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作者:陈宝森等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美 国 研 究 季 刊 1988年第3期 AMERICAN STUDIES 第2卷 8月1日出版 中国沿海地区经济发展战略和美国对华投资 陈宝森(7) 简析“中美合作所集中营” 邓又平( 26) “台海危机”和中国对金门、马祖政策的形成 何 迪( 40) 论十九世纪美国经济增长与贸易变化的关系 贺力平(66) 八十年代美国外贸逆差剖析 孙海顺(86) 美国六十年代的“新左派”运动 温 洋(105) 海明威短篇创作模式探求 董衡巽(125) 美国生活质量研究的兴起 秦斌祥、朱传一(133) “尘埃落定”话当年   ——资中筠论杜鲁门对华政策新著读后 邓蜀生(152) 本期责任编辑: 金灿荣 编辑出版 中华美国学 中国社会科学院美国研究所 照排 中国社会科学院美国研究所 印刷装钉 北京新华印刷厂 发行、订阅处 中国社会科学院美国研究所 北京建国门内大街5号 刊号 ISSN1002-8986/CN11-1170/C@ 国外代号 Q1122 国外发行 中国国际图书贸易总公司 北京399信箱 定价: 国内版1.75元 国际版2.50美元(邮费在外) AMERICAN STUDIES Fall 1988 Vol. 2, No. 3 CONTENTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR CHINESE COASTAL AREAS AND U.S. INVESTMENT IN CHINA Chen Baosen (7) Three issues are dealt with in this essay: the role of the SEZs and coastal areas in the Chinese modernization drive; the present U.S. investment in China; and the Chinese efforts in improving its investment environment. The author's conclusion is that the economic development strategy recently adopted by the Chinese government for the coastal areas has provided U.S. companies with a good opportunity for direct investment. ?? WHAT THE SINO-US COOPERATIVE ORGANIZATION REALLY WAS Deng Youping (26) The paper questions a widely-used historical term in China: Sino-U.S. Cooperative Organization's Concentration Camp, arguing that it is the result of equating the Sino-U.S. Cooperative Organization with the Chongqing Concentration Camp of the KMT Military Bureau of Statistics and Investigation. By presenting many historical materials, the author tries to demonstrate that the two institutions are different regarding the nature of their work and are unrelated administratively. ??"THE TAIWAN STRAITS CRISES" AND THE FORMATION OF CHINESE POLICY ON QUEMOY AND MATSU He Di (40) A discussion of how China readjusted its policy on Quemoy and Matsu according to the development of events. The policy was changed from one of liberation at the beginning to one that would let the Taiwan authorities keep control of the two islands, the purpose being that they could serve as a link between the Mainland and Taiwan which is useful for preventing "two Chinas." ?U.S. ECONOMIC GROWTH AND TRADE DEVELOPMENT IN THE 19TH CENTURY He Liping (66) The author examines the relationship between domestic and foreign markets in the course of U.S. economic growth in the 19th century, pointing out in particular the contribution made by the exportation of primary products to the country's earlier economic development. The author also takes issue with a classical Marxist view that the U.S. economy in the 19th century was colonial by nature. BEHIND U.S. FOREIGN TRADE DEFICITS IN THE 1980s Sun Haishun (86) The relative decline of the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing industries is a minor reason for the increase of trade deficits. The major reasons are the high demand in the U.S. market and the market-expanding activities by foreign multi-national companies. High domestic demand is a result of high economic growth, private consumption and government deficits. The activities by the multi-national companies have made it possible for large amounts of capital and commodities to flow into the United States. THE NEW LEFT MOVEMENT OF THE 1960s Wen Yang (105) Two decades ago, the United States witnessed a violent youth rebellion with the New Left as its vanguard. Who were these young rebels What was their social, political and cultural background What were they so passionately against What kind of world did they wish to rebuild And of course what became of the Movement This article is an attempt to answer these questions. ?HEMINGWAY'S MODEL FOR SHORT FICTION Dong Hengxun (125) The usual impressions about Hemingway's stories are his plain language, the absence of motive analysis, the descriptions of details and the baffling endings. These impressions form a model. It is the use of dialogue and details to allude rather than show explicitly the contrast and conflict of values in his characters, thus bringing out the inner dramatic nature of human beings. THE RISE OF THE QUALITY OF LIFE STUDIES IN THE U.S. Qin Binxiang & Zhu Chuanyi (133) The study of quality of life in the U.S. has risen in response to social needs. The theories and methods associated with this study are discussed here. Views as to how China could learn from this development regarding its own quality of life are also offered. LOOKING BACK AT THE DAYS AFTER THE "DUST HAS SETTLED" Deng Shusheng (152) A review of Zi Zhongyun's book The Origin and Evolution of America's China Policy, 1945-1950. According to the reviewer, the book has filled a gap in the study of this subject by Chinese scholars. It offers original and convincing arguments on: the dilemma U.S. found itself in regarding its pro-KMT policy; how it became bogged down in the Chinese civil war; China lobby and the debates of America's China policy; and the role of Ambassodor Leighton Stewart. AMERICAN STUDIES, a quarterly, is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies, and the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views either of the Association or the Institute.

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