The U.S.Canada Conflict Evoked by the HelmsBurton Act
作者:陈刚 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
The U.S.Canada Conflict Evoked by the HelmsBurton Act Chen Gang(101) With its intended goal of tightening the U.S. embargo against Cuba and speeding the ouster of Fidel Castro, the HelmsBurton (LIBERTAD) Act attempts to apply U . S. law exterritorialy. The U.S. unilateral punishment and sanctions against fore ign traders in property confisticated by the Cuban government first met with int ense opposition from its close neighbor Canada, which often follows the United S tates in international affairs. Disputes and Conflicts between the two countries on the HelmsBurton Act reflect some focuses of international relations in the postCold War era. The conflicts thus aroused cover various fields including di p lomacy, economy, law, politics and culture. The international dispute evoked onc e became a central issue of the international society in the postCold War era. Although the wrangles have been basically settled, those new theoretical and pra ctical issues reflected still exist in the present international community, and will continue to influence the transition of the world order and behavior of ind ividual actors.

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