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作者:唐士其等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY 季刊第22卷2008年第2期6月5日出版 美国政治文化的二元结构及其影响唐士其 (7) 美国政治营销的兴起赵可金 (28) 中国加入世贸组织以来的中美知识产权争端何兴强 (48) 美国残疾人就业政策的变迁杨伟国陈玉杰 (63) 美国的“合作降低威胁”项目评析全克林 (77) 美国空军的替代能源政策李超民 (96) 冷战后美国出口管制政策的改革和调整刘子奎(107) 阿裔美国人的政治参与研究杨明光刘军(128) 〇书评·文评 当代托克维尔笔下的美国赵梅(140) ——读《美国的迷惘:沿着托克维尔的足迹》 评《从盟友到敌人:关于现代性和身份的种种观念与 美中外交,1945~1960》甘均先(147) 〇信息 中国美国史研究会第十二届年会综述郭巧华(152) “中美关系对构建和谐世界的影响”研讨会综述王洪涛(154) 著述巡礼(157) 编后(160) AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Summer 2008, Vol. 22, No. 2 ARTICLES The Dualistic Structure of American Political Culture and Its Impact(Tang Shiqi) Since the founding of the United States of America, there have existed in American political culture the universally equalitarian and individualistic principle of liberalism and the political principle in practice of the White Protestant elitism. This is a concrete representation of Americas political dualistic structure. The coexistence and conflict of the two principles are one of the driving forces in the American political and social developments. Meanwhile, it is also an important element in maintaining the stability of the American political system over the past more than two hundred years. The emergence of the civil rights movement and multiculturism signifies the gradual ascendance of the universal principle of liberalism in American political life and the declining of the White Protestant elitism. This shift is likely to lead to an imbalance in American politics. In the coming two to three decades, the trend of American politics will be determined by the possibility of reestablishing some kind of balance on a new basis between universalism and elitism. However, it does not exclude the possibility of intense political clashes over specific policies. The Rise of Political Marketing in the United States(Zhao Kejin) Political marketing is a multidisciplinary field of research developed in the United States in the 1990s. It aims at studying and guiding political behavior from the perspective of business marketing. Its theories and tools are very helpful in comprehending election campaigns and government behaviors in American politics. From the perspective of its fundamentals, political marketing is a totally new consumeroriented political logic which differentiates itself from poliltical propaganda, political communication, political public relations and political management. It is the necessary requirement of development of modern society and democracy. Based on a systemic study of the concept and character of political marketing, the paper explores the influence of political marketing on American politics and its future trend. The Dispute over Intellectual Property Rights between China and the U.S. since China's Entry into the WTO(He Xingqiang) The article tries to conduct an indepth analysis of the causes of the intensification of dispute over IPR between China and the United States after Chinas entry into the WTO, especially since 2004. The article holds that the dispute took place as a result of the strengthening of IPR protection on the part of the American government and the pressure from business groups concerned about intellectual property in the U.S. The worsening of the dispute is also a result of the negative trade and political environment in the U.S. towards China and the gap between the two sides in the understanding of IPR protection. In conclusion, the article discusses the prospects for solving the IPR disputes between China and the U.S. and points out that the correct path should be the strengthening of communication and cooperation, mutual understanding, and compromise, but not unilateral pressure and repraisal. The Evolution of American Employment Policy of the Handicapped(Yang Weiguo and Chen Yujie) The employment policy of the handicapped in the United States has gone through several stages in the past century: the stage of guarantee of survival with medical treatment as the main feature; the social integration stage with the strenthening of professional recuperation and construction of infrastructure as the main feature; the right extension stage with eliminating employment discrimination and perfection of workplace as the main feature; and the potentiality development stage with the extension of freedom and the tapping of potential as the main feature. The article holds that the development trend of American governments future employment policy of the handicapped will be a further extension of the employment right of the handicapped, the creation of a better social environment and workplace environment, and a greater tap of the creative potential of handicapped human resource. The Evolution of the American Project of “Reduction of Threat through Cooperation”(Quan Kelin) Since the initiation of the project in 1992, “Reduction of Threat through Cooperation” of the United States has achieved an important success and has evolved from a contingency in dealing with immediate threat caused by the loss of control of former Soviet nuclear weapons to an important tool of American global nonproliferation strategy. After studying the main content of the project, its evolution, and American motivation in the pursuit, the author holds that in carrying out the project, the United States is pursuing its own security interest and foreign relations strategy and the project itself also has serious limitations. But this American effort has objectively promoted international security and contributed to the building of a new type of international nonproliferation mechanism. The Energy Substitute Policy of the U.S. Air Force(Li Chaomin) Against the background of diminished global oil resources and the competition in the development of new environmentfriendly energy substitutes, the U.S. Air Force is at the head of the world in the R&D and use of energy substitutes. Currently, the energy substitutes used by the U.S. Air Force include biofuel and FT technology CTL/GTL fuel. Since there are fairly strong obstacles in technological development and business investment, and the new system is yet to be constructed, the commercial application of energy substitutes will take time. There are different opinions in America over the use of energy subtitutes by the Air Force. However, legislation concerning the domestic use of energy substitutes and the programs of various energy substitutes of the DoD will in the end accelerate the steps in the development and use of energy substitutes. The Reform and Adjustment of PostCold War American Export Control Policy(Liu Zikui) Since the end of the Cold War, the United States has conducted a series of reform and adjustment of its export control system. On the one hand, it has strengthened its domestic system building. On the other, it has also enhanced international cooperation. This is not only to adjust to the new changes in international security environment and meet the demand of maintaining American edge in military technology, but also to cater to the demands of various domestic interest groups. Such reform and adjustment is beneficial to the keeping of American superiority in military technology and to the further increasing of the influence of the Western political and military alliance led by the United States in world affairs, thus putting America in a better position to respond to terrorism. But such steps may intensify the spread of arms and technology, causing security dilemma for the United States. A Study of the Political Participaton of Arab Americans(Yang Mingguang and Liu Jun) Arab Americans are a member of the “melting pot” in America and hold a unique position in Americas ethnic political life. Over the past century, Arab Americans have evolved from an immigrant ethnic group at the edge of society to a welltodo middle class concentrating in big cities. Meanwhile, through protest politics, interest groups, lobbying, and influencing elections, Arab Americans have participated in American political life and achieved some success. However, the antiterrorist war and the worsening of relations between the United States and the Islamic world and the marginalization of American Arab/Muslim groups make the prospect of Arab American political participation rather dim. REVIEWS America under a Contemporary Tocqueville: A Review of America Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville by BernardHenry Levy(Zhao Mei) A Review of From Allies to Enemies: Visions of Modernity, Identity, and U.S.China Diplomacy, 1945~1960 by Simei Qing(Gan Junxian ) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES A Summary of the Twelfth Annual Conference on the American History Research Association of China(Guo Qiaohua) A Summary of the Symposium on “The Impact of SinoAmerican Relations on the Construction of a Harmonious World”(Wang Hongtao) New Books Editor's Note Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life.

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