AMERCIAN STUDIES QUARTERLY,Volume 16,Number 4,Winter 2002
作者:杨洁勉等 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
Winter 2002,Vol. 16, No. 4 ARTICLES United States National Security Strategy and Relations between the Major PowersYang Jiemian(7) The newly released National Security Strategy (NSS) by the Bush administration reflects its assessment of the post Sept. 11 world situation, describes U.S. plans and concepts for world dominance, outlines its national security strategy, stresses counterterrorism and homeland security, and places importance on major power cooperation. The reasons behind its emphasis on major power cooperation are the immediate needs of combating terrorism and its longterm objective of preserving allround supremacy with a view to strengthening ties with its European and Asian allies and readjusting relations with Russia, India and China. In this context, the NSS shows a duality towards ChinaU.S. relations. On the one hand, the Bush administration needs to further its antiterrorism cooperation with China. On the other hand, it harbors concerns and distrust about China. The stated strategies are not necessarily the same as the actual policies. Therefore, we must analyze the NSS in an objective and allround way so as to have an overall assessment and clear direction. Post Cold War USEuropean Security and Defense RelationsZhang Yeliang (21) The end of the cold war has posed serious challenges to the traditional USEuropean security and defense relationship based on NATO alliance. With the change of European security environment and the nature of defense, the strategic focus of the United States and Europe has shifted respectively. The nature and content of USEuropean security and defense relations have also changed in accordance to the progress in EU integration and the further strengthening of American power. The Sept. 11 terrorist attack has not reversed the trend of widening split in USEuropean relations. Rather, its aftermath poses yet another serious challenge to USEuropean relations. Although there are numerous differences on the issues of security and defense between the United States and Europe, such rifts will not become adrift. Coordination and cooperation will still be the keynote in the relationship. Limitation of U.S. Government Efficiency in Solving Urban Social ProblemsLiang Maoxin (48) American cities, as a symbol of U.S. civilization, have been troubled with rampant social problems that coexist with urban prosperity. These problems are not only a partial result of social development but are also related to the low efficiency of the U.S. government. On the one hand, the Constitution of 1787 contains inherent contradictions that cannot be reconciled. On the other hand, the checksandbalances system and the dispersal of government power, together with the diversity of interest groups, have handicapped the process as well as the effectiveness of government policies. Furthermore, administrative agencies, as the executor of law, have often made policy decisions beyond their jurisdiction without being able to implement them. Finally, bureaucrats compete among themselves for power and resources, keeping their efficiency at low levels. The Development and Prospect of Gun Control Movement in the United StatesYuan Zheng (69) The gunholding issue is related to early American history. The current gun control movement emerged in the 1960s and traversed a tortuous path. The debate over gun control involves the relationship between civil liberties on the one hand and government authority and the maintenance of public order on the other. Cultural traditions, values, legal rights, interest group politics and partisan struggle all play a role, thus making the issue highly controversial and extremely complex. Therefore, the movement will continue to traverse a long and tortuous path. The Conflict of Power and Right in the Campaign to Impeach to President Clinton Zhao Yifeng (87) The attempt to impeach Bill Clinton in 1998-99 reflected complex conflicts of the power and right in American political, governmental, and social systems. The Constitution is ambiguous about impeachment although impeachment is the only means to remove a president from office. The Law of Independent Prosecutor caused serious political damages. The supremacy of law and the value of individual rights were difficult to balance. Partisan struggles influenced judiciary processes. Public opinions and elite politics showed significant disparity. This legal case not only reveals many problems in American governmental system but also inspires broader thinking pertaining to national politics and social philosophy. ACADEMIC NOTES The British Common Law Tradition as Reflected in the American ConstitutionRen Donglai(105) REVIEWS Research Guide to the Construction of Neoliberalism: An Interpretation of Power and Interdependence by Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye, JrMen Honghua(111) A Representative Work of Offensive Realism: A Review of The Tragedy of Great Power Politics by John MearsheimerWang Yiwei and Tang Xiaosong(123) Another Realist Interpretation of the Origins of Major War: Review of The Origins of Major War by Dole C. CopelandWei Zongyou(133) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES The Tenth Annual Conference of the American History Research Association of ChinaDai Baoping and Bai Jiancai(142) A Symposium on ChinaUS Relations in the Context of East Asian International RelationsNi Feng(146) A Symposium on Conservative Ideas and US Foreign PolicyRen Xiao and Shen Dingli(150) New Books(154) 2002 American Studies Quarterly Index(157) Note on Subscription(122) Editors Note(160)

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