AMERICAN STUDIES,Summer 1992 Vol. 6, No. 2
作者:王缉思等 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
AMERICAN STUDIES Summer 1992 Vol. 6, No. 2 CONTENTS THE "STRATEGIC TRIANGLE" IN U.S. POLICY TOWARD CHINA Wang Jisi (7) The article analyzes the Soviet factor that influenced U.S. policy toward China from 1972 to 1991. It points out that the basis of Sino-U.S. relations was eroded by the U.S.-Soviet reconciliation in the late 1980s, while the Sino-Soviet rapprochement did not make a great impact on U.S. policy. A new basis has yet to be found for improving Sino-U.S. relations. AMERICAN IDEALISM AND EAST ASIA Huo Shiliang(36) American idealism, based on American values, moral principles and sense of mission, has a lasting and profound influence on American foreign policy. Together with American values, it is the means for the United States to intervene in the internal affairs of East Asian countries. In American thinking, to "change the world" and to create a "new world order" are "guided by American values". ISSUES IN AUSTRALIA-U.S. SECURITY COOPERATION AND THEIR PROSPECTS Gong Shaopeng(62) The 1987 Australian White Paper on Defence makes known that, while maintaining the security cooperation with the United States, Australia will not surely take part in every operation led by the United States. With the changes in the world situation, Australia begins to pay much attention to regional security cooperation. This trend may exert an influence on Australia-U.S. alliance relationship. THE MAKING OF A SEPARATE PEACE WITH JAPAN Cui Pi(77) The shaping of U.S. peace-making policy toward Japan after WWII underwent the process from an all-sided peace making to the demititarization of Japan, and finally to a separate peace treaty. This policy put an end to U.S.-Japan hostility but led thereby to a twenty-year long international tension in Asia. IMPACT OF THE U.S.-CANADA FREE TRADE AGREEMENT ON THE UNITED STATES Zhou Maorong(93) The agreement is extremely important to U.S. economy and to the global international trade system. Its significance lies in three aspects, namely, promoting bilateral free trade, promoting bilateral free trade in labor service and improving the environment for investment. FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT'S "NEW DEAL", LABOR MOVEMENT AND RELATIONS AMONG EMPLOYEES, EMPLOYERS AND THE STATE Liu Xuyi(107) Remarkable changes took place in the relationships among the state, enterprises and labor during the "New Deal" period of F.D. Roosevelt in the United States. The economic and political conditions of workers were thus to a degree improved with a view to keeping the monopoly capitalism running. THEODORE ROOSEVELT'S "NEW NATIONALISM" Li Jianming(125) The reform program of Theodore Roosevelt's "New Nationalism" embraced many dimensions, such as politics, economy and society. It was aimed at making the American system more characteristic of justice through reform. Touching some aspects of the inherent contradictions of capitalism, the "New Nationalism" made an impact on the domestic policies of succeeding U.S. governments. THEODORE DREISER: "A GREAT WRITER WHO WROTE BADLY" Dong Hengxun(141) Theodore Dreiser is important because he was among the first of this century to break a trail through wilderness. He was devoted to kinds of social tragedies. Though he "wrote badly", without any feeling for words, he made greater contribution to American letters and life than the more sophisticated Gertrude Stein who, a path finder too, cared merely for the poetry of words. AMERICA'S POST-CIVIL WAR SOUTHERN CULTURE Zhang Yujiu(152) After the Civil War the Southern Culture entered a period of reconstruction. The dissemination of scientific thoughts contributed to changes in religious patterns and the spread of education. Nevertheless, this did not give rise to any basic reform in respect of way of thinking. AMERICAN STUDIES, a quarterly, is published jointly by the Chinese Association for American Studies, and the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the articles in this journal should not be construed as reflecting the views either of the Association or the Institute.

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