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作者:叶江等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY 季刊第17卷2003年第4期12月5日出版 “安全困境”析论——叶江(7)   ———兼谈“先发制人战略”与进攻性现实主义的关系 国际关系理论的国家性——王义桅 (22) 试论美国公司法向民主化和自由化方向的历史性演变——韩铁 (42) 塑造还是反映民意?——陈文鑫 (64)   ———民意测验与美国的对外政策 美国与第一次印度支那战争——赵学功 (81) 以职业安全保障学术自由——刘北成 (98)   ——美国终身教职的由来及争论 〇 书评·文评 跨国关系与国内政治——苏长和(111)   ——比较政治与国际政治经济学视野下的国际关系研究 城市政策与大都市区政府的复兴——罗思东(126)   ——评戴维·腊斯克的《没有郊区的城市》 从自由贸易走向战略博弈——张建新(136)   ——读《战略性贸易政策和新国际经济学》 〇学术动态 米尔斯海默剖析现实世界——余万里(143) “现实主义与美国外交政策”研讨会综述——任晓、沈丁立(145) “军备控制与中美关系:回顾与展望”研讨会综述——樊吉社(149) 著述巡礼(152) 2003年《美国研究》总目录(157) 编后(160) AMERCIAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Volume 17Number 4Winter 2003 Wang Jisi Hu Guocheng Zhao Mei Editor Associate Editor Managing Editor Board of Advisers Chen Baosen, Chen Xiaogong, Deng Shusheng, Ding Xinghao, Dong Hengxun, Gu Guoliang, Jin Canrong, Li Daokui, Mao Yushi, Niu Jun, Tao Wenzhao, Wang Xi, Wang Yizhou, Wu Zhan, Yang Yusheng, Yuan Ming, Zhang Youlun, Zhang Yuyan, Zhao Yifan, Zhou Qi, Zhu Shida, Zi Zhongyun AERMICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute. MANUSCRIPTS SHOULD BE SENT TO: American Studies Quarterly at the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Addr. Dong Yuan, No. 3 Zhang Zizhong Rd., Beijing 100007, China). SUSCRIPTIONS: call (8610) 6400-0071 Fax: (8610) 6400-0021 Email: zhaomei@cass.org.cn http://www.mgyj.com ISSN1002-8986Copyright 2003 American Studies Quarterly Printed in Beijing, China AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Winter 2003Vol. 17, No. 4 ARTICLES An Analysis of the “Security Dilemma:” the Relationship between the “Preemptive Strategy” and Offensive RealismYe Jiang (7) The idea of “security dilemma” comes from the pessimistic Hobbesian concept of “natural state,” which, since its application to the study of international politics, has been recognized as a true description by either defensive realism or neoliberal institutionalism, or even by the recently spreading offensive realism. However, the school of neoliberal institutionalism holds that “security dilemma” can be resolved by the game of “prisoners dilemma,” and defensive realism believes that “security dilemma” can be partially resolved by the game of “prisoners dilemma,” while offensive realism thinks that the game of “prisoners dilemma” is no solution. Offensive realism emphasizes that the nationstate in “security dilemma” cannot attain national security through regimes and cooperation. It can only be achieved through offense and expansion of power and even the establishment of regional hegemony. But offensive realism opposes the “preemptive strategy” of the Bush Administration because the goal of this strategy is to set up a world empire and thus obscures the security goal of the nation and is detrimental to Americas search for genuine security. The National Identity of International Relations TheoriesWang Yiwei(22) To evaluate International Relations Theory (IRT), the author puts forward a paradigm of “personal identitynational identityfeatures of the time.” Based on this paradigm, the paper focuses on the national identity of IRT, i.g., how the American mode of thinking, political culture, national mission and national character shape the intension and extension of IRT. It points out that the national identity of IRT has been strongly affiliated with “Americanization.” In other words, the U.S. not only has become the research subject of IRT, but has also become the dominating factor of IR studies; the U.S. not only has dominated the methodology and axiology of IR studies, but has also dominated its ontology and epistemology. From this perspective, the author explores the possibility of “Sinicization” of IRT and argues that by doing so Chinese scholars should create a new system and doctrine for IR studies. The Democratization and Liberalization of U. S. Corporation Law in Historical PerspectiveHan Tie(42) In about a hundred years after independence, corporation law in the United States had been transformed from a special charter system into general incorporation law. The corporation was no longer regarded as an artificial being but a natural entity, and the state legislatures competed in liberalizing their corporation laws in “the race for the bottom” at the turn of the 20th century. All these led to historical democratization and liberalization of corporation law, which adapted itself to the rise of big business and the development of managerial capitalism in the United States. Not surprisingly, American corporations still enjoy a great deal of flexibility in their business activities when government interventions are increased. Public Opinion Polling and U.S. Foreign PolicyChen Wenxin(64) By concentrating on American military operations abroad, this study explores the history of public opinion polling in the U.S. and the role it plays in American foreign policy decisionmaking. It is a commonly held belief that the foreign policy issue to which the American public is most sensitive is the use of military forces abroad. Public opinion polling has become an indispensable part of American political discourse. In the process of turning individual opinions to a series of numbers and charts, public opinion polling not only reflects public opinions but also, to some extent, molds them. American foreign policymakers will not follow public opinions passively. On the contrary, they attempt to influence public perceptions to serve their policy objectives. Public opinion polling is sometimes a tool in this process. The United States and the First IndoChina WarZhao Xuegong(81) During the first IndoChina War between 1946 and 1954, motivated by the dual needs of waging the Cold War in East Asia and strengthening cooperation with Europe, the United States constantly adjusted its IndoChina policy, which moved from the socalled “neutrality” to allround support of France. The United States not only provided France with massive economic and military aid in the latters colonial war but also demonstrated an increased interest in replacing France in this region. Such policy had serious consequences, paving the way for its later quagmire of the Vietnam War. In particular, the “Domino Theory” advanced by American decisionmakers in this period had farreaching adverse consequences. Academic Freedom Protected by Career Security: The Tenure System in the United StatesLiu Beicheng(98) Academic freedom is the core in the concept of modern university. To ensure academic freedom, under the effort of American Association of University Professors, the tenure system has become a common practice in American universities. With the support of various circles, this system has been functioning properly and has played a significant role in the development of American universities. In recent years, this system has been challenged by marketization, leading to intense debates concerning its pros and cons. This article identifies the essence of the tenure system as a way to protect academic freedom by providing career security, and gives a brief account of the origin and debated issues about the tenure system in American universities. REVIEWS Transnational Relations and Domestic Politics: International Relations Studies in the Perspectives of Comparative Politics and International Political EconomySu Changhe(111) Urban Policy and the Revival of Metropolitan Government: Comments on Cities without Suburbs by David RuskLuo Sidong(126) From Free Trade to the Game of Strategy: Comments on Strategic Trade Policy and the New International Economics by Paul KrugmanZhang Jianxin(136) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES John J. MearsheimerAnalysis of the Current WorldYu Wanli(143) Summary of the Symposium on “Realism and American Foreign Policy”Ren Xiao and Shen Dingli(145) Summary of the Symposium on “Review and Prospect of Arms Control and USChina Relations”Fan Jishe(149) New Books(152) 2003 American Studies Quarterly Index(157) Editors Note(160) Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life.

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