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作者:门洪华等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY 季刊第18卷2004年第1期3月5日出版 应对国家失败的补救措施——门洪华、黄海莉(7) ——兼论中美安全合作的战略性 布什政府对朝政策与朝核危机——张业亮 (33) 美国两岸政策走向:模糊与聚焦——李本京 (55) 伊朗核问题与大国关系——王冀平、洪邮生、吉利强 (78) 继承还是超越?——李华 (91)   ——论冷战后驻韩美军调整 战后初期美国在对外政策中的两党合作——节大磊(105) 〇 美国人论美国 18世纪虔敬主义和理性主义对美国思想形成的影响——塞缪尔·皮尔逊(122) 〇 争鸣·对话 也谈美国宪法第15条修正案批准的州的数目——孙新强(135)   ——兼与李道揆先生商榷 〇 书评·文评 一个里程碑式的研究——刘慧华(138)   ——评吉尔平的《全球政治经济学》 一种新的阐释美国外交政策的方法——张帆(147)   ——读《美国外交政策及其如何影响了世界》 〇学术动态 “20世纪美国与亚洲的冲突和战争”学术研讨会综述——张立平(152) 著述巡礼(157) 编后(160) AMERCIAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Volume 18Number 1Spring 2004 Wang Jisi Hu Guocheng Zhao Mei Editor Associate Editor Managing Editor Board of Advisers Chen Baosen, Chen Xiaogong, Deng Shusheng, Ding Xinghao, Dong Hengxun, Gu Guoliang, Jin Canrong, Li Daokui, Mao Yushi, Niu Jun, Tao Wenzhao, Wang Xi, Wang Yizhou, Wu Zhan, Yang Yusheng, Yuan Ming, Zhang Youlun, Zhang Yuyan, Zhao Yifan, Zhou Qi, Zhu Shida, Zi Zhongyun AERMICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute. MANUSCRIPTS SHOULD BE SENT TO: American Studies Quarterly at the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Addr. Dong Yuan, No. 3 Zhang Zizhong Rd., Beijing 100007, China). SUSCRIPTIONS: call (8610) 6400-0071 Fax: (8610) 6400-0021 Email: zhaomei@cass.org.cn http://www.mgyj.com ISSN1002-8986Copyright 2004 American Studies Quarterly Printed in Beijing, China AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Spring 2004Vol. 18, No. 1 ARTICLES Remedial Measures for Failed States: A Strategic Dimension of SinoAmerican Security CooperationMen Honghua and Huang Haili (7) With the deepening of globalization and international interdependence, the failure of states has become an outstanding factor affecting regional security and global stability. There are four steps to address state failure: preventive diplomacy, peacemaking, peacekeeping, and postconflict peacebuilding, with the last three steps being considered as remedial measures. Although preventive measures are important, it is impossible to completely prevent the emergence of failed states. Thus, remedial measures for state failure may be regarded as a key to safeguarding international security and stability. This paper discusses what remedial measures should be taken by the international community in dealing with failed states, whether China and the United States can have strategic cooperation on this issue, and how they should cooperate if such possibility exists. The paper concludes that state failure has been posing strategic challenges to both China and the United States, and the two countries can benefit from cooperation in meeting these challenges together. The Bush Administrations Policy toward the DPRK and the Korean Nuclear CrisisZhang Yeliang(33) After a brief review of U.S.DPRK relations since the end of the Cold War, the article concentrates on the adjustment of US policy toward DPRK under the G.W. Bush Administration and the causes for such adjustment. It then analyses the trend of US policy toward DPRK and the prospects for the Korean nuclear crisis. The author holds that the Bush Administrations policy toward DPRK is the result of compromising two different policy approaches but it reflects greater influence of the conservatives. After the September 11 tragedy, the Bush Administration, pushed by the conservatives, formulated the strategy of “Hawkish Engagement” toward the DPRK. The implementation of the strategy immediately intensified the USDPRK relationship, which had become more relaxed in the second half of the Clinton Administration. Hence the nuclear crisis. After the outbreak of the crisis, the Bush Administration made some tactical adjustment of its policy while maintaining its basic goal. The strategic intention of the “Hawkish Engagement,” advocated by the conservatives, remains intact. This will bring great uncertainties to the resolution of the crisis. The Orientation of U.S. Policy toward the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan: Fuzziness and FocusThomas B. Lee(55) Tensions in the Taiwan Strait today have a lot to do with both Lee Tenghui and Chen ShuiBian. Since Lee won the election in 1996, Taipeis intention of seeking separation from China has been gradually but clearly revealed. Though the U.S. has publicly maintained the One China position, it has kept very close unofficial relations with Taipei. This study assesses the complications of the WashingtonBeijingTaipei relations in recent years. The author examines Taipeis policies and practices in crossStrait issues, offers a set of rather detailed account of the triangular relationships. This brief study also provides an overview of the views of American media and think tanks on this issue. It is hoped that this analysis will contribute to a better understanding of this important and urgent issue at this critical time. Irans Nuclear Issue and Great Power RelationsWang Jiping and others(78) After the Iraq war, the Bush Administration began to increase pressures on Iran for its development of nuclear weapons. Irans nuclear problem draws the whole worlds attention. This problem provides an arena of diplomatic rivalry for the United States, the EU and Russia. These great powers hold different attitudes and stances towards this problem. Iran has pledged to sign the additional protocol to the NonProliferation Treaty (NPT) and suspend uranium enrichment under the pressures from all directions. But obviously the crisis is not over. The current situation can only be seen as a temporary respite. The United States will not give up the opportunity of placing pressures on Iran. Continuation or Going Beyond: An Analysis of Redeployment of US Troops in South KoreaLi Hua(91) U.S. troops in South Korea are a vital part and historical witness of the South KoreanU.S. security relations. Since the 2002 nuclear crisis, redeployment of U.S. troops in South Korea is not only a continuation of past adjustment but also a step going beyond that adjustment. It is not only the embodiment of Washingtons new military strategy, but the outcome of dealing with the current nuclear problem. It will inevitably make a huge impact on the peaceful solution of the nuclear problem on the Korean peninsula and the security balance in Northeast Asia. Bipartisan Cooperation in American Foreign Policy in Early Postwar YearsJie Dalei(105) The thesis discusses the theory and practice of Americas bipartisan foreign policy in the early postwar days. In the early postwar years, the major foreign policy decisions, including the setting up of the UN, the aid to Greece and Turkey, the Marshall Plan, etc., were all great achievements of bipartisan efforts. Bipartisanship won much applause due to the successful policies, and was to some degree sanctified since people believed it could bring to America unified, coherent and effective foreign policies in the face of external dangers. Meanwhile, in the long run the deeper influence of bipartisanship was reflected in the intensification of Cold War consensus and the expansion of executive power. A bipartisan foreign policy seemed to be necessary and useful in the short run, but the common illusion and the slogans about patriotism and national interest would easily stifle any criticism, ossify policy thinking, and result in great costs in the long run. AMERICANS ON AMERICA Formative Influences on American Thought: Pietism and Rationalism in the Eighteenth CenturySamuel C. Pearson(122) DISCUSSION AND DIFFERENT OPINION Also on the Number of States Which Ratified the 15th Amendment to the Constitution: In Consultation with Li DaokuiSun Xinqiang(135) REVIEWS A Landmark Study: Reviewing Robert Gilpins Global Political EconomyLiu Huihua(138) A New Approach to Explaining American Foreign Policy: A Book Review of Special Providence: American Foreign Policy and How It Changed the WorldZhang Fan(147) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Summary of the Conference on “20th Century America and Conflicts and Wars in Asia”Zhang Liping(152) New Books(157) Editors Note(160) Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life.

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