AMERCIAN STUDIES QUARTERLY,Volume 16,Number 3,Fall 2002
作者:鲍绍霖等 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
AMERICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY Fall 2002Vol. 16, No. 3 ARTICLES Hong Kong: New Factor in SinoU.S. Relations? Danny S. L. Paau(7) The article discusses the U.S. principal policy toward Hong Kong and the U.S. meddling in Hong Kongs affairs, especially the policy and measures it took during the Asian financial crisis and the legal crisis arising from the Court of Final Appeal's decision on the right of abode of Hong Kong residents' children born on the mainland. With the return of Hong Kong to China and the British withdrawal, the United States became more involved in Hong Kong's affairs than the central government of China in a way contrary to usages and its criticism and pressure on the city always enhanced with the deterioration of the Sino-U.S. relationship. Hong Kong needs neither be killed with kindness nor made a scapegoat by the United States in its dealings with China. NeoImperialism and the Integration DoctrineRuan Zongze (36) The notion of neoimperialism has repeatedly appeared in American press recently. Prominent American scholars and opinion leaders are talking about the "New American Empire." The idea of neoimperialism reflects a greater need and desire to fight terrorism, to seek hegemony, and to pursue Americas absolute leadership, absolute security and absolute military superiority. Neoimperialism takes root in America s historical development and results from realistic factors. Some American policymakers view the 9/11 events as resembling the situation of the initial years after the Second World War, believing in the importance of seizing the opportunity to redefine Americas interests and position on international mechanisms. They are proposing the doctrine of integration rather than the policy of containment. For those countries which the United States finds difficult to attain its objective through integration, the tactics of isolation, containment or preemptive strike may be adopted. It remains to be seen whether the United States would suffer from the same fate of selfdestruction by overexpansion as other empires did in history. Changes in U.S. Asian Security Strategy in the Early PostCold War YearsWu Xinbo (50) This article discusses U.S. strategists perceptions of AsianPacific security in the early postCold War period and the debate on how to readjust U.S. security policy in this region accordingly. In analyzing the readjustment of the strategy of the George Bush administration (1989-1992), the article argues that, along with the ending of the Cold War, the administration attempted to change the strategy from "containment plus deterrence" into "equilibrium plus deterrence," taking the growth of Japanese power as a serious problem therein. The change of perception, however, did not alter the security structure, which had been built up during the Cold War period. The limitation to the readjustment shows the Pentagons uncertain attitude toward the development of regional security. As later developments have proved, Washington could bring the existing security mechanisms into full play once any challenge demands a redefinition of its guidelines for AsianPacific security strategy. U.S. Aid and PostWar Economic Reform in Taiwan Niu Ke (66) The article makes an investigation into the American influence on Taiwans economic system and economic policy in the 1950s and early 1960s. As put forth in the article, an important way to exert influence on Taiwan was the shaping of a "trans governmental relationship" between American official agencies in Taiwan and the economic bureaucracies on the island. With peculiar organizations and systemic mechanisms, the relationship became an important basis for economic development in Taiwan and a key factor in the forming of policy and developmental strategy in the early stage after the Chinese civil war. The article then describes how American institutions in Taiwan and Taiwanese economic bureaucrats jointly directed the industrialization through import substitute and the transformation of developmental strategy. Despite the tremendous American influence, however, Taiwans economic model was not a copy of Americas own path of development based on free enterprise. Images of China and the United States in Each Others Major Press: A Comparison between the Peoples Daily and the New York TimesZhai Zheng (88) This article makes an effort to present the national images of China and the United States in each others major press, to analyze the major techniques employed by reporters of the two countries, and to identify the major causes for their differences. It does a case study to compare two leading newspapers, the People s Daily and the New York Times, in their news items on the other nation in the year of 1998. The major method employed in the study is content analysis, which involves both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Press in the United StatesWilliam F. Woo(110) Against the background of a Chinese American reporters viewing angle and professional experience, a few core problems concerning American press are discussed in this article, including freedom of press in the United States, press circles and government relationship, the mission of investigative reporting, due behavior of the press in public crises and challenges American press faces in the new century. Through rethinking the 9.11 events, the author offers the proposal for the improvement of international news report by American press. Accuracy, fairness, objectivity and other principles should still be retained as the foundation for the future, no matter what challenges and changes will be confronted with. U.S. Congress Through the CSPAN Camera: Interaction Between Press and PoliticsShen Guolin(130) By way of studying the founding history, audience structure and employee hiring of CSPAN, the U.S. Congress television station, the article makes an investigation into the relationship between the Congress and the press. It also provides an analysis of congressmens and congresswomens double attitude towards CSPAN and an inspection of certain viewpoints in Western journalism, further delving into the interaction between the American press and politics.. REVIEWS The 150 Years of Chinese Students Studying in the United StatesTsuKai Chu(142) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES An International Symposium on "U.S. Social Development and SinoU.S. Exchanges" Held in ChangchunXie Fei(129) New Books(157) Editors Note(160)

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