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作者:王缉思等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美 国 研 究 季 刊 1994年第3期 AMERICAN STUDIES 第8卷 9月5日出版 冷战后的美国 王缉思 朱文莉 (7) 试论核裁军的几个问题 吴 展 (33) 亚太经济合作:思路、条件及大国关系 王逸舟 (49) 尼克松与美国对外政策的历史性转折 张也白 (73) ——悼念美国前总统理查德·尼克松 美国的文化模式:对中国文化的启示 朱世达 (90) 亚历山大·汉密尔顿的财政金融改革 张少华 (108) ○随笔 与费正清的最后一面 冯亦代 (129) ○书评 霍夫施塔特与《美国政治传统》 常绍民 (132) 一部出自“后修正主义学派”的新著 王先亭 (137) ——评安德森著《艾森豪威尔政府与越南》一书 风风雨雨四十年 熊志勇 (139) ——读《中美关系史(1911-1950)》 喜闻雏凤清声 刘绪贻 (144) ○信息 “中美关系史研究:回顾与展望”学术讨论会综述 陶文钊 (149) 中美文化互动研讨会在京召开 晓 君 (153) ○新书架 (156) 本期责任编辑: 赵 梅 编辑出版 中华美国学 中国社会科学院美国研究所 照排 中国社会科学院美国研究所 印刷装钉 北京仰山印刷厂 发行、订阅处 中国社会科学院美国研究所 北京建国门内大街5号 刊号 ISSN1002-8986/CN11-1170/C@ 国外代号 Q1122 国外发行 中国国际图书贸易总公司 北京399信箱 定价: 国内版3.00元 国际版3.00美元(邮费在外) AMERICAN STUDIES Autumn 1994 Vol. 8, No. 3 ARTICLES ESSAYS THE UNITED STATES IN THE POST-COLD WAR WORLD Wang Jisi and Zhu Wenli ( 7 ) This paper describes the inconsistency and confusion of U.S. diplomacy in the Post-Cold War era, and traces the domestic causes for its failure to formulate a clear, long-term strategy. Meanwhile a few points are made to predict the future direction of U.S. foreign policy based on its past practices and current interests. SOME THOUGHTS ON NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT Wu Zhan(33) The article gives a brief historical review of nuclear disarmament and argues that after the START II Treaty between the two nuclear superpowers further reduction of nuclear weapons will be unlikely in the near future. It discusses problems concerning the destruction of nuclear warheads untouched in past treaties and expounds the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and missiles focussing on questions at issue in South Asia and North Korea. Finally, the author tries to explain China's position on nuclear test moratorium and ban, and its nuclear policy. ECONOMIC COOPERATION IN THE ASIA-PACIFIC REGION Wang Yizhou(49) The essay treats the theme of the so-called "Pacific Epoch," though the author does not agree with some of the prevailing arguments thereabout. It comprises three separate but interrelated parts: 1. four models of regional cooperation as in the economic activities of the United States, Japan, Malaysia and China respectively; 2. differences among nations in natural conditions, politico-cultural backgrounds as well as attitudes towards joint developments; and 3. interactions among the four Asia-Pacific powers, namely, the United States, Japan, Russia and China, whose relationships can be grouped into four triangles. NIXON AND THE HISTORIC TURN OF AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY Zhang Yebai(73) This article is to the memory of Richard M. Nixon, a politician with strategic foresight and political courage. During his presidency, Nixon took bold and significant steps to adjust U.S. foreign policy, which enabled him to achieve his three principal policy goals: the retreat from Vietnam, Sino-American rapprochement, and detente with the Soviet Union. In retrospect, the Nixon era was a watershed in the postwar history of American foreign relations. THE PATTERN OF AMERICAN CULTURE: ENLIGHTENMENT FOR CHINESE CULTURE Zhu Shida(90) The author analyzed in a comparative perspective the three factors--Christian tradition, republicanism, and individualism that constitute the Anglo-Saxon-based American culture and "benevolence," "rites," and "golden means" that make up the quintessence of Confucianism, the basis of the pattern of Chinese culture. He concludes that Chinese society in the process of industrialization should learn the following lessons: 1. It must not negate its tradition; 2. it must not absolutize individualism; 3. there are structural conflicts among democracy, equality, and individualism in American culture; and 4. there is a need to seek complementarity between Chinese and American civilizations. ALEXANDER HAMILTON'S FINANCIAL REFORM Zhang Shaohua(108) The financial reform initiated by Alexander Hamilton in the early years of the United States was a profound change in American finance. It not only enabled the new-born United States to build up for the first time a rather complete financial system, but also played an important role in the national construction and economic development in the post-independence nation. As the change complied with the historical trend of development the opponents had no choice but to accept Hamilton's financial system which was later established. RANDOM NOTES MY LAST INTERVIEW WITH JOHN KING FAIRBANK Feng Yidai(129) BOOK REVIEWS RICHARD HOFSTADER AND THE AMERICAN POLITICAL TRADITION AND THE MEN WHO MADE IT Chang Shaomin(132) A NEW POST-REVISIONIST WORK: DAVID ANDERSON'S TRAPPED BY SUCCESS: THE EISENHOWER ADMINISTRATION AND VIETNAM, 1953-1961 Wang Xianting(137) THE FOUR STORMY DECADES: A HISTORY OF SINO-U.S. RELATIONSHIP(1911-1950) by Tao Wenzhao Xiong Zhiyong(139) AN EXCELLENT BOOK BY A YOUNG AUTHOR: YANG YUSHENG'S DESCRETE ESSAYS ON U.S. HISTORY Liu Xuyi(144) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES A WORKSHOP ON "THE STUDY OF THE HISTORY OF SINO-U.S. RELATIONS: RETROSPECTS AND PROSPECTS" Tao Wenzhao(149) A WORKSHOP ON SINO-U.S. CULTURAL INTERACTION (BEIJING) Xiao Jun(153) NEW BOOKS(156) AMERICAN STUDIES, a quarterly, is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies, and the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views either of the Association or the Institute.

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