AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY,Volume 17,Number 1,Spring 2003
作者:蒋劲松等 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Spring 2003,Vol. 17, No. 1 ARTICLES The Ruling Mode of the Republican and Democratic Parties in Light of Their Responses to Sept. 11Jiang Jingsong(7) This article scrutinizes the ruling mode of American political parties. Based on an elaboration on the characteristics of the American party system, it analyzes the process in which the 107th Congress and President George W. Bush reacted to the September 11 terrorist attacks and strengthened homeland security. The author argues that the ruling mode of American parties reflects democracy, separation of power, and checks and balances as laid down in the Constitution, a basic factor which accounts for why it can be carried out over a long period of time without change. On the other hand, the implementation of constitutional provisions should be attributed to the two parties ruling mode of democracy, separation of power, and checks and balances. Private Property Rights in American Legal HistoryHan Tie (30) There is no doubt that American laws protect private property rights. But it does not mean that private property rights are sacred and inviolable. American legal history tells us that what has been protected is not just vested rights but, more importantly, the dynamic property rights; not just private property rights but also public property rights. The laws not only protect existing property rights but also attempt to create new property rights. Whenever it is necessary, the American legal system has been ready to promote economic growth and social development by limiting private property rights. Partly because of the balance between private property rights and longterm social benefits, we have witnessed the great success of the American capitalist economy in spite of its problems. The "Soft Money Revolution" in Americas Campaign FinancingZhao Kejin and Zhu Jinping (48) Since 1980, "soft money" has been increasingly involved in American election campaigns, giving an effective instrument to political candidates. The American system of representative democracy has been seriously challenged by this phenomenon, especially because the "soft money" results in enormous political corruption. Heated debates over the legislation for soft money have continued in the United States but no agreement has yet been reached. However, the U.S. government has clearly realized that they must regulate the soft money through legislation so as to plug the holes in the democracy system. But this will take a long time to realize. U.S. Strategic Trade PolicyZhang Jianxin (64) Since the 1970s, owing to the annual trade deficit and budget deficit, with the transition to the postindustrialized society, and under strong pressures from industrial groups, the ideas of U.S. trade policy has undergone great changes. The trade policy has transformed from advocating traditional free trade or protectionism to fair trade and strategic trade policy. The changes in policy thinking were supported by the emerging new theory of international trade in the 1980s. The Japan U.S. semiconduct disputes and EuropeU.S. commercial aircraft disputes demonstrated that government intervention could change the end result of a strategic game on a market of incomplete competition. The strategic trade policy not only helps domestic manufacturers to transfer profits but also helps them to create an "external economy," therefore adding benefits to the national economy. In the 1990s, the Clinton Administration took strategic trade theory as its mainstream economics of foreign trade policy, and carried out "export dynamic" strategy. Although the U.S. government failed to eliminate the trade deficit, Americas export capabilities have increased by a big margin. The strategic trade policy has greatly contributed to the restoration of Americas international economic competitiveness. The Medicare Program and Its Reform Lu Chunling (81) The Medicare program is a major component of social insurance in the United States. Enacted in 1965, it provides health insurance to two groups of people - people of 65 and above, and disabled people. Its purpose is to increase access to quality health care by the elderly and disabled people, and to reduce their associated financial burden. In the past 37 years, Medicare has experienced reforms in terms of its benefits provided, population covered and payment system. With the fast growing population of 65 and older and a rapid rise of health care cost, a major concern about Medicare is whether there will be enough resources to meet the health care financing needs of the disabled and elderly over time. Recent studies propose various solutions to avoid bankruptcy of the Medicare program in the long run. This study examines these proposed reform plans and points out that rapidly rising cost should not be the target of the reform. A marketoriented approach to solving the Medicare financing problem could lead the reform to a wrong direction. On the other hand, proposals calling for altering the tax revenue base to allow for generating needed revenue should be a feasible and desirable alternative. A Probe into the History of the Ratification of the American Constitution Chu Leping (95) The history of the ratification of the American Constitution is an important component of the founding of the United States of America. The purpose of this essay is to examine the role of the Federalists and AntiFederalists in the course of the ratification of the Constitution through the study of the process of the ratification and the causes and consequences of the ratification of individual states. *** Chiang Yee: A Travel Writer, Artist, and Poet of Chinese origin Zheng Da(108) REVIEWS The Constitutional Origin of American Foreign Relations - Comments on Foreign Affairs and the Constitution by Louis HenkinHu Xiaojin and Ren Donglai(122) A Signpost in the Critical History of Contemporary International Relations Theory - A Review of Neorealism and Its Critics ed. By Robert O. KeohaneGuo Shuyong(137) The Reconstruction of an Idealist Academic Kingdom - A Review of Telling the Truth about History by Joyce Appleby, Lynn Hunt, Margaret JacobZhou Lihong(149) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES A Symposium on U.S. Diplomatic Strategy against the Background of AntiterrorismCao Lingjun(155) New Books(157) Note on Subscription(156) Editor's Note(160)

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