AMERICAN STUDIES,Summer 1999,Vol. 13, No. 2
作者:赵怀普等 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
AMERICAN STUDIES Summer 1999,Vol. 13, No. 2 ARTICLES POSTWAR U.S. POLICY TOWARDS THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATIONZhao Huaipu(7) Out of the concern of its global strategy and selfinterest, the United States e xtended overall support to the European integration in postwar years. In the 196 0s, U.S. considerations were complicated by the aggravating U.S. financial defic it and French president de Gaulles challenge to U.S. hegemony in Europe. U.S. s upport to the integration was then conditioned within the framework of the Atlan tic Alliance, and this policy line was maintained by all the American administra tions thereafter. The United States will possibly continue its assistance to the integration process as long as American status and role in the Western world ar e not thereby affected. Nevertheless, the support will be weakened or even vanish once the integration goes beyond the scope of American interests. DEMOCRATIC PEACE AND ITS IMPACT ON U.S. POSTCOLD WAR FOREIGN POLICYZheng Anguang (31) Close attention has been paid to the theory of democratic peace, a discourse of great concern to Western scholars of international relations represented by some American scholars. Its basic idea originated as early as the 18th century from Immunuel Kants theme of “perpetual peace” under republicanism. Summing it u p a s “empirical facts”, many American scholars hold that democratic states rarely r esort to force against one another because such practice is contrary to democrac y. Clashes, they believe, are more apt to happen between autocracies and between an autocracy and a democracy. Hence the theory bas bec ome the guiding principle for the United States in foreign policy making. Despit e all its weakness, it helps us understand the U.S. postcold War foreign polic y from a new angle. U.S. TIBET POLICY AND THE ORIGIN OF TIBETAN ISSUELi Ye and Wang Zhongchun (52) Based on declassified U.S. government documents, this article analyzes in detail U.S. meddling in Tibetan affairs, its role in plotting the Dalai Lama cliques fleeing the country, and describes how the Tibetan issue was internationalized. The authors hold that U.S. policy toward Tibet inherited the British theory tha t China had exercised only “suzerainty” over Tibet, thus denying Chinas sove reighty over this territory. This policy took shape during Cold War years, with its basic aim at supporting the activities for “Tibetan independence” of Dalai Lama sepratists, backed by the broader strategy to contain China. Regrettably, the policy has undergone little change for so many years, even after the end of the Cold War. DYNAMICS OF THE SOUTHERN RENAISSANCEXiao Minghan (77) After World War I, culture and literature flourished unprecedentedly in the Amer ican South, which is referred to as the Southern Renaissance. It arised, the aut hor argues, in an era when historical changes were taking place in the South. It was the product that modernization dashed against the traditional society and m odes of thought, the result that the modernist movement combined with the Southe rn literary tradition, and an achievement that the Southern writers and schol ars deeply selfexamined and explored into the history, society and culture in the South. CONFLICT BETWEEN MODERNIZATION AND ANTIMODERNIZATION: KEN KESEYS ONE FLEW THE CUCKOOS NESTBian Mudong (98) Built on the basis of modernization, the American civilization is nonetheless en cumbered with modernization itself and thus results in conflict. The way to solv e the dilemma is merely fleeing and keeping away from modern civilization. This is the gist of One Flew the Cuckoos Nest, a novel by the Ameri can writer Ken Ke sey. While the idealistic idyllic dream can hardly come true, the author makes a n assessment of the antimodernization showing both its good points and shortco mings. MODERN AMERICAN FEMINISMZhang Liping(113) Commenting on the six schools of thought of the modern American Feminism, the au thor holds that it has become rich and colorful after absorbing a lot of theoret ical concepts and after making a summary of the feminist thinking. By broadening ones horizon, it provides a new angle to approach social and political issues and a powerful ideological weapon for the enhancement of womens status and for the elimination of sexbased discrimination. However, nondialectical viewpoin ts prevail therein, such as prizing equality above liberty, antagonism above unity and groups above individuals. As theories, they look jumbled, disorderly and se lfcontradictory. THE IMPACT OF THE 1905 CHINESE BOYCOTTS ON SINOAMERICAN RELATIONSWang Lixin(134) The article argues that the Chinese boycotts against American goods in 1905 were not pure commercial activities, exerting an influence far beyond the economic d omain. The movement not only rendered large amount of American goods unsalable a nd sharply decreased their export to China, but also impaired the good image of the United States in Chinese hearts, aroused widespread malice among Chinese peo ple, damaged American missionary undertakings in China and weakened the impact o f American culture on China. ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES A SUMMARY OF THE SYMPOSIUM ON “ARM CONTROL AND THE SINOU.S. RELATIONSHIP”Fan Jishe(149) SIDELIGHTS ON A SYMPOSIUM COMMEMORATING THE LATE MR. DONG LESHAN(153) NEW BOOKS(155) EDITORS NOTE (160)

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