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作者:袁明等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美 国 研 究 季 刊 1995年第4期 AMERICAN STUDIES 第9卷 12月5日出版 “冷战”后美国对中国(安全)形象的认识 袁明、范士明(7) 冷战后的中美关系现状 周琪(30)   ——共同利益与争执 霸权体系与区域冲突 秦亚青(51)   ——论美国在重大区域武装冲突中的支持行为 中美经济主要指标比较 韦伟(69) 传统与现状:对美国实用主义的再审视 盛宁(83) 1940-1970年美国黑人大迁徙概论 胡锦山(99) ○热点透视 美国对前南斯拉夫危机的立场初析 杨达洲(121) 多事之秋——中美关系的现状及前景 牛军(131) ○书评 以史为鉴 王逸舟(135)   ——读《战后美国外交史》有感 新方法、新内容、新观点 郝名玮(141)   ——喜读《美国和拉丁美洲关系史》 麦克纳马拉的忏悔 徐国琦(149) 第一届中国美国史研究优秀论文奖评奖启事 (151) ○新书架 (152) 1995年《美国研究》总目录 (157) 编后 (160) 本期责任编辑: 赵梅 本杂志刊登的论文在美国Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life上登有摘要和索引。 编辑出版 中华美国学 中国社会科学院美国研究所 照排 中国社会科学院美国研究所 印刷装钉 北京仰山印刷厂 订阅处 中国社会科学院美国研究所 (100732北京建国门内大街5号) 刊号 ISSN1002-8986/CN11-1170/C@ 国外代号 Q1122 国外发行 中国国际图书贸易总公司_北京399信箱 定价 国内版3.00元 国际版3.00美元(邮费在外) AMERICAN STUDIES Winter 1995,Vol. 9, No. 4 ARTICLES CHINA'S SECURITY ROLE IN POST-COLD WAR AMERICAN PERCEPTIONS Yuan Ming and Fan Shiming(7) China's image in America has been vacillating in recent years when American leaders try to redefine Beijing's security role in their post-Cold War strategy. U.S. perceptions of China are greatly influenced by the changing international structure, Washington's competing policy objectives, different perspectives of the debaters, and the action-reaction process between the two governments. China's emergence as a real power is a key concern in the arguments, but American domestic political factors also play an important role. In coping with the difficult bilateral relationship, the two countries will have both opportunities and challenges. AN APPRAISAL OF POST-COLD WAR SINO-U.S. RELATIONS -- COMMON INTERESTS AND DISPUTES Zhou Qi(30) The recent deterioration of Sino-U.S. relations is the result of the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. However, weighing up the respective interests of the U.S. and China, the two countries still have long-term common interests reflected in their economic and security ties. This can provide a basis for renovating their strategic relations. There are some factors which may impede their cooperation. One of them is the political transition both states are undergoing. The United States should understand that there is definitely no room for compromise on the Taiwan issue and should not press China to choose between economic interest and national sovereignty. Otherwise China's efforts to integrate itself into the international community might be disrupted and might even result in an international crisis unfavorable to the West. HEGEMONIC SYSTEM AND INTERSTATE CONFLICTS: U.S. SUPPORT BEHAVIOR IN MAJOR REGIONAL ARMED CONFLICTS Qin Yaqing(51) This study argues that during the entire Cold War era, the United States was more likely to support antagonists of a regional leader in intra-regional armed conflicts and antagonists of a stronger regional leader in inter-regional armed conflicts. Furthermore, it hypothesizes that the more powerful a regional leader was, the more likely the United States would side with its antagonists. These hypotheses are tested by using a statistical model and all the 122 armed conflicts involving regional leaders from 1946-1988. The findings are supportive of the hypotheses. A COMPARISON BETWEEN MAJOR U.S. AND CHINESE ECONOMIC INDICATORS Wei Wei(69) As China has been enjoying a high rate of economic growth compared with the United States in recent years, many people argue that China will become a world economic power in the next century. Some even go as far as to air the view of a "China threat". Comparing some important U.S. and Chinese economic indicators, the author arrives at the following conclusions: (1) as China is still a developing country, it will not be a threat to the world; (2) China cannot copy U.S. experiences indiscriminately in its economic development; (3) the trend of the rapidly growing Sino-U.S. economic ties is irreversible. Therefore the two countries should cooperate in economy, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. TRADITION AND REALITY: AMERICAN PRAGMATISM REVISITED Sheng Ning(83) Pragmatic philosophy has generally been identified as the American philosophy, but as a philosophical movement or theoretical system, it is often considered as a phenomenon of the past. For this reason, pragmatism has not been sufficiently studied as far as its cultural aspects are concerned. The thesis first describes how pragmatism emerged out of American puritanism as a way of thinking and a way of tackling with human relations. It argues that this pragmatism has gradually merged into the so-called "post-philosophical culture" as the American society finds itself more and more "post- industrialized." American values are now being greatly influenced by this new pragmatism. A process of both delegitimation and re-legitimation of "knowledge" is now under way, with its immediate effects more conspicuous. THE GREAT MIGRATION OF AMERICAN BLACKS, 1940-1970 Hu Jinshan(99) The period 1940-1970 was the era of unprecedented economic growth and frequent social reforms in the United States. It was particularly important for American Blacks because the geographic distribution of their population underwent significant changes then. This is known in history as the Second Great Migration of American Blacks. Compared with the previous Great Migration early in this century, this one lasted longer and covered a much wider scope. It enhanced the awakening of the black ethnic consciousness and laid down the foundation for the black civil rights movement in the 1960s. PERSPECTIVES OF HOT ISSUES AN ANALYSIS OF U.S. POSITION ON THE CRISIS IN FORMER YUGOSLAVIA Yang Dazhou(121) TROUBLED TIMES -- PRESENT AND FUTURE OF THE SINO-U.S. RELATIONSHIP Niu Jun(131) BOOK REVIEWS DRAWING A LESSON FROM THE HISTORY: COMMENTS ON POST-WAR U.S. DIPLOMATIC HISTORY Wang Yizhou(135) NEW METHOD, NEW SUBSTANCE, AND NEW VIEWPOINT: COMMENTS ON #FKA HISTORY OF U.S.-LATIN AMERICAN RELATIONSHIP Hao Mingwei(141) ROBERT MCNAMARA'S CONFESSION Xu Guoqi(149) NOTICE ON THE FIRST PRIZE ESSAY CONTEST OF AMERICAN HISTORY STUDIES IN CHINA (151) NEW BOOKS(152) A GENERAL CATALOG OF ARTICLES IN AMERICAN STUDIES 1995(157) EDITOR'S NOTES(160) Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in HISTORICAL ABSTRACTS and AMERICA: HISTORY AND LIFE. AMERICAN STUDIES, a quarterly, is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies, and the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views either of the Association or the Institute.

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