年第4期12月5日出版 布什政府的中东政策研究(陶文钊) 对奥巴马现象的政治文化思考(朱世达) 美国债务经济的国际循环(段彦飞) 危机决策中的美国府会互动模式(信强) 基辛格与美国外交传统(龚洪烈) 民主国家同盟战略与意识形态话语下的中美关系(刘阿明) 福克斯新闻频道的崛起与美国保守主义(王菊芳、余万里) 〇文献与研究 近三十年来中国学者对美国最高法院的研究与认识(胡晓进) 〇书评 协商的奴隶制?(王金虎) ——读埃拉·伯林的《太多了》和《失去自由的人们》 〇学术动态 “美国金融危机及其影响”研讨会纪要(杜邢晔、刘辉、刘晓红) “全球治理”跨文化国际研讨会综述(彭琦、杜邢晔) 著述巡礼 2008年《美国研究》总目录 编后 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Winter 2008, Vol. 22, No. 4 ARTICLES A Study of Bush Administration's Middle East Policy (Tao Wenzhao) The Bush Administration's Middle East strategy has served two interlocked purposes: countering terrorism and promoting democracy in the Middle East. The key link of this strategy was Iraq, namely, to transform Iraq by force and then introduce democratization to the whole region. This policy got deadlocked in 2007. Then the Bush Administration adjusted the policy by reinitiating the PalestinianIsraeli peace process, urging Israel to improve relations with the Muslim world, reducing pressure on the Arabic countries for democratic reforms, and forming an alliance to isolate and contain Iran. The watershed event for this adjustment was the Annapolis Conference in November 2007. But the peace process has made little progress since then due to a variety of reasons. Thoughts on the Political Culture of the “Obama Phenomenon”(Zhu Shida) From the perspective of “Politics in History,” the article discusses the milestone significance of the election of Obama as the first AfroAmerican president to American politics and culture. Obamas victory was the result of the political and economic mess of the Republican Party in the past 8 years as well as his multiethnic, multicultural background. The success of Obama accelerates the generational transformation from the older generation of AfroAmerican leaders to a new generation. It also signifies that American society has witnessed considerable progress in racial relations. But the black and white divide in American political structure has not been fundamentally changed. This means that after Obama is swornin, he has to pursue a social policy of seeking balance among races and classes. The International Cycle of American Debt Economy (Duan Yanfei) With the constant expansion of American currentaccount deficit, American foreign debt is piling up, forming huge dollar assets beyond its border, which constitutes an international cycle of American debt economy. Americas debt economy is rooted in the dollarbased international monetary system. The dollars status and the free flow of American financial assets form the two pillars in the international cycle. The continuous expansion of American debt economy speeds up the world circulation of American dollar, which in the end leads to the crisis in the international monetary system and the serious turmoil in the global financial system. Great changes in the system are pending because it must adjust to the global economic structure that has undergone great changes. The Model of Interaction between the U.S. President and Congress in Crisis Decision-making (Xin Qiang) Since the beginning of the Cold War, international security crises have occurred frequently. In managing the crises, the regular decisionmaking model of separated but shared power between the U.S. president and the Congress is no longer applicable. The special feature of crisis decisionmaking, the control of intelligence by the president, and the presidents role as commander inchief make the president almost the only “leader” in crisis decisionmaking. The Congress, out of consideration of safeguarding national security interest, plays the role of faithful “follower,” thus forming a special interactive model of “leadingfollowing” between the president and the Congress. Kissinger and American Foreign Policy Tradition (Gong Honglie) An important aspect of Henry Kissingers diplomatic thinking is the critiques of American foreign policy tradition. From the perspective of European culture, and in view of Americas geopolitical feature, ideological and cultural tradition, and historical development, Kissinger points out that the basic features of American foreign policy tradition are the island feature, exceptionalism, and the antithetical dualism of realism and idealism. Meanwhile, Kissingers diplomatic thinking and foreign policy practice have become part of Americas foreign policy tradition. According to Walter Meads characterization of American foreign policy tradition, Kissingers thinking and policy can be put into the category of the Jeffersonian tradition together with the Hamiltonian tradition. Sino-US Relations under the Strategy of Concert of Democracies and Ideological Discourse (Liu Aming) The Concert of Democracies is the core concept raised in the report of the Princeton Project on National Security. This concept is a summary of and theoretical annotation to Americas Atlantic strategy. In the AsiaPacific region, the concept is embodied in the forwarding and implementation of the proposal of the fournation alliance of the United States, Japan, Australia and India. In recent years, the United States has strengthened military exchanges and cooperation with the “democratic” countries like Japan, Australia and India. This reflects a deeprooted ideological consideration in US foreign strategy, especially its strategy toward China. If the strategy of establishing a Concert of Democracies becomes a reality, the United States will undoubtedly strengthen its effort in exporting democracy and human rights. As a result, the ideological pressure it exerts on China will increase. Such situation will bring uncertainties to Chinas foreign strategy in the 21st century, and Chinas corresponding adjustment and countermeasures will be inevitable. The Rise of Fox News Channel and American Conservatism (Wang Jufang and Yu Wanli) After the Fox News Channel's opening in 1996, it took this new channel only a little over five years to enjoy the highest viewership among American cable television stations, beating CNN that first put forward the idea of 24hour news channel. The success of Fox News Channel has a lot to do with its distinct character and inflaming language that attracts the audience. However, what is more important is that the conservative tendency of Fox caters to the conservative ideology in American society in the past decades. This is the general environment and deeper cause for its rise. DOCUMENT AND RESEARCH A Research Review of Chinese Scholars' Works on the Supreme Court of the United States in the Past Thirty Years (Hu Xiaojin) REVIEWS Slavery through Consultation? — A Review of Ira Berlin's “Many Thousands Gone” and “Generations of Captivity”(Wang Jinhu) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES A Summary of the Symposium on American Financial Crisis and Its Economic Impact (Du Xingye, Liu Hui, and Liu Xiaohong) A Summary of the Crosscultural International Symposium on “Global Governance”(Peng Qi and Du Xingye) New Books 2008 American Studies Quarterly Index Editor's Note

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