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作者:陈宝森等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美 国 研 究 季 刊 1991年第1期 AMERICAN STUDIES 第5卷 3月5日出版 试论九十年代美国在西方的经济地位 陈宝森(7) 美援与台湾经济发展 张 健(25) 美国私有企业对政府决策的影响 王树盛(52) 罗斯福新政与凯恩斯主义 刘绪贻(70) 美国对朝鲜战争政策的演变(1950.6-1951.6) 牛 军(93) 美国在华治外法权的放弃(1942-1943) 任东来(116) 募集社会福利基金的新战略 朱传一(133)   ——美国募捐问题及其争论 过去与现在的分裂 赵 毅(144)   ——读《大分裂:对美国梦的重新思索》 历史感的呼唤 张跃宏(154)   ——读《现代史学的挑战》札记 本期责任编辑: 金灿荣、赵 梅 编辑出版 中华美国学 中国社会科学院美国研究所 照排 中国社会科学院美国研究所 印刷装钉 北京新华印刷厂 发行、订阅处 中国社会科学院美国研究所 北京建国门内大街5号 刊号 ISSN1002-8986/CN11-1170/C@ 国外代号 Q1122 国外发行 中国国际图书贸易总公司 北京399信箱 定价: 国内版3.00元 国际版3.00美元(邮费在外) AMERICAN STUDIES Spring 1991 Vol. 5, No. 1 CONTENTS THE ECONOMIC POSITION OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE WEST DURING THE NINETIES Chen Baosen(7) The US economic position in the West during the 1990s will continue to be weakened relatively. However, the US superiority vis-a-vis territorial landmass, resources, and its enterprising spirit and realistic approach to things will continue to maintain its position as the No. 1 economic power for an extended historical period. Yet America's fight to protect such a position will be arduous both at home and abroad. U.S. AID AND TAIWAN'S DEVELOPMENT Zhang Jian(25) A number of factors both in Taiwan and from abroad contributed to the takeoff and development of the island's economy. Among them U.S. aid which lasted from the mid-fifties to the mid-sixties was a very important one. Propelled by U.S. aid Taiwan was able to transform its traditional economy into a modern economy very smoothly. It is a successful model among the various regions making use of U.S. aid. THE INFLUENCE OF AMERICAN PRIVATE ENTERPRISES ON GOVERNMENT DECISION Wang Shusheng(52) Due to the pluralistic nature of American society and economy, private enterprises do not make up for a single interest entity. No such thing as a complete set of relations exists between enterprises and the government. Private enterprises influence the decision making of the American government, and the influence of some are very great indeed. However, one can not say that private enterprises decide the economic and social policies of the American government. Neither can it be said that the American government is an agent of American private enterprises. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT'S NEW DEAL AND KEYNESIANISM Liu Xuyi(70) Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal and Keynesianism are both typical products of monopoly capitalism evolving into state monopoly capitalism. The two promote and influence each other. The early Chicago School did not become the sole theoretical basis of the New Deal. THE EVOLVEMENT OF AMERICA'S POLICY TOWARDS THE KOREAN WAR Niu Jun(93) From June 1950 to June 1951 America's policy towards the conflict between the North and South Koreas went through a process of all-out military intervention, to crossing the 38th parallel and invading the North, and finally to localizing the war. This essay studies the causes and features of related decision making in such an evolvement. AMERICA'S RENOUNCEMENT OF EXTRATERRITORIALITY IN CHINA Ren Donglai(116) At the end of 1942 the United States and Great Britain renounced the extraterritoriality they enjoyed in China for a century. From China's position, this was indeed the first step towards winning a completely independent international position based on equality. However, this first step was taken in an environment which was not entirely based on equality. The United States gained enormous benefits both from the seizure and later from the renouncement of such a privilege. NEW STRATEGIES IN RAISING SOCIAL WELFARE FUNDS Zhu Chuanyi(133) Apart from the government, nonprofit social welfare organizations in the United States occupy an important position. Since the eighties, apart from the traditional way of raising funds, the new strategy of joint fund raising by social welfare organizations and enterprises, has taken great steps forward. Though this new strategy is highly controversial, yet the relative consensus is that such a strategy should be improved upon as it is being practiced, instead of imposing limits on it. THOUGHTS AFTER READING STUD TERKEL'S THE GREAT DIVIDE: SECOND THOUGHTS ON THE AMERICAN DREAM Zhao Yi (144) Ignorance of history and loss of the sense of historical continuity signify the divide of past and present American culture. “Here and now” has become a part of American psychology. Important factors that led to the Great Divide are: the emergence of a mass consumer society; the daily changes that are taking place in science and technology; and the rapid development of the mass media. NOTES ON READING #FK COLLECTION OF SPEECHES BY PRESIDENTS OF AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (1961-1988) Zhang Yaohong(154) “Sense of history” means three things. They are: understanding history through personal experience and having the power of imagination; possessing a consciousness desire to seek a place in the flow of history; and being conscious of one's self as a historian and having a sense of mission vis-a-vis probing the issue of "where mankind is headed". AMERICAN STUDIES, a quarterly, is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies, and the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views either of the Association or the Institute.

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