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作者:贾浩等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 季刊1999年第4期 AMERICAN STUDIES 第13卷12月5日出版 《全面禁止核试验条约》与中国的政策选择贾浩(7) 克林顿政府对台政策的调整杨洁勉 (22) 美国对新中国外交研究近况张清敏 (39) 十九世纪美国女性高等教育的发展轨迹 及性别定位金莉 (63) 杜威对美国资本主义出路的探索孙有中 (86) 第一次世界大战期间及二十年代美国黑人 大迁徙运动陈奕平(109) 美国学研究中的主题演变张涛(126) ○书评 读《美国文化与文学选集1607-1914》梅仁毅(136) ○信息 中国美国史研究会第九届年会暨学术 讨论会综述戴超武(140) ○新书架(148) 1999年《美国研究》总目录(157) 编后(160) 本期责任编辑:赵梅 本杂志刊登的论文在美国Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life上登有摘要和索引。 编辑出版 中华美国学会 中国社会科学院美国研究所 照排中国社会科学院美国研究所 印刷装钉北京怀柔新华印刷厂 发行、订阅处中国社会科学院美国研究所 (100007北京张自忠路3号东院) 电子信箱 zhaomei@isc.cass.net.cn 刊号ISSN1002-8986 CN11-3816/C 国外代号Q1122 国外发行中国国际图书贸易总公司北京399信箱 定价: 国内版4.00元 国际版3.00美元(邮费在外) AMERICAN STUDIES Winter 1999,Vol. 13, No. 4 ARTICLES U.S. SENATES REJECTION OF CTBT AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR CHINAS POLICY OPTIONSJia Hao(7) With the rejection of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) by the U.S. Senat e, its entry into force has been called in question. This article examines the r ole of the treaty, the causes and background of the rejection, and its implicati ons for nuclear test ban as well as for global arms control and nuclear nonpro liferation. Based on the above analysis, Chinas policy opitions on CTBT are la id out. ADJUSTMENTS OF THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATIONS TAIWAN POLICYYang Jiemian (22) Since Bill Clinton assumed office in the White House, the U.S. government has ma de several adjustments of its Taiwan policy, the latest one took place after Li Tenghui issued the statement on July 9,1999 about the socalled “statetost ate relationship” between the mainland and Taiwan. To prevent the situation fro m precipitating into a crisis in the SinoU.S. relationship, American governmen t took some measures of “preventive diplomacy.” However, with increased pressu re from conservative forces at home, the U.S. Congress passed a series of proTaiwan, antiPRC res olutions, representing the duality in U.S. Taiwan policy. STUDY OF CHINESE FOREIGN POLICY IN THE UNITED STATESZhang Qingmin (39) U.S. scholars studying Chinese foreign policy used to treat China as a monolithi c rational actor. With the expansion of the community of foreign policy analysts , however, some of them begin to support or test their theories by applying them to the study of Chinese foreign policy. Meanwhile, more and more scholars in th is field employ foreign policy analysis approaches to their work, adopting a mul tilevel and multicausal method. The integration of the two groups promotes the s tudy of Chinese foreign policy in both depth and breadth, characterizing the cur rent trend in this field. AMERICAN WOMENS HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY: WHERE AND WHATJin Li (63) Two hundred years after the founding of Harvard College in America, the gate of higher education finally started to open to women in the nineteenth century. Tra cing the development of American womens higher education in these early years, the article discusses the three modes of education women had access to and the curricula for women at college. It also explores ambivalent conceptions of women reflected from American higher education in the nineteenth century: acknowledge ment of womens right to education and confusion in extent and content of women s education. JOHN DEWEYS STUDY OF THE WAY OUT OF AMERICAN CAPITALISMSun Youzhong (86) This article discusses John Deweys examination of American capitalisms condi tions and its way out during the period from the Great Depression to the New Dea l, as well as his dissection of socialism of the Soviet mode. By referring to De wey, the article also attempts to reveal the root caue of contemporary American capitalisms continuance and development, and to provide lessons for the Chines e to draw from in their system reconstruction. THE GREAT MIGRATION OF THE BLACK DURING WWI AND IN THE 1920SChen Yiping(109) Low level of economic conditions, segegation, floods and the boll weevil, shorta ge of labor in the North, and propaganda of labor agents and the black press wer e the key factors causing the Negroes to move to the North. This migration made a reasonable geographical distribution of American population, accelerated the u rbanization of the Negroes, and led to the emergence of the “Harlem Renaissance .” But the migration also result in some negative consequences. THEMATIC EVOLUTION IN AMERICAN STUDIESZhang Tao(126) Faced with the rather inclement natural environment before the industrial revolu tion, American settlers were preoccupied with their survival and development. Th ey could not devote themseves much to the tracing of their cultural tradition un til the beginning of this century. Along with the industrialization, exploring t he origins of American culture and defining cultural interrelations among indivi duals, society, history, literature and so forth have become fundamental tasks o f American studies in this century. This practice has hereafter undergone the ev olution of three main themes, namely the combination of literature with history, myths and symbols, and pluralism. BOOK REVIEWS A REVIEW OF SELECTED WORKS ON AMERICAN CULTURE AND LITERATUREMei Renyi(136) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES THE NINTH ANNUAL MEETING AND SYMPOSIUM OF THE CHINESE SOCIETY OF AMERICAN HISTORYDai Chaowu(140) NEW BOOKS(148) 1999 AMERICAN STUDIES INDEX(157) EDITORS NOTE (160) Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in HISTORICAL ABSTRACTS and AMERICA: HISTORY AND LIFE. AMERICAN STUDIES, a quarterly, is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute.

中国社科院美国研究所 版权所有@2010 京ICP备05036911号