From “Double Containments” to “Double Regulations”: A Historical Investigation of the Postwar U.S.ROK Alliance
作者:王传剑 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
From “Double Containments” to “Double Regulations”: A Historical Investigation of the Postwar U.S.ROK Alliance Wang Chuanjian (31) The discussion of this article is centered on the postwar structural readjustments and functional changes in the U.S.ROK security alliance. To have a clear understanding of the nature and future of the alliance, we should study the historical continuity shown in the transformation from double containments (containing North Korea and communism) to double regulations (regulating North Korea and bigger nations surrounding the Peninsula). The United States persistence in stationing forces in South Korea even after the “North Korean threat” disappears in the future not only directly demonstrates its strategy in AsiaPacific security, but also shows the coping of policy with new security situation in the future. This foretells that a new framework is being planned for the U.S.ROK alliance in which the United States will redefine its role.

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