About IAS
About IAS
作者: 来源:欧洲研究编辑部 时间:2015-06-29

    The Institute of American Studies (Chinese Version)
    The Institute of American Studies (IAS) under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences was founded in May 1981. It is a non-profit academic institution engaged in the comprehensive studies of the United States of America.
    The research work at IAS is basically conducted in its four research departments focusing respectively on American politics, economy, diplomacy, and society and culture. The Institute also runs an editorial department, a library, and a general office.
    The Department of American Politics is mainly engaged in the study of American political system, U. S. Congress, federal and local governments, political thought, and current political changes and policies.
    The Department of American Economy conducts research on American economic system and structure and reviews U. S. government economic policies. It constantly follows the current economic situation in the United States. Sino-American economic and trade relations are examined against a broader background.
    The Department of American Diplomacy studies U. S. foreign relations in the contemporary world. It carries out programs on U. S. diplomatic history with a particular focus on the history of Sino-American relations since 1949. This Department furnishes up-to-date information and analysis of American foreign policy.
    The Department of American Society and Culture has several projects to examine contemporary American cultural ideas and trends, racial relations. the relations between church and government, and American social security system.
    Department of Strategic Studies focuses on developing multidisciplinary analyses on strategic and global issues that have long-term impacts on China-US relations.
    The Editorial Department is responsible for the editing and publication of the scholarly journal, American Studies Quarterly, which is co-sponsored by IAS and the Chinese Association for American Studies. This journal is the main field where Chinese scholars of American studies publish their works and exchange their viewpoints. In addition, this Department also edits and publishes the monthly Business Review, which is basically the Chinese version of Harvard Business Review with the copywrite of the published articles. IAS also circulates its newsletter among concerned scholars and institutions.
    The IAS Library boasts of holding over 30,000 volumes in English, among them about 1,000 reference books, and 13,000 volumes in Chinese, of which 700 are reference books. Many of the holdings in Chinese are works in American studies by Chinese writers published in the last few years. The library is open to researchers of the Institute as well as to readers at large.
    The Chinese Association for American Studies (CAAS) founded in December 1988, is under the administration of IAS CASS is a nationwide organization that aims to coordinate academic activities of the Chinese institutions engaged in American studies. IAS and CAAS have successfully co-sponsored a few conferences and are jointly running a book fund to subsidize the publication of Chinese scholarly works in this field.
    The Institute provides society with academic monographs, papers, investigation reports, data, and translated books, as well as with consultation. In addition to national key projects under the auspices of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Institute carries out its own research programs to meet a variety of needs. It also takes assignments entrusted by relevant government departments, enterprises, and social organizations.
    IAS has extensive ties with Chinese and international counterparts, including academic institutions, foundations, libraries, and government departments.
    Director: Professor Zheng Bingwen
    Deputy Directors: Professor Sun Haiquan, Professor Ni Feng, Professor Liu Zun
    Unit A, No.158 Gulouxidajie, Xicheng District
    Beijing 100720
    People's Republic of China
    Tel. 86-10-8408-3507
    Fax: 86-10-8408-3506
    Email: limo@cass.org.cn

中国社科院美国研究所 版权所有@2010 京ICP备05036911号