America's Public View of China and American Policy toward China (1990-2002)
作者:余建军 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
America's Public View of China and American Policy toward China (1990-2002) Yu Jianjun(58) The article analyses Americas public views of China in the 1990s and since and the causes for such views. It discusses how these views influence American policy toward China. Survey data show that since the end of the Cold War American public recognition of the importance of China and SinoUS relations has increased, but the feeling toward China and trust in China remain low, regarding a developing and stronger China as a “serious threat” to the United States. The article holds that the views and attitude of American public constitute a “public opinion environment,” which, in turn, influences U.S. China policy. However, the influence varies in terms of different decisionmaking backgrounds, issue areas and policy processes. To a large degree, such influence depends on the attitude toward public opinion held by American decisionmakers, especially the President.

中国社科院美国研究所 版权所有@2010 京ICP备05036911号