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作者:吴展等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美 国 研 究 季 刊 1989年第1期 AMERICAN STUDIES 第3卷 1月15日出版 世界和平与裁军 吴 展(7) 美台《共同防御条约》的缔结经过 贾庆国(22) 略论中国在美国的形象 ——兼议“精英舆论” 袁 明(35) 一位美国传教士的和平幻想   ——司徒雷登与中日和谈 何 迪(50) 1948-1985年美国生产率增长试析 沈 侠(73) 美国高等教育评价初探 袁韶莹(101) 美国城市史学的回顾与展望 史明正(119) “太平洋的东部首府”洛杉矶(一)   ——一个被低估了的美国城市 王受之(135) 从新政到里根经济学   ——读陈宝森著《美国经济与政府政策——从罗斯福到里根》 徐静之(149) 1987-1988年《美国研究》总目录 (157) 本期责任编辑: 金灿荣 编辑出版 中华美国学 中国社会科学院美国研究所 照排 中国社会科学院美国研究所 印刷装钉 北京新华印刷厂 发行、订阅处 中国社会科学院美国研究所 北京建国门内大街5号 刊号 ISSN1002-8986/CN11-1170/C@ 国外代号 Q1122 国外发行 中国国际图书贸易总公司 北京399信箱 定价: 国内版1.75元 国际版2.50美元(邮费在外) AMERICAN STUDIES Spring 1989 Vol. 3, No. 1 CONTENTS WORLD PEACE AND DISARMAMENT Wu Zhan (7) The signing of the INF treaty signifies the beginning of the third detente between U.S. and U.S.S.R., which should be more stable than the first two owing to the changed political and economic situation in the world and to the policy readjustments by both superpowers. The author believes that it is possible to reach an agreement on partial reduction of strategic nuclear arms within the next two years. Conditions under which China will join the nuclear disarmament are also discussed. THE MAKING OF THE U.S.-TAIWAN MUTUAL DEFENSE TREATY Jia Qingguo (22) The U.S.-Taiwan Mutual Defense Treaty of 1954 had great impact on the development of Sino-U.S. relationship. Relying on newly released U.S. government documents, the author finds that suggestion for the Treaty originally came from Taiwan, that the Eisenhower Administration at first hesitated at the idea and that the sudden change of events in the Taiwan Straits after July 1954 facilitated the making of the Treaty. A BRIEF LOOK AT CHINA'S IMAGE IN THE UNITED STATES Yuan Ming (35) China's image in the United States is produced by the interaction of international environment, changes in China itself, U.S. domestic politics and its political and cultural tradition. The U.S. public view of China, whose formation is strongly influenced by the elite opinion, has become more realistic and mature since the 1970s, thus improving China's image. AN AMERICAN MISSIONARY'S ILLUSION FOR PEACE: LEIGHTON STUART AND SINO-JAPANESE PEACE TALKS He Di (50) Driven by his idealism and non-violent religious belief, Leighton Stuart who saw China as his second home made unwearied efforts to promote peace talks between China and Japan during the war, but his idealism based on American concepts was inept to solve the conflicts between the two antagonizing countries. This failure foreshadowed the tragedy in his later years as the ambassador to China. THE GROWTH OF U.S. PRODUCTIVITY BETWEEN 1948 AND 1985 Shen Xia (73) Productivity growth accounted more than anything else for the U.S. economic growth in the two and half decades after the World War II. Its slow-down was also the major reason for the economic stagnation between 1973-1981. The author explores a number of domestic and international factors responsible for the slow-down as well as the relationship between Reagan Administration's economic policy and productivity growth since 1981. HIGHER EDUCATION EVALUATION SYSTEM IN THE UNITED STATES Yuan Shaoying (101) Sophisticated higher education evaluation system is both a sign of and a reason for the flourishment of higher educations in the United States. The system has four characteristics: solid theoretical base, emphasis on the role of private organizations, remarkable social benefits and the authority of the evaluating institutions. URBAN HISTORY IN U.S.: AN OVERVIEW Shi Mingzheng (119) Urban history is a relatively new social science in the U.S. Its subject matter covers the role of cities in the history of civilaization, population distribution, social mobility, racial relations, city politics, suburbanization so on. For the methodology, it draws upon economics, geography, statistics, sociology and other disciplines. LOS ANGELES: THE EASTERN CAPITAL OF THE PACIFIC Wang Shouzhi (135) Los Angeles has become the economic and financial center of the U.S. west coast. Its economic development has also led to cultural prosperity and post-industrial style of work and life. The city's problems, though many, can be solved through decentralization. It is the author's view that Los Angeles could become the eastern capital of the Pacific in the 21st century. A REVIEW OF CHEN BAOSEN'S NEW BOOK AMERICAN ECONOMY AND GOVERNEMNT POLICY Xu Jingzhi (149) Chen's book is a comprehensive study of U.S. economy and government policy from Franklin Roosevelt to Ronald Reagan. It contains rich materials and powerful arguments, and provides special insight into the class structure and conflicts in U.S. society and the role of government in regulating the economy. AMERICAN STUDIES, a quarterly, is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies, and the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views either of the Association or the Institute.

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