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作者:杨洁勉等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY 季刊第19卷2005年第1期3月5日出版 布什第二任期的全球战略和中美建设性合作关系杨洁勉(7) 约瑟夫·奈的“软权力”思想分析张小明 (20) 美国宗教团体的社会资本刘澎 (37) 20世纪美国企业领袖形成途径研究付美榕 (57) 美国反垄断法价值取向的历史演变郭跃 (77) 美国医疗保障制度评估张奇林 (94) 〇 书评·文评 美国大战略的理论图景与历史逻辑 ——评阿特的《美国大战略》郭树勇(112) 托马斯·巴尼特的“核心-裂缝”思想评析李海东(125) 当代西方国际关系学的创新之作 ——读乔舒亚·戈尔茨坦的《国际关系》仇华飞(139) 〇学术动态 “2004年美国大选及其影响”国际研讨会综述李晓岗魏红霞(148) “美国对外战略调整”研讨会综述刘卫东(151) 著述巡礼(154) 编后(160) AMERCIAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Volume 19Number 1Spring 2005 Wang Jisi Hu Guocheng Zhao Mei Editor Associate Editor Managing Editor Board of Advisers Chen Baosen, Chen Xiaogong, Deng Shusheng, Ding Xinghao, Dong Hengxun, Gu Guoliang, Jin Canrong, Li Daokui, Mao Yushi, Niu Jun, Tao Wenzhao, Wang Xi, Wang Yizhou, Wu Zhan, Yang Yusheng, Yuan Ming, Zhang Youlun, Zhang Yuyan, Zhao Yifan, Zhou Qi, Zhu Shida, Zi Zhongyun AERMICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute. MANUSCRIPTS SHOULD BE SENT TO: American Studies Quarterly at the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Addr. Dong Yuan, No. 3 Zhang Zizhong Rd., Beijing 100007, China). SUSCRIPTIONS: call (8610) 6400-0071 Fax: (8610) 6400-0021 Email: zhaomei@cass.org.cn http://www.mgyj.com ISSN1002-8986Copyright 1987-2005 American Studies Quarterly Printed in Beijing, China AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Spring 2005, Vol. 19, No. 1 ARTICLES The Second Bush Administration's Global Strategy and ChinaUS Constructive Cooperative Relations Yang Jiemian (7) The reelection of George W. Bush indicates that the main characteristic of US global strategy is its continuity. With changes at home and abroad, however, President Bush will make some modest adjustments in US global strategy and AsiaPacific policy in his second term, with focus on the greater Middle East and relations between great powers. At the same time, the fighting against terrorism and nuclear proliferation will be more closely integrated with the safeguarding of Americas leading position in the world. The coming four years will also be a key period for elevating and deepening the ChinaUS relationship. Initial consensus has been reached between the two countries on the interactive principle of core interests, important interests and general interests, and related operational mechanisms have also been formed. Meanwhile, the ChinaUS relationship has assumed an increasingly multilateral facet, and the two countries need to enrich their constructive cooperation, strengthen the construction of mechanisms, substantiate the content of strategic dialogue, and handle the Taiwan issue from the strategic and alldimensional perspective so as to stabilize and develop this relationship. An Analysis of Joseph Nye's “Soft Power”Concept Zhang Xiaoming(20) Joseph Nye first developed the concept of “soft power” in the early 1990s. The soft power of a country rests primarily on three resources: its culture, its ideology or political values, and its ability to shape international rules and political agendas. It is a very important theoretical approach to analyzing the power position of a country in the world, by focusing on the nonmaterial aspect of power once neglected by many people. “Soft power” is a creative concept coined by Nye, but it also reflects a continuation of the traditional concept of power. Nyes concept of “soft power” has its own weaknesses, because Nye could not fully elaborate on the interplay of hard power and soft power, and it is difficult to measure the soft power in a quantitative way. The Social Capital of American Religious Groups Liu Peng(37) Religious groups are the largest possessors of social capital in the United States. A major feature of social capital is that the more it is used, the higher the value will be. Religious groups consider social services and charity work the best form of realizing their value and seeking returns. This is a unique way of the religious groups in the use of their social capital. The social influence of American religious groups is much greater than that in other countries. This is not only due to the law ensuring the principle of religious freedom and separation of church and state, but also due to a smoothly functioning omnipresent social network, formed by a broad horizontal connection between the church and its followers. Religious groups, relying on the growing value of their social capital, stand on the frontline of satisfying the basic demands of individuals and the society and patching up social conflicts, thus playing the role of a social safety valve. Human Capital Accumulation of the 20th Century American Business Leaders Fu Meirong(57) The 20th century witnessed the United States vigorously gaining strength in all industries of its economy and exhibiting unparalleled power in the world. A key reason for this remarkable success is Americas highlevel manpower, i.e. its edge in human capital. Based on human capital theories, the Talent Gradation Principle and the Pareto Efficiency Principle, this qualitative study investigates how the American business leaders in the 20th century accumulated their human capital that directly led to their accomplishments, and illustrates the human capital production institutions that had greatly contributed to Americas phenomenal economic growth and dominance in the 20th century. The Evolution of Value Orientation of American Antitrust Law Guo Yue(77) The Antitrust Law of the United States did not initially take economic efficiency as its principal value orientation when the Sherman Act was adopted. In view of historical facts, the initial value orientation of antitrust law was ambiguous or, in other words, the law tried to pursue multiple goals. The values of populism, which originated in the traditional social and political ideology of America, later dominated the development of antitrust law. It was only after the 1970s when the United States was facing a different economic situation at home and broad that economic efficiency became the main value orientation of antitrust law. The Chicago School that bitterly criticized the antitrust policy carried out before also contributed a lot to that change. An Assessment of US Health Care System Zhang Qilin(94) Nineteen sixty-five was considered the demarcation year in the history of Americas health care. Medicare and Medicaid, the two public health care programs approved that year, greatly increased the accessibility to medical care for Americans and mitigated the financial pressure brought about by equality in medical treatment. Meanwhile, it led to rapid growth of medical and health expenses and fundamentally altered the pattern of Americas health care system. This article points out that currently Americas expenditure in medical and health services is the highest in the world. Americas health care system provides Americans with the most advanced medical service. In this sense, this system is a success. But since the health care system practiced in the United States is a mix of public funding and private expenses with private health insurance being dominant, and since this system attaches little importance to the health care of mothers and babies and there exists a large number of uninsured people, this system faces great challenges. REVIEWS The Theoretical Map and Historical Logic of American Grand Strategy: Comments on A Grand Strategy for America by Robert J. Art Guo Shuyong(112) Comments on Thomas P.M. Barnett's “CoreGap Thesis” Li Haidong(125) Comments on Joshua S. Goldsteins Long Cycles: Prosperity and War in the Modern Age Qiu Huafei(139) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES A Summary of the International Symposium on “American Election 2004 and Its Impact” Li Xiaogang and Wei Hongxia(148) A Summary of the Seminar on “the Adjustment of American Foreign Strategy” Liu Weidong(151) New Books(154) Editors Note(160) Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life.

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