The “Bush Doctrine” and America's Neoconservatism?
作者:周琪 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
The “Bush Doctrine” is characterized by the policies of preemption, regime change, unilateralism and pursuit of benign egemony. Its ideological root is neoconservatism. The 9/11 terrorist attacks made Bush accept neoconservatism and regard it as a new approach in dealing with the new threat of terrorism; and neoconservatives, through their hawkish alliance with merican nationalists inside the Bush administration and Christian rights, exert influence on U.S. foreign policy. eoconservatives and traditional conservatives are firm believers in two basic American ideologies: American exceptionalism nd classical liberalism. They promote the use of force to pursue their ideals and interests. However, the “Bush Doctrine” is doomed to fail as a result of the inherent problems in it and in the neoconservative beliefs. With the intensification of the difficulties in the Iraq War, neoconservatism, together with the “Bush Doctrine,” has traversed a course from booming to ebbing.

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