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作者:张静怡等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美 国 研 究 季 刊 1988年第4期 AMERICAN STUDIES 第2卷 11月15日出版 从“纯威慑”到“实战威慑” ——六十年代以来美国核战略的演变 张静怡、宋久光(7) 能源危机后的美国能源与经济 茅于轼(28) 美国跨州银行业的发展和前瞻 景学成(54) 美国黑人的三次文艺复兴 施咸荣(73) 经久不衰的完美境界   ——薇拉·凯瑟的代表作《啊,拓荒者》中美的启示 资中筠(89) 反主流文化的亚文化群——嬉皮士 温 洋(95) 美国新右派初探 刘绪贻、胡金平(113) 美国总统威尔逊在武装干涉苏俄中的作用 张镇强(135) 本期责任编辑: 金灿荣 编辑出版 中华美国学 中国社会科学院美国研究所 照排 中国社会科学院美国研究所 印刷装钉 北京新华印刷厂 发行、订阅处 中国社会科学院美国研究所 北京建国门内大街5号 刊号 ISSN1002-8986/CN11-1170/C@ 国外代号 Q1122 国外发行 中国国际图书贸易总公司 北京399信箱 定价: 国内版1.75元 国际版2.50美元(邮费在外) AMERICAN STUDIES Winter 1988 Vol. 2, No. 4 CONTENTS FROM "NUCLEAR DETERRENCE ONLY" TO "WAR-FIGHTING DETERRENCE": EVOLUTION OF U.S. NUCLEAR STRATEGY SINCE 1960s Zhang Jingyi & Song Jiuguang (7) Looking at the three components of U.S. nuclear strategy (the declaratory policy, employment policy and force development policy), the authors analyze the how and why of the transition of U.S. nuclear strategy from "deterrence only" to "war-fighting deterrence." A critique of the Reagan Administration's nuclear strategy is also offered. ? ENERGY AND ECONOMY IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE THE ENERGY CRISIS Mao Yushi (28) The essay discusses U.S. energy production and consumption, its relations with the world market and the changes of U.S. energy structure in response to energy price fluctuations since 1973. It is argued that the policy of oil price regulation failed to solve the energy problem in the mid-70s, and that as long as the United States maintains a flexible economic structure, it would help prevent a third world energy crisis in the future. DEVELOPMENT AND PROSPECTS OF INTERSTATE BANKING IN THE UNITED STATES Jing Xuecheng (54) The traditional banking system in the United States was the "one-office-bank". Since the beginning of this century, and especially in recent years, interstate banking has enjoyed rapid growth. Problems of the old system, the new technological revolution and the economic development are the three reasons for this growth. Issues relating to further development of interstate banking are also discussed. BLACK RENAISSANCES IN THE UNITED STATES Shi Xianrong (73) A study of the three Black Renaissances in the United States: the first in the 1840s and 1850s; the second, the so-called Harlem Renaissance, in the 1920s; and the third in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Special stress is placed on the Black Power, Black Aesthetic and Black Cultural Nationalism of Black Militants in the 1960s. THOUGHTS ON WILLA CATHER'S REPRESENTATVE WORK O, PIONEERS Zi Zhongyun (89) Simplicity, honesty, deepness and loftiness are the qualities in O, Pioneers discovered by the reviewer (also the Chinese translator of the book) through a unique perspective. These qualities come from a deeply-felt love of the land and the tenacious will to fight the nature. The heroine is the personification of these qualities, and her peioneering spirit is the cream of American culture. THE HIPPIES --- A SUBCULTURE IN REBELLION Wen Yang (95) Twenty years ago, the United States witnessed the rebellion of its younger generation. These angry young people, known as the "Hippies', turned their backs upon the mainstream U.S. culture and formed their own "Hippie-culture" with its own set of values, moral codes and way of life. The Hippiedom, with its ups and downs, helps explain U.S. culture in the last two decades. ON THE NEW RIGHT Liu Xuyi & Hu Jinping (113) A discussion of the rise of the New Right since mid-70s, covering among other things its basic ideological positions and its differences from the Old Right and Neoconservatism. The authors contend that although the views of the New Right have not been translated into the dominant policies of the government, the movement's influence on American politics is both great and enduring. WOODROW WILSON AND THE ARMED INTERVENTION IN THE SOVIET UNION Zhang Zhenqiang (135) Traditionally, most Soviet and Chinese historians think that Woodrow Wilson was an active organizer of the Allied countries' armed intervention in the Soviet Union in 1918-1920. Relying on the documents of the Soviet government at the time, the author advances a different view. He argues that Wilson at first tried to prevent the intervention and when that failed Wilson made the U. S. role in the intervention a relatively passive one compared with other countries. AMERICAN STUDIES, a quarterly, is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies, and the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views either of the Association or the Institute.

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