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作者:张业亮等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY 季刊第20卷2006年第2期6月5日出版 布什第二任期的国内政策议程及实施前景(张业亮) “复杂性”与中美关系结构的新变化(陈东晓) 肯尼迪-约翰逊时期的外交与第三世界(戴超武) 冷战后美国的新保守主义思想运动(李志东、梅仁毅) 美国崛起过程中的对外策略(熊志勇) ——以近代美国在华活动为例 贫困理论范式的转向与美国福利制度改革(杨立雄) 罗斯福“新政”是现代资本主义的开端(陈启懋) 〇书评·文评 成熟文明的冲突?(李开盛) ——评唐纳德·帕查拉《国际关系中的理论与历史》 〇学术动态 “中美关系展望”学术研讨会综述(谢莉娇、张仕荣) 著述巡礼 编后 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Summer 2006,Vol. 20, No. 2 ARTICLES The Domestic Policy Agenda in Bushs Second Term and Prospects for Its Implementation(Zhang Yeliang) After briefly reviewing the relationship between American presidential elections and policy agendas, the article analyses the domestic policy agenda in Bushs second term, the causes for such an agenda, prospects for its implementation, and the impact on American politics. The article holds that Bush, in his second term, attempts to shift the focus of attention from antiterrorism and the Iraqi War to domestic issues and to put the emphasis of domestic policy agenda on the promotion and implementation of social policy legislation. The project of the establishment of “ownership society” advanced by Bush is both a continuation of the domestic policy in his first term and a much broader policy agenda than the legislative plan of “compassionate conservatism.” The purpose of the project is to consolidate and broaden the Republicans’ voter base and to maintain the majority position of the Republican Party in national elections. Such a broad and conservative domestic policy agenda is motivated by partisan and election considerations. But it is also related to Bushs conservative values, political concepts and personal ambition. The promotion and implementation of the agenda are bound to encounter a series of critical challenges and will exert certain impact on American politics. “Complexity” and New Changes in the Structure of Sino-US Relations(Chen Dongxiao) The article concentrates on reviewing the complexity of SinoUS relations since Bush entered the White House as reflected in the changes in three aspects of the structure of the relationship between the two countries. The author holds that in recent years the model of mutual cognition between China and the United States is undergoing a transformation. The two countries have come to a more common understanding of the comprehensiveness and importance of the bilateral relationship. However, certain degree of difference and asymmetry in cognition continues to exist between them in handling the basic features and content of SinoUS relations. The United States will continue to create new images of China in order to maintain dominance in the discourse in SinoUS relations. Meanwhile, the interest interactive model between the two countries will face a new round of restructuring and there will be new development in congruence and conflict on the interest layer. Diplomacy in the KennedyJohnson Period and the Third World(Dai Chaowu) US policy toward the Third World in the Cold War era was closely related to US Cold War strategy. US foreign policy towards the Third World in the KennedyJohnson period served US global containment strategy and the policy goal of containing China. In achieving these policy goals, military response, military aid, and economic aid became the most important means. In its contention with the Soviet Union and China in trying to win over the Third World, the United States used these means to oppose what they defined as procommunist or communist national liberation movements and the unfolding of related events. Generally speaking, the foreign policy of Kennedy and Johnson, to a large extent, ignored the efforts of the Third World countries in finding their proper places in the international system after World War II. US dipliomacy towards the Third World in this period scored some success but also experienced crises, setbacks, troubles and defeats. The decisionmakers and ordinary Americans paid unprecedented prices for the containment strategy. The NeoConservative Ideological Movement in PostCold War America(Li Zhidong & Mei Renyi) Americas neoconservative thinking, born in the 1960s, has now developed into an ideological movement with considerable scope and vigor. The core of the movement consists of a group of intellectual elites, few in number but close in connection. They share the same world outlook and foreign policy goals and have constructed a whole set of principles for policy implementation. With think tanks as bases, they relentlessly push forward their policy proposals through controlling and influencing media, establishing political action groups and even participating in government decisionmaking, thus exerting outstanding influences on American foreign policy in recent years. It has now become a political force that cannot be ignored in Americas political arena. Americas Path of Rise as Seen from Modern China(Xiong Zhiyong) On the basis of historical facts, the article discusses Americas path of ascendance with US China policy in modern times as a case study. The article holds that Americas way of expansion in modern times was different from that of Britain. To promote and safeguard its interest in China, America tried hard to cooperate with Britain and other powers and avoid conflicts. It did its best to push forward the principle of free trade so as to expand its market and also employed its soft power to create positive image to extend its influence. Such a path facilitated the United States to maximize its interest in China. The Change in Poverty Theory Paradigm and Reform of American Social Welfare System(Yang Lixiong) In the 1980s, the research in poverty theory in the United States turned to the underclass. The underclass theory holds that the negative stimulation of the welfare system is conspicuous. Lax welfare policy encourages more poor people to become poorer and the only solution lies in the reduction of public assistance by the government to lowincome families and the demand on poor people to lift themselves from poverty through work. Underclass theory led to the shift of emphasis on public relief policy towards labor force market policy and directly influenced the adoption of the “Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act” of 1996 in the United States. Roosevelts “New Deal”: The Beginning of Contemporary Capitalism(Chen Qimao) “New Deal” was a systematic, radical reform within the capitalist system in order to rescue dying capitalism. The “New Deal” partially changed the productive relationship of capitalism and made capitalism become reinvigorated. The “New Deal” marked that capitalism had entered a new phase, that is, it had evolved into contemporary capitalism from traditional capitalism. Contemporary capitalism has not eliminated the basic contradiction of capitalist society, but it has major difference with traditional capitalism in economic regulation and control and function of the state. REVIEWS Comments on Donald J. Puchalas Theory and History in International Relations(Li Kaisheng) ACADEMIC ACTIVITES A Summary of the Symposium on “Prospect of Sino-US Relations”(Xie Lijiao & Zhang Shirong) New Books Editor's Note Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life.

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