Nullification in the Early History of U.S. Constitutional Government
作者:任东来 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
Nullification in the Early History of U.S. Constitutional Government Ren Donglai (87) The U.S. States Rights was an important issue in the early history of U.S. con s titutional government. It is most concentratedly embodied in the nullification. The nullification began to take shape in the Kentucky Resolution of 1798 and the Virginia Resolution of 1798, and developed into finished form in South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification, Nov. 24, 1832. As regards the former two resolution s and the latter ordinance, their theoretical foundations and their ways negatin g congress legislations have wide connections and marked differences as well. As they appeared at different historical periods, their relations with U.S. consti tution and constitutional practices differed from one another.

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