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作者:张业亮 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY 季刊第21卷2007年第1期3月5日出版 美国2006年中期选举及其对美内政外交的影响张业亮(7) 自由国际主义与第三世界牛可 (34) ——美国现代化理论兴起的历史透视 战后美国的儒学与民主比较研究张斌 (57) 〇专题研讨:美国国会研究 美国贸易代表办公室与美国国际贸易政策孙哲李巍 (85) 美国2007年农场法立法的政治经济学分析李超民(107) 美国国会文化生态探析张春(120) 〇书评·文评 建构认知仇华飞(136) ——评丹尼尔·帕帕的《当代国际关系》 对美国政治学的一种“知识考古学”反思赵国军(145) ——读《美国和美国的敌人》 〇学术动态 “美国的反恐战略与中亚政策”国际学术研讨会 综述袁征何维保(154) 美国中期选举国际研讨会综述刘卫东何兴强(156) 著述巡礼(158) 编后(160) AMERCIAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Volume 21, Number 1, Spring 2007 Huang Ping Hu Guocheng Zhao Mei Wei Hongxia Li Hui Qin Qin Editor Associate Editor Managing Editor Editorial Assistant Editorial Technician Proofreader Senior Advisers Chen Baosen, Li Daokui, Wang Jisi, Zi Zhongyun Editorial Board Chu Shulong, Ding Xinghao, Gu Guoliang, He Shunguo, Ji Hong, Jin Canrong, Li Daokui, Li Jianming, Li Xiaogang, Liang Maoxin, Mao Yushi, Mei Renyi, Ni Feng, Ni Shixiong, Qin Yaqing, Ren Donglai, Ruan Zongze, Sheng Ning, Tao Wenzhao, Wang Xi, Wang Yizhou, Wang Zihong, Wu Baiyi, Xu Hui, Yang Jiemian, Yuan Ming, Zhang Yuyan, Zhou Qi, Zhu Shida AERMICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute. MANUSCRIPTS SHOULD BE SENT TO: American Studies Quarterly at the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Addr. Dong Yuan, No. 3 Zhang Zizhong Rd., Beijing 100007, China). SUSCRIPTIONS: Call (8610) 6400-0071 Fax: (8610) 6400-0021 Email: zhaomei@cass.org.cn http://www.mgyj.com ISSN1002-8986Copyright 1987-2007 American Studies Quarterly Printed in Beijing, China AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Spring 2007, Vol. 21, No. 1 ARTICLES 2006 Mid-term Election in U.S. and Its Impacts on Domestic and Foreign Policies Zhang Yeliang (7) The article, based on analyses of current political environment and the features of 2006 mid-term election in U.S., discusses the causes of the Democrat's victory and the impacts of the change in the Congress on American future domestic and foreign policies. The author holds that Democrats recontrol of both houses of the United States is a reflection of voters' strong dissatisfaction with Bush's Iraq policy and corruption scandals from the Republicancontrolled Congress, the conservatives' opposition against budgetary and social policies and Hispanic voters' anger with immigration policy. The change in congress would exert some impacts on U.S. domestic and foreign policies in the coming two years. However, the constituents who back either of the two parties basically did not change, the trend of American political and social thinking did not change, either. Therefore, Bush Administration may not make radical readjustments in its domestic and foreign policies in the remaining two years. Liberal Internationalism and the Third World: A Historical Perspective of the Rise of American Modernization Theory Niu Ke(34) Liberal internationalism is the basic “character” of postwar American foreign policy. It intrinsically demands the formulation of a plan for global transformation under the leadership of the United States, especially a systematic Third World policy with the policy of foreign aid and development as the core. This was the motive force and historical condition for the rise of the modernization theory in the United States. In the initial period of the Cold War, liberal internationalism was effectively curbed by realism, which delayed and weakened American awareness of the importance of the Third World and the construction of a policy of aid and development. The policy thrust of modernization theory was to change this state of affair. The modernization theory, with its liberal internationalism and identification with Democrats liberalism, reflected the feature of the historical period in the evolution of American liberalism and to a great degree shaped the Third World policy of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. The Comparative Study of Confucianism and Democracy in Post World War II AmericaZ hang Bin(57) The United States became the center of Confucianism studies after World War II. The study can be divided into three stages: 1. the initial stage (1950s60s); 2. the stage of advancement of new theories and methods (1970s80s); 3.the multi dimensional stage (1990s). The focus of this field of research was the comparative study of Confucianism and modern democratic theories in the western world. During the postwar period, the study was characterized by the evolution and transformation of paradigms. The two major trends in the study were critical reading and creative “misrepresentation.” FOCAL TOPIC: AMERICAN CONGRESSIONAL STUDY The Office of U.S. Trade Representative and American International Trade Policy Sun Zhe and Li Wei(85) The transformation of American political system, especially the changes in the relationship between the executive and the legislative branches, affects the formulation of American international trade policy in a major way. Under the separation of power, the creation and transformation of the role of the Office of U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) reflect the struggle between the President and the Congress over the policymaking power over international trade. The Congress constantly challenges the executivedominated “1934 pattern” and tries to establish a new international trade system to be jointly managed by the President and the Congress. The changes in the relationship between the two branches not only determine the power and role of the USTR but also affects its behavior in world trade negotiations. The Political Economy of the 2007 Farm Bill Legislation Li Chaomin(107) The American farm interest groups have put forward different proposals in the current 2007 Farm Bill debates, including an extension of The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 for one year and a substitution of the farm Safety Net Program in the 2002 farm bill with the new Wholefarm Revenue Safety Net Program aiming to increase farm support on the current policy base, etc. The new farm policy of the USDA shows that the new farm bill should give greater attention to the overall development in rural America. The Congress holds that the new bill should, apart from continued protection of farm security, also address nonfarm interests. It is analyzed in this paper that the core policy focus in the 2007 farm bill relates to farm support, conservation policy adjustment, and biofuel policies. The author argues that the debates and legislative changes in the new farm bill are political and economic adjustments among America’s interest groups, both farm and nonfarm, and this development poses new requirements for other parties in the new round of WTO agricultural negotiation. The author advises China’s agricultural policymakers to reform the present agricultural system to stabilize its farm economy. An Analysis of the Cultural Ecology of American Congress Zhang Chun(120) The reason why American public support of Congress is not as high as expected can be found in the interrelationship between Congressional cultural ecology and American cultural ecology. Although American cultural ecology as a whole determines the basic structure of Congress, the specific Congressional cultural ecology demonstrates strong initiatives. On the institutional level, the redivision of Congressional district, Congressional election and legislative process all put Congressional cultural ecology in an advantageous position in American cultural ecology. In spite of the fact that on the non institutional level mass media and public identity can exert some kind of check and balance, Congress can still play a controlling role. Therefore, Congressional cultural ecology has not only promoted the development of “Jacksonianism” or neoconservatism in recent decades, but also hinders the reinvigoration of liberal internationalism in America. REVIEWS Constructing Identity: Comments on Contemporary International Relations: Frameworks for Understanding by Daniel S. Papp Qiu Huafei(136) Reflection on the Archaeology of Knowledge of American Political Science: Comments on Our Enemies and U.S.: America’s Rivalries and the Making of Political Science Zhao Guojun(145) ACADEMIC NOTES International Symposium on “U.S. Antiterrorism Strategy and Policy towards Central Asia Yuan Zheng and He Weibao(154) A Summary of the International Symposium on U.S. Mid-term Election Liu Weidong and He Xingqiang(156) New Books(158) Editor's Note(160) Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life.

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