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作者:资中筠等 来源: 时间:2015-06-16
(全文见PDF版) 美 国 研 究 季 刊 1987年第1期 AMERICAN STUDIES 第1卷 3月25日出版 创刊号 中国的美国研究 资中筠(7) 论美国经济的宏观调节 陈宝森( 21) 1945—1955年美国对华政策及其后果 王缉思( 40) 评八十年代美苏关系的发展 张也白( 69) 美苏在战略武器上的斗争 吴 展( 79) 自然资源保护与西奥多·罗斯福 顾学稼( 96) 当代美国文学发展的几个新趋势 施咸荣(113) 艾德蒙·威尔逊书信 王佐良(132) “争取正义乐队的指挥”:小马丁·路德·金牧师 李道揆(143) 编后 (160) 作者简介: 资中筠: 中国社会科学院美国研究所副所长、美国外交和中美关系问题专家 陈宝森: 中国社会科学院美国研究所研究员、全国美国经济学会副会长 王缉思: 北京大学国际政治系讲师 张也白: 中国社会科学院美国研究所外交研究室主任、美苏关系问题专家 吴 展: 中国社会科学院美国研究所副所长、研究员 顾学稼: 四川大学历史系教授、中国美国史研究会副理事长 施咸荣: 中国社会科学院美国研究所研究员、中国美国文学研究会常务理事 王佐良: 北京外国语学院教授、中国作家协会理事 李道揆: 中国社会科学院美国研究所研究员、中国政治学会理事 责任编辑: 邵宏志 AMERICAN STUDIES Spring 1987 Vol. 1, No. 1 CONTENTS AMERICAN STUDIES IN CHINA Zi Zhongyun (7) An account of the century-old American studies in China. The characteristics and causes of the unprecedented flourish in this field since 1979 and the purposes for Chinese to study the United States as seen by the author are explored. ON THE MACRO POLICY OF ECONOMIC STABILIZATION IN THE UNITED STATES Chen Baosen ( 21) This study deals with the necessity of government intervention in economy since the Great Depression, its special pattern, rationale, mechanisms and practices, and the role of public finance and Federal Reserve. AN APPRAISAL OF US POLICY TOWARD CHINA 1945-1955 AND ITS AFTERMATH Wang Jisi ( 40) This essay examines the major factors that jointly determined the course of US China policy 1945-1955 and that have produced far-reaching effects on later Sino-American relations, and evaluates the conceptual framework underlying the Americans' behavior in dealing with China. SOME COMMENTS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF US-SOVIET RELATIONS IN THE 80's Zhang Yebai ( 69) The US-Soviet relations will retain the pattern of dialogue in the midst of rivalry for years to come. Detente will still be limited and confrontation will continue to be dominant. THE STRATEGIC ARMS COMPETITION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND THE SOVIET UNION Wu Zhan ( 79) Analysing the status of US-Soviet strategic arms race and strategic offense-defense relations, the author contends that a deep-cutting of nuclear arms, rather than their total destruction, will be possible in the coming few years. CONSERVATION IN THE PRESIDENCY OF THEODORE ROOSEVELT Gu Xuejia ( 96) US natural resources were seriously squandered in the 19th century. Conservation efforts of the time had little effect. T. Roosevelt's struggle for conservation greatly advanced its cause early this century. SOME NEW TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF AMERICAN LITERATURE TODAY Shi Xianrong (113) This article discusses the experimental realism in W. Kennedy's IRONWEED, the new realism of feminist women writers, the future of Southern Literature and two different trends of literary thought in contemporary Afro-American?literature. ON EDMUND WILSON'S LETTERS Wang Zuoliang (132) Edmund Wilson's historic role in literature, his wide-ranged knowledge and?literary talent are shown in this article through his letters. “A DRUM MAJOR FOR JUSTICE”: THE REV. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. Li Daokui (143) The author describes and appraises King's life, his quest for American blacks' freedom and equality with whites, his role in civil rights movement and antiwar activities. EDITOR'S NOTE (160) AMERICAN STUDIES, a quarterly, is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies, and the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views either of the Association or the Institute. CONTRIBUTORS Zi Zhongyun, a specialist in US diplomacy and Sino-US relations, is Deputy Director of Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). Chen Baosen, is Senior Fellow at Institute of American Studies, CASS, and Vice President of US Economy Association in China. Wang Jisi, is Lecturer at the Department of International Politics, Beijing University. Zhang Yebai, a specialist in US-Soviet relations, is Head of US Foreign Policy Division, Institute of American Studies, CASS. Wu Zhan, is Senior Fellow and Deputy Director of Institute of American Studies, CASS. Gu Xuejia, is Professor of History at Sichuan University. Shi Xianrong, is Senior Fellow at Institute of American Studies, CASS, and Standing Council Member of the Chinese Association for the Study of American Literature. Wang Zuoliang, is Professor at Beijing Foreign Language Institute and Council Member of Chinese Writers' Association. Li Daokui, is Senior Fellow at Institute of American Studies, CASS, and Council Member of Chinese Association of Political Science.

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