On the Sino-U.S. Relationship in Cyberspace and Outer Space in the Information Age(Gao Wanglai)
作者:高望来 来源: 时间:2015-07-02
Both cyberspace and outer space have become key strategic spaces in the Information Age. The U.S. national security documents of recent years have expanded the scope of U.S. strategic interests by adding cyberspace and outer space as their new dimensions. In the information spaces, the United States pursues an aggressive and preemptive policy to seek full spectrum dominance. There are huge gaps between China and the U.S. in cyberspace and outerspace technologies. In the future, China and the United States can start their cooperation from the nonsensitive and nonmilitary areas with other joint efforts of multilateral cooperation, and broaden the agenda of cooperation through innovative thinking, so as to establish a more stable order of the information spaces.

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