US Relations with the Great Powers in East Asia: A Southeast Asian Perspective
作者:尤素福·瓦南迪 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
US Relations with the Great Powers in East Asia: A Southeast Asian Perspective(Jusuf Wanandi) This article has examined US relations with the great powers in East Asia, namely China, Japan, Russian, India and ASEAN and how they will influence future regional developments. The author thinks that the hub and spokes policy of the US alone could no more do the job in East Asia because of the great changes brought about by globalization and regionalism. While bilateral relations between the US and the great powers in East Asia are still important, they cannot solve regional and global problems. Regional cooperation is the most immediate strategy that can compliment and overcome the deficiencies of bilateral approaches.

中国社科院美国研究所 版权所有@2010 京ICP备05036911号