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作者:樊吉社等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY 季刊第20卷2006年第4期12月5日出版 美国军控政策的调整与变革:从制度建设到志愿者同盟樊吉社(7) 美国待遇确定型企业年金计划担保机制的困境 与前景郑秉文黄念 (29) 清末以来中国中学历史教科书中的美国形象赵梅 (51) 九一一事件前美国情报界未能进行“适应性变革” 的原因探析张帆 (72) 中美关系解冻的舆论准备李期铿谢超 (95) ——富布赖特的“中国听证会” “文化大革命”初期的美国对华政策王朝晖 (111) 参议院外交委员会与肯尼迪时期的美国对华政策张侃(125) 〇学术札记 浅谈美国外交文献的利用张曙光(140) 刘祚昌先生与美国史研究陈海宏(150) 2006年《美国研究》总目录(157) 编后(160) AMERCIAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Volume 20, Number 4, Winter 2006 Wang Jisi Hu Guocheng Zhao Mei Lu Ning, Wei Hongxia Li Hui Qin Qin Editor Associate Editor Managing Editor Editorial Assistants Editorial Technician Proofreader Board of Advisers Chen Baosen, Chen Xiaogong, Deng Shusheng, Ding Xinghao, Dong Hengxun, Gu Guoliang, Jin Canrong, Li Daokui, Mao Yushi, Niu Jun, Tao Wenzhao, Wang Xi, Wang Yizhou, Yang Yusheng, Yuan Ming, Zhang Youlun, Zhang Yuyan, Zhao Yifan, Zhou Qi, Zhu Shida, Zi Zhongyun AERMICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute. MANUSCRIPTS SHOULD BE SENT TO: American Studies Quarterly at the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Addr. Dong Yuan, No. 3 Zhang Zizhong Rd., Beijing 100007, China). SUSCRIPTIONS: call (8610) 6400-0071 Fax: (8610) 6400-0021 Email: zhaomei@cass.org.cn http://www.mgyj.com ISSN1002-8986Copyright 1987-2006 American Studies Quarterly Printed in Beijing, China AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Winter 2006, Vol. 20, No. 4 ARTICLES Adjustment and Transformation of America's Arms Control Policy: from Regime Building to Coalition of the Willing Fan Jishe (7) The author attempts to review the adjustment and transformation of Americas arms control policy since the end of the Cold War, and to explore what has motivated such changes, and finally to try to better understand the relationship between Americas arms control policy and its overall security policy. The author argues that after G. W. Bush took office, the change in the understanding of American strategic security environment, the inherent flaws in arms control regimes, and the difficulty in promoting arms control regime building propelled the United States onto the path of policy adjustment, while accidental events, policy preferences of decisionmakers, and domestic political environment accelerated this process. Thus American arms control policy gradually completed the change from relying on regime building to emphasizing coalition of the willing. The Difficulties and Prospects of American Plan Termination Insurance for DB Occupational Pension Zheng Bingwen and Huang Nian(29) Defined Benefit type of occupational pension plan (DB plan) faces the sponsors bankruptcy risks and needs governmental guarantee. Taking Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) in America as a case study, this article introduces the operation of plan termination insurance, analyzes its inherent problems, and presents the recent adverse financial situation of PBGC. The authors argue that a publicly provided plan termination insurance system cannot escape the tragedy of the commons. Premium of public plan termination insurance is set by law and not riskbased, which more easily leads to adverse selection and moral venture, puts the insurance mechanism into peril, and undermines financial feasibility. In case of economic crisis or recession, substantive liabilities caused by the risks and unsustainability of public pension insurance system of DB plans will be transferred to the governmental guarantee institutions and load the government and taxpayers with potential burdens. Accordingly, the public pension insurance system is not a sustainable system of providing benefit guarantee to DB plan members. America's Image in Chinese High School History Textbooks: A Survey since the Late Qing Dynasty Zhao Mei(51) Based on a review of Chinese high school history textbooks from 1902 to 2003, together with their curriculum standards and syllabuses, this article analyzes and categorizes the content and views in the instruction of world history, particularly American history. It examines how the image of America changed in the textbooks since the late Qing period. The study shows that the description of American history underwent remarkable changes with the times. New materials were added and historical issues were reinterpreted in different periods. Nevertheless, some topics remained unchanged in American history teaching, such as the War of Independence, American Constitution, the Civil War, and FDRs New Deal. The author holds that textbooks are products from collaborative academic research. The change of Americas image and the different interpretations of American history reflect the evolution of American studies in China and Chinese understanding of the country in the last century. Why Did U.S. Intelligence Community Fail to Carry Out “Adaptive Changes” before 9/11? Zhang Fan(72) Before the 9/11 event, U.S. intelligence community and related decisionmakers had come to see the grave threats posed by Osama bin Laden and alQaida, and realized that the intelligence agencies must be reformed to respond to the challenges. However, they failed to adapt themselves to face the imminent danger and enemy. The article holds that although related organizations had reached a consensus on the necessity of reform and on what measures should be taken for the changes, the problems that existed in organizational structures, determination of priorities, human intelligence capability, and personnel system had not been solved. These are the important reasons why the U.S. intelligence failed to make “adaptive reform” before 9/11. Public Opinion Preparations for the Thawing of Sino-U.S. Relations: Senator Fulbright's “Hearings on China” Li Qikeng and Xie Chao(95) American political system and arrangements determine that the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee can exert pivotal influences on U.S. foreign policy. In his term as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, William Fulbright presided over the “Hearings on China,” inviting Americas China hands and scholars to testify at the hearings, presenting a fuller picture of China to government decisionmakers and the general public, helping them see China correctly. His “Hearings on China” evoked strong reaction in America. Without exaggeration, Fullbrights “Hearing on China” can be seen as preparations in public opinion for the thawing of SinoAmerican relations in the Nixon administration. American Policy toward China in the Initial Stage of the “Cultural Revolution” Wang Zhaohui(111) Before the launch of Chinese Cultural Revolution, Johnson Administration had made ready to change US policy toward China with going on a fishing expedition. In the initial stage of Cultural Revolution, worried about that the Chinas domestic turmoil caused by Red Guard movement and ultraleft trend of thought will destabilize its Asian neighbors, the Johnson Administration made no marked changes in its relations with China, though China simultaneously made a positive pose to improve bilateral relations. Moreover, longstanding hostilities and the lack of mutual trust between the two countries, together with the impacts of the international variables as well as domestic politics in both countries, also held the US back from changing its policy toward China. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and American Policy towards China in the Kennedy Administration Zhang Kan(125) This article discusses the role of U.S. Senate and its Foreign Relations Committee in shaping U.S. policy towards China in the Kennedy administration. The article holds that in spite of the fact that Kennedy, after assuming power, intended to modify the existing policy towards China and was supported by most of the members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in this regard, the Senates hostility towards China was still too strong on the whole. If Kennedy had raised the issue of detente with China, he would have been running grave political risks. The author challenges the hypothesis that “if Kennedy had not been assassinated and had been reelected, American policy towards China might have seen significant changes.” ACADEMIC NOTES How to Make Use of U.S. Foreign Relations Papers Zhang Shuguang(140) Professor Liu Zuochang and the Research on American History Chen Haihong(150) 2006 American Studies Quarterly Index(157) Editor's Note(160) Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life.

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