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作者:周琪等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY 季刊第21卷2007年第2期6月5日出版 “布什主义”与美国新保守主义周琪(7) 试论美国最高法院与司法审查任东来 (28) 美国现代大众消费社会的形成及其全球影响王晓德 (48) 社会科学研究与美国心理冷战战略于群 (68) ——以“学说宣传项目”为核心的探讨 九一一事件后美国对印度尼西亚的公共外交仇朝兵 (83) 美国国会涉华联线体制分析张植荣(101) ——以西藏问题为中心 〇学术札记 中国的美国早期史研究:回顾与前瞻李剑鸣(112) 〇书评·文评 美国霸权、均势与美国大战略韩召颖(129) ——《美国无敌:均势的未来》评介 规避损失与大国的过度扩张林民旺(144) ——读杰弗里·W.托利弗的《制衡风险》 〇信息 “美国对华政策与美国国内政治”学术研讨会综述李恒阳魏红霞(153) “全球视野下的美国早期史研究”国际研讨会综述董瑜(155) 著述巡礼(158) 编后(160) AMERCIAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Volume 21, Number 2, Summer 2007 Huang Ping Hu Guocheng Zhao Mei Wei Hongxia Lu Ning Liu Hui Li Hui Qin Qin Editor Associate Editor Managing Editor Editorial Assistant Editorial Assistant Editorial Assistant Editorial Technician Proofreader Senior Advisers Chen Baosen, Li Daokui, Wang Jisi, Zi Zhongyun Editorial Board Chu Shulong, Ding Xinghao, Gu Guoliang, He Shunguo, Ji Hong, Jin Canrong, Li Daokui, Li Jianming, Li Xiaogang, Liang Maoxin, Mao Yushi, Mei Renyi, Ni Feng, Ni Shixiong, Qin Yaqing, Ren Donglai, Ruan Zongze, Sheng Ning, Tao Wenzhao, Wang Xi, Wang Yizhou, Wang Zihong, Wu Baiyi, Xu Hui, Yang Jiemian, Yuan Ming, Zhang Yuyan, Zhou Qi, Zhu Shida AERMICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute. MANUSCRIPTS SHOULD BE SENT TO: American Studies Quarterly at the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Addr. Dong Yuan, No. 3 Zhang Zizhong Rd., Beijing 100007, China). SUSCRIPTIONS: Call (8610) 6400-0071 Fax: (8610) 6400-0021 Email: zhaomei@cass.org.cn http://www.mgyj.com ISSN1002-8986Copyright 1987-2007 American Studies Quarterly Printed in Beijing, China AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Summer 2007, Vol. 21, No. 2 ARTICLES The “Bush Doctrine” and America's Neoconservatism? Zhou Qi (7) The “Bush Doctrine” is characterized by the policies of preemption, regime change, unilateralism and pursuit of benign egemony. Its ideological root is neoconservatism. The 9/11 terrorist attacks made Bush accept neoconservatism and regard it as a new approach in dealing with the new threat of terrorism; and neoconservatives, through their hawkish alliance with merican nationalists inside the Bush administration and Christian rights, exert influence on U.S. foreign policy. eoconservatives and traditional conservatives are firm believers in two basic American ideologies: American exceptionalism nd classical liberalism. They promote the use of force to pursue their ideals and interests. However, the “Bush Doctrine” is doomed to fail as a result of the inherent problems in it and in the neoconservative beliefs. With the intensification of the difficulties in the Iraq War, neoconservatism, together with the “Bush Doctrine,” has traversed a course from booming to ebbing. The Supreme Court of the United States and Judicial Review Ren Donglai(28) As one of the most authoritative courts in the world, the Supreme Court of the United States gains its authority, to a large extent, from its final say on matters concerning the Constitution. The interpretation of the Constitution, in the institutional form of judicial review, makes it possible for the Constitution to advance and adjust with the times. At the same time, it also triggers a ceaseless controversy over whether the Supreme Court has overstepped its power. The history of the Supreme Court reveals that the courts and justices, though seemingly neutral, cannot be free from the influence of the times and the intervention of political power. The judicial liberalism or judicial conservatism, judicial activism or judicial restraint, can only be understood within the historical context. Similarly, the counterdemocratic, countermajoritarian difficulty of judicial review can only be explained within the unique systemic framework of federalism and electoral politics of the United States. The Formation of Contemporary American Mass Consumer Society and Its Global ImpactWang Xiaode(48) Contemporary mass consumption is a model in the process of modernization, a new life style that poses great challenges to tradition. At the beginning of the 20th century, features of contemporary mass consumptive society had emerged in the United States. By the 1920s, mass consumerism had become dominant in American society and had begun to spread to other parts of the world. European industrialized countries were the first to feel the threat of “Americanization,” but under the influence of the American development model, they were gradually transformed into contemporary mass consumptive society. Since World War II, contemporary consumerism, as a global capitalist value, has exerted a great impact on developing countries in their transition to modernization. Historically, both European industrialized countries and emerging developing countries have experienced or are experiencing the challenge of American mass consumer culture to their indigenous life styles. But they have not been “Americanized” as expected. Rather, they have absorbed from the incoming American consumer culture what is beneficial to their development and have gradually adjusted their indigenous cultures to the tide of global development. With the infusion of beneficial elements of foreign culture, the traditional culture plays a positive role in the development of national economy. Social Science Research and American Psychological Warfare Strategy: Focusing on the Doctrinal ProgramYu Qun(68) After the beginning of the Cold War in 1947, American policymakers, especially those who directed the Psychological Warfare, gradually came to realize the indispensable role of social science research in the Cold War. By reviewing the Psychological Strategy Boards Doctrinal Program, one of the most important national psychological strategy plans, this article tries to reveal the truth of the integration of social science research with American governments Cold War policymaking. It also tries to illustrate that through the use of social science research American psychological strategy became, to certain extent, more deceptive, misleading and effective, and exerted some lasting influences on the process of the Cold War. Americas Public Diplomacy in Indonesia after 9/11Qiu Chaobing(83) The terrorist attacks of 9/11 once again gave rise to the prominence of public diplomacy on Americas foreign policy agenda. In promoting public diplomacy toward Indonesia, the United States has paid attention not only to the consistence of shortterm goals and longterm results, but also to the interaction between traditional diplomacy and public diplomacy. The purpose of strengthening public diplomacy toward Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world, is to dissolve antiAmerican sentiment of Indonesians, to reduce as much as possible the influence of extremism and Muslim radicalism, and to improve the image of the United States in Indonesia, so as to meet the needs of global counterterrorist task. However, with the change of the situation in the AsiaPacific region, geopolitical consideration has been infused into its public diplomacy. With many complicated factors, when assessing American public diplomacy toward Indonesia, we need not only to stress its shortterm role in improving American image but should attach greater attention to the longterm effect, especially the shaping of Indonesian elites attitude towards the United States. Meanwhile, the interaction of traditional diplomacy and public diplomacy should also be given due recognition. An Analysis of U.S. Congressional Caucuses Related to ChinaZhang Zhirong(101) The emergence of the three Chinarelated Congressional Caucuses, i.e., the Human Rights Caucus, Taiwan Caucus and China Caucus, is the product of multidimensional domestic politics and external factors of the United States. With the Congressional Human Rights Caucus focusing on Tibet as a case study, the article tries to analyze the context of the establishment of Chinarelated Caucuses and their impacts on the making of American policy toward China. The article holds that, as the basic force in advancing Congressional resolutions on Tibet and organizing related activities, this Caucus has tried to internationalize the Tibetan issue. The Caucus is also an important pillar in providing economic backing for the Tibetan exiles and in training Tibetan secessionists. The article also holds that the establishment of both the Congressional Human Rights Caucus and the Taiwan Caucus has indicated an increasing concern over and an intervention in Chinas internal affairs, as well as a tendency of internationalization of the Tibetan and Taiwan issues. The establishment of the China Caucus, however, demonstrates that with the rise of Chinas international status, American Congress has to recognize the importance of China. ACADEMIC NOTES A Review of the Study of Early American History in ChinaLi Jianming(112) REVIEWS A Review of American Unrivalled: the Future of the Balance of PowerHan Zhaoying(129) Comments on Balancing Risks: Great Power Intervention in the PeripheryLin Mingwang(144) ACADEMIC ACTIVITES A Summary of the Symposium “U.S. Domestic Politics and Policy towards China”Li Hengyang and Wei Hongxia(153) A Summary of the International Symposium “Early American History in Global Perspective”Dong Yu(155) New Books(158) Editors Note(160) Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life.

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