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作者:彭光谦等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美 国 研 究 季 刊 1993年第4期 AMERICAN STUDIES 第7卷 12月5日出版 国际战略格局剧变中的美国国家安全战略 彭光谦(7) 小国合作和大国的阻滞 时殷弘(22)   ——美国与1954年巴尔干同盟的形成 美国农业教育—科研—推广体系的得失观 王春法(43) 美国对日经济复兴政策与中国 崔 丕(63) 论五十年代美国的对华政策 霍世亮(80) 梭罗政治思想述评 倪 峰(107) 现代美国史学在中国 张广智(129) 福克纳与莫言 朱世达(144) 1993年《美国研究》总目录 (158) 本期责任编辑: 赵 梅 编辑出版 中华美国学 中国社会科学院美国研究所 照排 中国社会科学院美国研究所 印刷装钉 北京仰山印刷厂 发行、订阅处 中国社会科学院美国研究所 北京建国门内大街5号 刊号 ISSN1002-8986/CN11-1170/C@ 国外代号 Q1122 国外发行 中国国际图书贸易总公司 北京399信箱 定价: 国内版3.00元 国际版3.00美元(邮费在外) AMERICAN STUDIES Winter 1993 Vol. 7, No. 4 ESSAYS U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGY AND THE DRASTIC CHANGE OF INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC PATTERN Peng Guangqian(7) In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the national security strategy of the United States changed with the breakdown of the Yalta regime which had dominated the world for 40 years since the end of WWII. From President Bush to President Clinton, a new strategy with post-Cold War features gradually took shape. This readjustment of strategy, judging from both its scope and depth, has been most significant one since WWII. THE UNITED STATES AND THE BALKAN ALLIANCE OF 1954 Shi Yinhong(22) Successfully overcoming obstructions caused by Western countries headed by the United States, Yugoslavia entered into an alliance with two of its neighbors, Greece and Turkey, in 1954. Although the actual effects of the alliance was neither remarkable nor long-standing due to the change in international environment and other factors, it did manifest an independent line of Yugoslavia's foreign policy. This line was aimed to avert being excessively restricted by great powers and thereby to enhance Yugoslavia's international standing through cooperation with small powers. MERITS AND DISMERITS OF THE EDUCATION-RESEARCH-EXTENSION SYSTEM OF AMERICAN AGRICULTURE Wang Chunfa(43) The education-research-extension system has made a substantial contribution to the American agriculture. It is characterized by dispersion of power, partnership and the three- in-one structure. Nevertheless, the system also has problems, such as the superfluity of farm produce and environmental pollution due to the overemphasis on technologies. THE CHINA FACTOR IN THE U.S. JANPAN POLICY OF ECONOMIC REHABILITATION Cui Pi (63) In the 1950s, the U.S. Japan policy of economic rehabilitation was an important component of the U.S. strategy of containing China in East Asia. The policy required that Japan break its economic link with China and that Southeast Asia serve as a catatyst in establishing U.S.-Japan economic cooperation. This orientation was set by the Truman Administration and, despite some readjustment during Eisenhower's term of presidency, remained an important principle in America's Asia policy. It bestowed on Japanese foreign policy the features of stressing the importance of cooperation with the United States and non-socialist Southeast Asia. ON U.S. HOSTILE POLICY TOWARDS CHINA IN THE 1950S Huo Shiliang(80) The article expounds that both the Truman and Eisenhower Administrations implemented a hostile policy towards China in the 1950s. Its essence was to separate Taiwan from China and create "Two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan." And the policy was aimed at keeping Taiwan in American hands and maintaining U.S. domination in East Asia. THE POLITICAL THOUGHT OF HENRY D. THOREAU Ni Feng(107) The political viewpoints of Henry D. Thoreau inherited the political thinking of John Locke and Thomas Jefferson. His views on society were similar to those of contemporary and later thinkers like Arthur Schopenhauer, Soren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche. Thus, in the evolution of American political thoughts, he served as a link between the past and the modern times. His major contribution to political science was the idea of "civil disobedience" (or passive resistance). MODERN AMERICAN HISTORICAL STUDIES IN CHINA Zhang Guangzhi(129) American historical studies as an academic discipline, with all its reamifications, has served as an external stimulus and a reference in remolding the traditional Chinese historical studies in the 20th century. Its influence was produced mostly by the two waves of introduction into China. The first wave occurred in the 1920s and 1930s, when works of the American school of new history represented by James Harvey Robinson were introduced. The second wave arrived during China's open-up period after 1978 and aroused more extensive reverberation among Chinese historians than the first wave. W. FAULKNER AND MO YAN Zhu Shida(144) The paper makes an extensive study of William Faulkner's impacts on Mo Yan, one of the leading Chinese contemporary writers on the legends and mystics of Chinese rural life. Based on an analytical study of Mo Yan's fictions, it takes note of Mo's modernistic efforts by way of mysticism, imagism, symbolism and metamorphosis. The author believes that by assimilating the heritage of W. Faulkner and other modernist writers and combining Chinese scene with modernist approaches, Mo has taken on a unique creative career. AMERICAN STUDIES, a quarterly, is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies, and the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views either of the Association or the Institute.

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