The Politics of Demonstration and the Combat against the Tudeh Party: the Point Four Program in Iran(Yu Gongde)
作者:余功德 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
The Politics of Demonstration and the Combat against the Tudeh Party: the Point Four Program in Iran(Yu Gongde) According to the containment strategy of the Cold War, the U.S. government implemented the Point Four Program in Iran out of concern over the rapid growth of the communist party Tudeh. To combat the appeal of the communist ideal among the Iranians, the U.S. government underlined the importance of demonstration and devoted to spreading an ideal of progress and a mode of development by carrying out the Program. Through the war of ideals, the U.S. government hoped to win the hearts of the Iranian people against the Tudeh Party, but it was not successful in the end.

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