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作者:倪世雄等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 季刊2000年第1期 AMERICAN STUDIES 第14卷3月5日出版 霸权均势:冷战后美国的战略选择倪世雄王义桅(7) 评“国际制度和平论”郭树永 (24) 美国对国际人权条约政策的变化及其缘由周琪 (41) 美国反文化运动探源赵梅 (68) 中美和解与中国对越外交 (1971-1973)沈志华李丹慧 (98) 艾奇逊、摩根索与美国拒不承认新中国戴维·麦克林(117) ○书评·文评 《稳定的单极世界》评介王帆(133) 对美国在世界上的作用的一点看法张立平(147) ——评法里德·扎卡里亚的新著《从财富到权力》 评《美国政治制度的起源与演变》刘国柱(151) ○信息 军控形势研讨会综述樊吉社(154) ○著述巡礼(157) 编后(160) 本期责任编辑:赵梅 本杂志刊登的论文在美国Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life上登有摘要和索引。 主办单位 中华美国学会 中国社会科学院美国研究所 主管单位中国社会科学院 印刷装钉北京怀柔新华印刷厂 发行、订阅处中国社会科学院美国研究所 (100007北京张自忠路3号东院) 电子信箱 zhaomei@isc.cass.net.cn 刊号ISSN1002-8986 CN11-1170/C 国外代号Q1122 国外发行中国国际图书贸易总公司北京399信箱 定价: 国内版5.00元 国际版3.00美元(邮费在外) AMERICAN STUDIES Spring 2000,Vol. 14, No. 1 ARTICLES HEGEMONIC BALANCE OF POWER: POSTCOLD WAR U.S. STRATEGIC CHOICESNi Shixiong and Wang Yiwei(7) The end of the Cold War has galvanized academic circles to begin investigating i nto Americas Grand Strategy and evaluating postCold War issues like U.S. str ategic objectives, the definition of its national interests, and the threats it confronts. The article holds that the study of these issues should be procee ded from two aspects, i.e. idealism and realism. On the whole, Americans Gran d Strategy manifests itself as a strategy of hegemonic balance of power, which w ill inevitably be challenged in practice by the balances between politics and ec onomy, between domestic and international affairs, and between ideal and reality . ON INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONAL PEACEGuo Shuyong (24) The international institutional peace is one of the conclusions of the American liberal international relations theories (IRT). Unlike the democratic peace and the econom ic interdependence peace theories, the liberal institutionalism or institutional peace theory borrows two assumptions from realistic IRT: the anarchy of the wor ld and the rational egoism of the nationstates. From these, one does not neces sarily arrive at the pessimistic conclusion about power politics, conflicts and war, as realist IRT authors do. The anarchic world can be reformed into a more s ecure and ordered one, if not into a world government. Making theoretical contri butions, such as valuing the common interest of the human being in the face of g rowing “global problems,” the institutional peace theory has its vulnerabiliti es as well. The most obvious one is that it overlooks the predominance of relati ve interest in international relations, especially in the realm of international security. CHANGES IN U.S. POLICY TOWARDS INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS CONVENTIONZhou Qi (41) Being the initiator of the International Convention on Human Rights, the United State s, for a long period since the end of WWII, has been unenthusiastic about settin g up the international legal system and the supervising mechanisms for safeguard ing human rights, and has not entered into the International Covenant on Civil a nd Political Rights until 1992. Making a comprehensive survey of the changes of American attitude towards the International Covenant on Human Rights, it can be seen that opposing or endorsing the treaties is closely related to the beginning and the end of the Cold War and consistent with the course of forming and devel opment of American human rights diplomacy. THE ORIGIN OF THE COUNTERCULTURE MOVEMENT IN THE UNITED STATESZhao Mei (68) A protest movement with young people as its main body was initiated in American society in the 1960s. Affecting social, political and cultural spheres of the time, its impacts are still felt up to the present. Referring to this movement a s the “countercultural movement,” the author makes an investigation of its o rigin and concludes that the turbulence was caused by the impending readjustment of social structure during the transition from industrial to postindustrial soc iety in the 1960s, in addition to the racial discrimination and the Vietnam Wa r. The resistance of the youth resulted from the contradictions and conflicts in the transitional period and was aggravated by the Cold War and the social turbu lence. SINOU.S. RECONCILIATION AND CHINAS VIETNAM POLICY (1971-1973)Shen Zhihua and Li Danhui (98) Chinas foreign policy in the early 1970s bogged down in the conflict between reality and ideology. As for the war in Vietnam, ideology demanded Chinas sup port of Vietnams antiAmerican struggle, while reality called for a SinoU.S . reconciliation. As a result, Chinas Vietnam policy shifted from resolutely opp os ing peace talks and supporting Vietnamese resistance through to the end to a pru dential attitude of agreeing to peace talks without Chinese involvement and, lat er on, of advising Hanoi to sign the Paris peace agreement as soon as possible. While China continued to help Vietnam in its struggle for unification through pe ace talks, the Soviet Union, too, gave more support to, and hence gained more in fluence on, Vietnam. Relying on its position of strength, Moscow finally won ove r Vietnam to its side in the SinoSoviet hostilities. ACHESON, MOREGENTHAU, AND U.S. NONRECOGNITION OF NEW CHINADavid McLean(117) The former secretary of state Dean Acheson exchanged views by correspondence wit h Hans J. Morgenthau, a founder of the realist school of international relations theory, on the Truman administrations policy of nonrecognition of new China . The textual research and analysis of the declassified but largely neglected le tters between them tend to disprove the still popular viewpoint that Acheson att empted to reconciliate with Communist China in 1949-1950, but was unsuccessful o wing to the objections from the American press and Congress. The claimed “reali sm” in Achesons letters in defense of the nonrecognition policy was subject to the anticommunist and antiSoviet ideology, distinguishing itself from tr ue realism. REVIEWS COMMENTS ON “THE STABILITY OF A UNIPOLAR WORLD”, AN ARTICLE BY WILLIAM C. WOHLFORTHWang Fan(133) ON AMERICAS ROLE IN THE WORLD: COMMENTS ON FROM WEALTH TO POWER BY FAREED ZAKARIAZhang Liping(147) COMMENTS ON THE ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF U.S. POLITICAL SYSTEM BY ZHANG DINGHELiu Guozhu(151) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES A SYMPOSIUM ON INTERNATIONAL ARMS CONTROLFan Jishe(154) NEW BOOKS(157) EDITORS NOTE (160) Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in HISTORICAL ABSTRACTS and AMERICA: HISTORY AND LIFE. AMERICAN STUDIES, a quarterly, is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute.

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