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作者:陈宝森等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美 国 研 究 季 刊 1995年第2期 AMERICAN STUDIES 第9卷 6月5日出版 论战后国际货币制度和美国的国际金融政策 陈宝森(7) 联合国秘书长和维持国际和平与安全 陈鲁直(25) 霸权·秩序·规则 王逸舟(43) 评美国与联合国关系的历史进程 李少军(69) 来自冷战外的挑战 时殷弘、许 滨(86)   ——美国在菲律宾的失败与调整(1945-1954) 美国社会的文化矛盾 朱世达(113) ○短论 关于美国向拉美“输出民主”的历史思考 王晓德(134) ○信息 把握历史脉络__展望未来趋势 金灿荣(139)   ——“纪念反法西斯战争胜利暨联合国成立五十周年” 研讨会综述 美国政治研讨会综述 倪 峰(142) “美国当代文化思潮”学术讨论会综述 赵 梅(146) ○新书架(149) 编后(160) 本期责任编辑:赵梅、姬虹 本杂志刊登的论文在美国Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life上登有摘要和索引。 编辑出版 中华美国学 中国社会科学院美国研究所 照排 中国社会科学院美国研究所 印刷装钉 北京仰山印刷厂 订阅处 中国社会科学院美国研究所 (100732北京建国门内大街5号) 刊号 ISSN1002-8986/CN11-1170/C@ 国外代号 Q1122 国外发行 中国国际图书贸易总公司_北京399信箱 定价 国内版3.00元 国际版3.00美元(邮费在外) AMERICAN STUDIES Summer 1995,Vol. 9, No. 2 ARTICLES POSTWAR INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM AND U.S. INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL POLICY Chen Baosen(7) With a view to maintaining its own level of production and full employment, the United States prompted the establishment of a new international economic order, the Bretton Woods system, after world War II. The system, alongside the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, has played an active role in liberalizing postwar world trade and reviving the western economy. It proves that a good international monetary system is essential to the growth of world economy. The gradual transition of the gold-dollar standard to the floating rate of exchange has been in accord with the change of world economic structure. Although the present floating rate is not fully advantageous, it fits in with the reality of a multipolar world economy and thus remains robust. UN SECRETARY GENERAL'S ROLE IN KEEPING INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY Chen Luzhi(25) UN Secretary General is the chief administrative officer of the United Nations. The role he plays in maintaining international peace and security is significant, and limited at the same time. With the end of the Cold War, disputes and problems in international relations have become more diversified and complicated than ever. To be effective in doing his duty under new circumstances, he should keep a proper balance between international intervention and respect for sovereignty, special status of the great powers and equal rights for all nations, peace and development, and the U.N. and regional organizations. While the UN has put particular emphasis on peace-keeping in the past 50 years, it should lay equal stress on both peace and development from now on. HEGEMONY, ORDER, AND REGIMES KWang Yizhou(43) This essay deals with the theory of international regimes. Beginning with peace under hegemony, it draws forth the concepts of the dominating power, policy coordination, collective security, etc., and analyzes the inherent causes of changes in world pattern effected by developed capitalist states. The author holds that there must be some sort of order behind international relations no matter how confused and vague they are, that the rationale which defines and controls the order constitutes a regime and that the rationale is always and can only be, a mixture of benevolent rule and rule by force. Hence the paper advances a new thinking devoted to analyzing the evolution of international relations in the post-bipolar world. ON THE HISTORY OF U.S.-U.N. RELATIONS Li Shaojun(69) This article reviews the evolution of the relationship between the United States and the United Nations. It argues that the founding of the U.N. marked the completion of the U.S. transition from isolationism to globalism and the beginning of its heading for hegemonism worldwide. In the past 50 years, the U.S. has undergone a transition from idealism to realism in the U.N. and thus has been placed in a dilemma in which the relations with this global organization can be neither too close nor too detached. The end of the Cold War has rendered the United States new choices. Circumscribed by various conditions, it will not make greater commitment to the United Nations. Nevertheless, the status quo of their relations will probably be maintained in the foreseeable future. A CHALLENGE FROM BEYOND THE COLD WAR: U.S. FAILURE AND POLICY READJUSTMENT IN THE PHILIPPINES (1945-1954) Shi Yinhong and Xu Bin(86) After World War II the United States made a futile attempt to remake the Philippines according to its own will. This failure is explained in this article by examining the evolution of U.S. policy toward the Philippines from 1945 to 1954. The policy shifted from trying to remould the Philippine society and politics to recognizing the status quo and cooperating with the Philippine political elite with a compromising gesture. The cause of the failure resides in the basic structural difference between U.S. and Philippine societies which are independent of each other. No conceivable and feasible policy options would have allowed the United States to change the course of a politically independent and dynamic society like the Philippines. Similarly, American attempts to transform other undeveloped countries in that fashion had no chance to succeed. THE CULTURAL CONTRADICTIONS OF AMERICAN SOCIETY Zhu Shida(113) The author, after making a histro-cultural analysis of the evolution of American political culture, comes to believe in an optimistic, instead of a pessimistic, prospect for America's mainstream WASP culture. Though it will inevitably undergo changes as times go by, this culture will remain American no matter how strongly the cultures of ethnic minorities may assault it. He bases his belief on the vitality of the openness of American society, the diversity of American culture, and the dynamism of the self-adjustment and regulatory ability of American political culture. ACADEMIC DIGEST A HISTORICAL REFLECTION OF U.S. "EXPORT OF DEMOCRACY" TO LATIN AMERICA Wang Xiaode(134) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES A SYMPOSIUM COMMEMORATING THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE VICTORY OF THE ANTI-FASCIST WAR AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE UNITED NATIONS Jin Canrong(139) A WORKSHOP ON AMERICAN POLITICS Ni Feng(142) A WORKSHOP ON TRENDS OF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN LITERARY THINKING Zhao Mei(146) NEW BOOKS(149) EDITOR'S NOTE(160) Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in HISTORICAL ABSTRACTS and AMERICA: HISTORY AND LIFE. AMERICAN STUDIES, a quarterly, is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies, and the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views either of the Association or the Institute.

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