(全文见PDF版) 美国研究 季刊1996年第3期 AMERICAN STUDIES 第10卷9月5日出版 日美关系:从战后到冷战后冯昭奎(7) 美国贸易法“301条款”的历史演变杨国华 (21) 美国的上层阶级周琪 (41) 克林顿政府在肯定性行动中的两难处境朱世达 (63) 试论费正清关于近代中西关系的文化观潘成鑫 (85) 从安格斯·沃德案看中美关系的症结常明玉(103) ○观察与思考 对美中日相互关系的一些认识张也白(116) ○学人追思 罗荣渠教授与美国史研究杨玉圣(123) ○书评 架起理解的新桥梁资中筠(133) ——改革开放十五年中美关系史研究成果评析 中美敌对的根源与标志周桂银(142) ——评《敌对与冲突的由来》 凯南的遏制思想与美国的遏制战略任东来(146) ——张小明《乔治·凯南遏制思想研究》读后 ○信息 “96’台湾海峡危机与中美关系学术研讨会”综述牛军(152) 中华美国学会第三届理事会议纪要(155) 本刊启事(151) ○新书架(156) 编后(160) 本期责任编辑:赵梅 本杂志刊登的论文在美国Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life上登有摘要和索引。 主办单位 中华美国学会 中国社会科学院美国研究所 主管单位中国社会科学院 印刷装钉北京怀柔新华印刷厂 发行、订阅处中国社会科学院美国研究所 (100007北京张自忠路3号东院) 电子信箱 zhaomei@isc.cass.net.cn 刊号ISSN1002-8986CN11-1170/C 国外代号Q1122 国外发行中国国际图书贸易总公司北京399信箱 定价: 国内版4.00元 国际版3.00美元(邮费在外) AMERICAN STUDIES Fall 1996,Vol. 10, No. 3 ARTICLES JANPAN-U.S. RELATIONSHIP: FROM POST-WWII TO POST-COLD WAR Feng Zhaokui(7) Post-World War II Japanese diplomacy privoted on the Janpan-U.S. rellationship enabled Japan to make full use of the Cold War bipolar pattern for its own development. With the growth of its economy and national strength, its "follower's diplomacy" toward America is being gradually replaced by an "autonomous diplomacy." Japan's "comprehensive diplomacy" is an indirect means for changing its subordinate status. As Japan still needs U.S. nucllear umbrella and military protection of its seallanes, keeping security relationship with the United States is its best choice. However, the relationship is undergoing a quiet "quantitative change" which may turn into a "qualitative change" unexpectedly. SECTION 301 OF THE U.S. TRADE ACT Yang Guohua (21) From time to time, the United States has used or threatened to use Section 301 of its Trade Act to retaliate upon its trade partners in the practice of worlld trade. Proceeding from exploring the historical evolution of the section, the author traces the root of the mechanism and means of retaliation in the Act, makes detailed investigations particularly into the formulation of Section 301, and enriches the readers's knowledge of this topic with a comprehensive analysis. AMERICA'S UPPER CLASS Li Zhihui (41) The upper cllass in the United States refers to those people who are successful in their career. They have the following characteristics in common: owning large properties, being identified with upper class by other members, having certain class ssymbolizing styles, and educational background in special schools. Being the most powerful and influential people with the most stable social status, the upper class ovverlaps the elite on some points, upper class. Those from the unprivileged can also attain elite status. Generally speaking, the upper class is the ruling group in the United States now. THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATIONS' DILEMMA IN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Zhu Shida (63) The paper discusses the paradox of the affirmative action program in practice in the United States which is beset with: a. stagnation of the middle class income; b. worsening racial problems; and c. stagnant economic growth. In the election year, the Republicans who stand for meritocracy use the affirmative action as a wedge issue to counter the Democrats who advocate the benefits of the program in relieving racial tensions and improving the lot of the ethnic minorities and women. The paper concludes that, as the racial problem is deeply rooted in American political culture, it cannot be relieved of the fix. JOHN KING FAIRBANK'S CULTURAL OUTLOOK ON CHINESE-WESTERN RELATIONS Pan Chengxin (85) The article analyzess the cultural perspective of the late China scholar John King Fairbank in approaching China's modern history and his basic attitude toward Chinese and western cultures, as well as the theoretical modes of "impact-response" and "tradition- transformation" stemming therefrom. The author also comments on Fairbank's cultural outlook from the aspects of theoretical foundation, observing toolls, value orientation, and logical argumentation, and points out the significance of his cultural understanding and insolvable tensions in this cultural outlook. INVESTIGATIONS ON THE ANGUS WARD INCIDENT Chang Mingyu(103) The incident of Angus Ward, U.S. consul general in Shenyang in the late forties, was the first face-to-face diplomatic confrontation between New China and the United States. The author carefully investigates into and analyzes the affair from the angle of international law, linking it to the international situation and domestic conditions in China at that time, and argues that this experience may be illustrative of how Sino-U.S. relations may develop in the future. OBSERVATIONS AND REFLECTIONS PERCEPTIONS OF U.S.-CHINA-JAPAN RELATIONS Zhang Yebai(116) REMINISCENCES OF LLATE SCHOLARS PROF.. LUO RONGQU AND THE STUDY OF AMERICAN HISTORY Yang Yusheng(123) BOOK REVIEWS BUILDING THE BRIDGE OF UNDERSTANDING-COMMENTS ON THE RESULTS OF THE STUDIEIS OF SINO-U.S. RELATIONS HISTORY IN THE LAST FIFTEEN YEARS OF REFORM AND OPENING Zi Zhongyun(133) SOURCES AND SIGNS OF SINO-U.S. HOSTILITES-A REVIEW OF THE ORIGINS OF HISTILITIES AND CONFLICTS Zhou Guiyin (142) GEORGE F. KENNAN'S THOUGHT OF CONTAINMENT AND U.S. CONTAINMENT STRATEGY-NOTES ON ZHANG XIAOMING'S GEORGE KENAN'S CONTAINMENT THOUGHT Ren Donglai(146) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES(152) NEW BOOKS(156) EDITORS NOTE (160) Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in HISTORICAL ABSTRACTS and AMERICA: HISTORY AND LIFE. AMERICAN STUDIES, a quarterly, is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies and the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views of either the Association or the Institute.