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作者:李庆四等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY 季刊第21卷2007年第3期9月5日出版 美国国会中的外来游说(李庆四) 美国与上海合作组织:认知、关系和未来(邵育群) 九一一事件后美国对拉丁美洲的政策与拉美的反美主义(魏红霞) 美国印第安人保留地制度现状研究(杨恕、曾向红) 美国监狱私有化的实践分析(王廷惠) 1946~1947年美国对华军火禁运的几个问题(胡美、任东来) 美国来华传教士与晚清鸦片贸易(甘开鹏) 〇书评·文评 沃尔泽的正义战争论述评(张书元、石斌) ——兼论美国学术理论界有关海外军事干涉的思想分野 “共同利益”下的冲突(庞中英) ——评王勇的《中美经贸关系》 “重新保证”理性:对国家紧急状态理论基础的一种新阐释(戚建刚) ——评布鲁斯·阿克曼的《下一次攻击之前》 美国最高法院的成长(颜廷) ——评伯纳德·施瓦茨的《美国最高法院史》 著述巡礼 编后 AMERCIAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Volume 21, Number 3, Fall 2007 Huang Ping Hu Guocheng Zhao Mei Wei Hongxia Lu Ning Liu Hui Li Hui Qin Qin Editor Associate Editor Managing Editor Editorial Assistant Editorial Assistant Editorial Assistant Editorial Technician Proofreader Senior Advisers Chen Baosen, Li Daokui, Wang Jisi, Zi Zhongyun Editorial Board Chu Shulong, Ding Xinghao, Gu Guoliang, He Shunguo, Ji Hong, Jin Canrong, Li Daokui, Li Jianming, Li Xiaogang, Liang Maoxin, Mao Yushi, Mei Renyi, Ni Feng, Ni Shixiong, Qin Yaqing, Ren Donglai, Ruan Zongze, Sheng Ning, Tao Wenzhao, Wang Xi, Wang Yizhou, Wang Zihong, Wu Baiyi, Xu Hui, Yang Jiemian, Yuan Ming, Zhang Yuyan, Zhou Qi, Zhu Shida AERMICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute. MANUSCRIPTS SHOULD BE SENT TO: American Studies Quarterly at the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Addr. Dong Yuan, No. 3 Zhang Zizhong Rd., Beijing 100007, China). SUSCRIPTIONS: Call (8610) 6400-0071 Fax: (8610) 6400-0021 Email: zhaomei@cass.org.cn http://www.mgyj.com ISSN1002-8986Copyright 1987-2007 American Studies Quarterly Printed in Beijing, China AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Fall 2007, Vol. 21, No. 3 ARTICLES Foreign Lobbying in American Congress Li Qingsi (7) The legislative design in American political system makes it possible for interest groups to conduct lobbying. The focus of competition among the interest groups is the lobbying of congressmen to ensure that the legislation approved is in line with the interest of the group. Since the United States is a super power, foreign lobbying is also very common. It is a fact that domestic lobbying has affected Congressional legislation but it is a myth about the influence of foreign lobbying .The article makes a study of the influence of foreign lobbying, especially Israeli and Turkish lobbying, and shows that the effect of lobbying is determined by American strategic interest, not the other way round. Although lobbying may play a role, practice proves that a country should not pin its hope of the improvement of relation with the United States on Congressional lobbying. The United States and SCO: Perceptions, Relations, and Prospects Shao Yuqun(19) On the basis of examination of think tank reports, academic works and official documents of the United States, the article studies American governments perception of and policy towards SCO and the prospects of its development. The article holds that American perception of SCO has undergone a process of neglect, suspicion and attention. The turning point came as a result of the SCO Astana Summit. Consequently, the United States made certain adjustment in its policy towards SCO. The American mainstream view holds that the United States must actively engage SCO and conduct dialogues with it so as to prevent it from becoming a tool in the hands of Russia and China to dominate Central Asia. This article holds that since the relationship between the United States and SCO makes a direct impact on the interests of the two sides in Central Asia, it is necessary for the two sides to carry out positive interaction. The intersection of interest of the two sides in Central Asia makes it possible for them to have a positive interaction. US Policy towards Latin America after 9/11 and AntiAmericanism in Latin America Wei Hongxia(31) The article explores Americas Latin America policy since 9/11 and the emergence of antiAmericanism in the Latin American region. The article holds that unilateralism has been the dominant feature in American policy towards Latin America. Since 9/11, as a result of U.S. policy adjustment for antiterrorism, unilateralism has become more evident. In international affairs, the United States takes actions according to its own intention, and in diplomatic activities the Bush administration deliberately ignores Latin American countries. Such unilateral approach is one of the key causes of arousing antiAmerican feelings among the people in Latin American countries. Such feelings encourage some of the leaders in this region to challenge America and even lead to the change of political orientation in some countries. The article uses Cuba as a case study, analyzing American policy towards the only socialist country in this hemisphere and showing that the Bush administration maintains a consistently tough policy towards Cuba. However, owing to the need of counterterrorism and the push of some American interest groups, there have also been signs of relaxation in USCuban relations. Research on American Indian Reservation System Yang Shu and Zeng Xianghong(50) As a kind of institutional arrangements, American Indian Reservation System was not established through the promulgation of policy but through Congressional legislation, legal interpretation of courts at all levels, and judicial rulings. Hence, the examination of American Indian laws becomes the major way of studying American Indian Reservation System. This article makes a study of the division of power between the Federal government and Indian tribes as stipulated in American Indian laws, the criminal and civil judicial power enjoyed by Indian Reservations, and the unique role of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. It comes to the conclusion that there is an inherent contradiction between the limited selfdetermination given to the Indians and the “trust responsibility” of the federal government towards the Indians. Such a contradiction determines that the American Indian Reservation System cannot solve the “Indian problem” that has haunted the American government for over 200 years. It also determines that the American Indians cannot, up till now, effectively exercise selfdetermination. Unless the American government finds an appropriate balance between “selfdetermination” and “trust responsibility,” the problem will continue to trouble the American government. Analysis of the Practice of Privatization of American Prisons Wang Tinghui(70) In the traditional sense, the surveillance and discipline of criminals are the tasks of the government. The rise of the privatization of prisons in the 1980s, therefore, posed a new challenge to the traditional frontier of governance. Through the analysis of the cause, problem and prospects of development of the privatization of American prisons, the article contributes to a comprehensive understanding of privatization, especially the significance of participation of private agencies in providing public service, thus bringing about competition and forming public and private cooperative system. It cannot be verified that private prisons can greatly cut the costs and raise efficiency, but the major significance of privatization of prison lies in the introduction of more competitive entities into the provision of public service and the enhancement of dynamic efficiency of public service provision. The cost cuts and efficiency improvement of privatization are the result of competition. Issues about American Embargo of Arms and Ammunition against China between 1946 and 1947 Hu Mei and Ren Donglai(85) American embargo of arms and ammunition against China between 1946 and 1947 was an important measure taken by the United States in the Chinese civil war. During the Marshall mediation, in order to pressure Jiang Jieshi for cooperation, Marshall announced on July 29, 1946, the embargo of American aid to the Nationalist Government of China. Without receiving a response from Jiang Jieshi, President Truman approved of the embargo on August 18. The policy specially designed for the mediation did not produce the effect as expected by Marshall. But it partly led to a serious shortage of arms and ammunition of the Guomingdang troops. As a result of the negative effect of the embargo on Guomingdang troops, the State Department and American military were engaged in intense debates regarding the lifting of the embargo. Against the background of the growing intensification of the Cold War in the world, the State Department finally agreed to lift the embargo. American Missionaries in China and the Opium Trade in Late Qing Gan Kaipeng(103) Through the study and carding of historical materials in the late Qing period, the article discusses the views of American missionaries on Western opium trade in China. The article holds that the disastrous consequences of the growing opium trade of Britain and the United States in China in the 1830s not only forced the Qing government to take severe measures to ban opium, but also aroused strong condemnation of the trade by American missionaries in China. The opposition of American missionaries to opium trade had an important effect on American domestic public opinion as well as the conclusion of the Treaty of Wanghia. It also exerted an influence on America’s opium trade policy in China. However, around the time of the signing of the Tientsin Treaty, the view of American missionaries towards the opium trade changed, which led to the change of American opium trade policy in China and, to a certain extent, to the acceleration of the final legitimatization of the opium trade. REVIEWS Comments on Walzers “Just War”: An Ideological Division in American Academia on Overseas Military Intervention Zhang Shuyuan and Shi Bin(116) Conflict under “Common Interests”: A Review of SinoUS Economic and Trade Relations by Wang Yong Pang Zhongying(134) “Reassurance” of Rationality: A New Interpretation of the Theoretical Basis of National Emergency:A Review of Before the Next Attack: Preserving Civil Liberties in an Age of Terrorism Qi Jiangang(139) The Growth of the American Supreme Court:A Review of A History of the Supreme Court by Bernard Schwartz Yan Ting(149) New Books(159) Editor's Note(160) Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life.

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