AMERICAN STUDIES,Winter 2000,Vol. 14, No. 4
作者:张敏谦等 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
AMERICAN STUDIES Winter 2000,Vol. 14, No. 4 ARTICLES AN ANALYSIS OF U.S. GLOBAL STRATEGY: FROM THE NEW WORLD ORDER TO CLINTONISMZhang Minqian(7) Does the United States have a global strategy after the Cold War? If so, what is it? While there is no consensus of opinion yet thereupon, this article focuses the discussion on the latter question, affirming the former. The author holds th at the United States formed a strategy of primacy with flexible response marked with the label of Clintonism in 1994-1997 and established its program of action in global affairs valid until the early part of the 21st century. In the process of implementation, flexible responses will be made in accordance with the chang ing domestic and international situation, but the basic framework of the strateg y will be kept in relative stability. THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATIONS RUSSIA POLICYZhang Yeliang (40) At the beginning of Russian independence, the Clinton administrations strategi c assessment of Russians reform and USRussian relations was strongly imbu ed w ith idealism and optimism. With the setbacks suffered in Russian domestic reform and a growing USRussian dissension, realism gradually became prevailing i n A merican strategic thinking and geostrategic considerations about Russia. At the turn of the century, Russia policy has been reexamined during the transition of the Russian government and the American election. The new U.S. administration wi ll probably continue to carry out Clintons Russia policy and keep its strategi c objectives unchanged. The development of USRussian relations relies chief ly on whether the two countries can achieve desired results and make substantial pr ogress in certain key issue areas and on the overall strategic orientation. ON THE U.S.JAPAN ALLIANCE IN THE 1990SRen Xiao & Liu Xinghan (67 ) The article explores the changes and evolution of the USJapan alliance in the 1990s. During the first years of the Clinton administration U.S. policy toward Japan, driven by the shortterm US economic interests, created acute tensio ns in the alliance. Yet at the close of the decade, the USJapan relationship was turned into a redefined and strengthened alliance due to the perceived fundamen tal mutual interests of the two nations. In the process of change, the US wa s in a dominant position. In the postCold War era, some changes did occur in the asymmetry of power in the alliance and the relationship became less unequal. Yet the asymmetric nature of the alliance remains, with the United States still tak ing the lead. THE BUSH ADMINISTRATIONS DECISION TO SELL F-16 FIGHTERS TO TAIWAN: A CASE STUDY OF THE DECISIVE FACTORS IN AMERICAN CHINA POLICYZhang Qingmin (97) The Chinese are very often puzzled by the inconsistent, sometimes contradictory, positions in US China policy. Scholars in the U.S. have different views on ho w U.S. foreign policies are made. Choosing Washingtons decision to sell F-16 f i ghters to Taiwan in 1992 as a case study, this paper traces George Bushs polic y making process, which shows that changes in the international structure gave Bu sh the necessary leeway with China, and that the pressure of the economy and ele ctoral politics were the sufficient and immediate factors in the decision. Congr essional pressure played some role, but not as big as electoral politics and eco nomic considerations. THE IMPACT OF ELECTRONIC BUSINESS ON U.S. ECONOMYWei Wei(123) Along with the development of the Internet, the electronic business grows as a n ew form of transaction. First appearing in the United States, it is no longer si mply trade of commodities by the Internet. Being new and developing , it infilt rates into many industries of the traditional economy, influencing and changing their forms of operation and making great impact on future economic development and economic pattern. Furthermore, the highspeed development of electronic bus i ness poses challenges to current economic policies, laws and regulations. The U. S. government attaches great importance to, works out advantageous policies for, and creates appropriate environment for the electronic business. The highly dev eloped economic system and high technologies in the United States provide import ant material conditions for its growth. RANDOM NOTE INTERPRETING THE PAST IN A NEW PRESENT: BRIEF ENCOUNTERS WITH HISTORY AND HISTORIANS IN CHINAEric Foner(146) ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES THE SYMPOSIUM ON “U.S. YEAR 2000 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND AMERICAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY” HELD IN BEIJINGTao Wenzhao(145) A SUMMARY OF THE SYMPOSIUM ON THE PRESENT SITUATION OF ARMS CONTROLFan Jishe(153) NEW BOOKS(156) 2000 AMERICAN STUDIES INDEX(157) EDITORS NOTE (160)

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